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Quality of car for an AACA show, or "Is my car good enough?"

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Firstly, I apologize for my ignorance in asking this question. 

I am on the younger side and have never been to an AACA meet, nor really anything more than local shows.  With this years AACA Eastern Spring Nationals being in Saratoga, which is only ~50mi away, I can drive my '24 Model T over.


Leading to the question in the title. My car is far from a perfect restoration, it's an honest car, but the paint is past its prime and it is rough around the edges. It's all stock minus the rear brakes.

I have read the brochure and rules and while I think DPC is the class for me, I figured I'd ask before I actually registered.


I will attempt to attach a picture




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That's a neat T!  I have a '14 that's not that nice, but I drive it everywhere.


If you go for DPC, you'll be in with a large number of much more modern cars.  What I have done at Hershey is to enter my car in the appropriate judging class, but elect not to have it judged.  You'll be parked with other Ts (if any show up) and early cars.  Most of the others will be polished to a degree never seen when new, but so what?  Their owners are friendly, and you'll have the best seat in the house.

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You can register it in either DPC or Class 11. From the photos, I would guess that in DPC, your car would receive a DPC certification. In Class 11, your car would likely receive a 2nd Junior or a 3rd Junior. Either choice is fine, and up to you. I would suggest you join a local AACA Region and/or Chapter in your area and get to know some other experienced local AACA members. They would probably be happy to look at your car in person and give you their best advice based on the condition of the car and what you are looking for. No matter which class you choose, you should have a good time at the show.

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1 hour ago, oldcarfudd said:

What I have done at Hershey is to enter my car in the appropriate judging class, but elect not to have it judged.  You'll be parked with other Ts (if any show up) and early cars.  

I like this idea, and that's what I always do with

the car I take.  Enter it in its class and check the

registration form as "Do Not Judge."


Your Model T will be among other cars of its

era, especially Model T's, so you can talk easily

to other owners if you're sitting near your car.


Welcome in advance to your first national meet!

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Thank you all for the advice,

I believe my nearest local chapter is actually the Saratoga chapter that is hosting the meet, so reaching out to them is a fine idea.  I didn't see anything regarding the possibility of Do Not Judge in the rules it, but that's what I do at the local VAE show so I don't waste their time.


If I make it to the show I promise I'll take out my sons car seat before the judges arrive. 🙂

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Well see you there. I'll be instructing a class for judges on Model Ts. It should begin at 9:30 at the Model Ts. Hopefully there will be a few there.  You would be welcome to sit in and observe. We might use your car to point out a few things if you agree to that. 


The "do not judge" option is a simple check box on the registration form. 


Looking forward to meeting you and seeing your car.




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Terry you may use my car as a guinea pig as you wish. I haven't been in the game long, so there is always something to learn on my end.

Although fair warning if the weather acts up I'm not quite adventurous enough to drive the T for 2.5 hrs in the rain.


Is the 100 year badge given for showing up, or do you need to be judged?




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The 100 year plaque will be presented by the AACA President on the field  if your car is entered and present you'll receive it. Having it judged is not required.


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I would recommend class judging if you are unsure of what you want to do with it.  If you go with DPC, you cannot change to class judging for 10 years unless you undertake significant restoration of the car and then return your DPC grill badge to National and request a transfer to class judging.

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Like others have said, I believe you'll have much more fun in the regular judged class with "Do Not Judge." I used to do that with my 1940 Packard until I got stupid and started fixing it up. Now it's an AACA Senior car.

Welcome to the AACA and Welcome to the AACA Forum.

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Once again thank you for the responses, you never know how this kind of post will go.

For this meet I will likely enter it as class 11 'do not judge' and see what happens.


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Is HPOF another option for MKohl-VT?  He mentioned it was all stock minus the rear brakes. I showed one of my cars in that class the past 2 SE Nationals and had a great time.  He can still interact with the other Model T owners, although having his car shown with them does have its advantages.
Note: I have interpreted stock to be the same as original, if that is not the proper interpretation, then HPOF would not be the right class

To answer your question in the title. Your car is more than good enough!  Good luck and have fun in Saratoga!

Edited by CChinn (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, 61polara said:

I would recommend class judging if you are unsure of what you want to do with it.  If you go with DPC, you cannot change to class judging for 10 years unless you undertake significant restoration of the car and then return your DPC grill badge to National and request a transfer to class judging.

I would also recommend class judging as 61polara stated.  Get the car judged.  After the meet, request a copy of the judging sheet from the VP of Judging to see what areas you received deductions on.  Then, if you choose, you can make improvements to try to get a higher award in the future.


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I'm planning to bring my '38 Century to Saratoga (my first AACA meet) and had the same uncertainty about what class to enter.  Ultimately I decided to just enter it in the appropriate judging class and see what happens.  My car was cosmetically restored by the previous owner, so it looks good but it's not perfect either.  I have no expectations (and may still opt-out of judging) but, I figure if I have it judged I'll at least have some idea of areas where to focus future updates to get the biggest bang for the buck...  ;)

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To MK and Emtee I would say, put them in a class and get them judged. I looked at a car that the owner had recently purchased. It was really nice but had a lot of things wrong in the engine compartment. Hoses, clamps etc. One of the judges was very knowledgeable with the make and offered a lot of advice to the owner. The owner was very happy and gave him inspiration to make it better if he so desired.

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I hope you do drive over. I hope to be there. Just as a spectator but I'm always happy to see a T. 

There's a Capital District T club, I checked my photos from the Saratoga Automobile Museum show I saw them displayed at, but it appears I didn't photograph the sign, only the cars. I'm guessing you are based out of Vermont but it might not be a bad idea to search them up and make contact. 

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