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Thanks for this Thread

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I just wanted to thank 6T-FinSeeker, 58L-Y8 and all the others who regularly haunt Craigslist, FB Marketplace and other sites and spend time feeding this thread. Not only do we see many interesting and sometimes bizarre offerings but we are able to add more pithy comments about the vehicles, definitely a guilty pleasure. Keep up the good work!

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The thrill of the chase is always a guilty pleasure!  But I’m still stunned at the variety of vehicles that come out of the woodwork on sites that rarely manage to present accurate information.  I enjoy posting them here from time to time.  As my now 86 years old Dad says, “there will always be another deal around the corner...”

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I have a problem with this thread - especially when everyone agrees that the “deal is good” and “shouldn’t last long.” I begin to think…and sweat, and rearrange my limited space and resources in my head, and picture myself in the vehicle and in my collection. I then snap out of it and close my lap top, only to return..over and over again. You do not know how dangerously close I was to making an offer on that white/red interior 65 Pontiac Bonneville convertible a few months back. My first stop every morning with my coffee…(afternoon, evening, bedtime…oh well.) Agree!

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You are all welcome!  We are all habitual, inveterate old car shoppers in pursuit of that next find of our dreams.  What better way to find them and/or share finds with others who may be pursuing that particular car of choice if not ours.  


A secondary motivation is to highlight how many really good cars of all types are still out there for realistic, still affordable prices if one broadens one's outlook to include a great variety of makes, years and models.   The badly skewed image presented by the auctions and their high sale prices lead too many to view old car ownership as beyond their resources.  


One further benefit one hopes may come from this activity is a greater variety of cars appearing at local shows and cruise nights.  Currently, the selection is depressingly narrowly focused on muscle cars, late model performance cars and street rods.  

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AMEN !  The not mine section is not to be missed. 6T-FinSeeker, 58L-Y8 and all the others likely don't know how much they are appreciated. I find it enjoyable, educational and entertaining. And Giftman is correct, that 1965 Bonneville Convertible was a great buy, I am also minorly haunted by its memory. 

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Amen .When i look at this site and my wife sees it she always asks me when i will stop bying cars .She always says  that  i have to many cars already .I know it also but i can't keep my eyes of this site .Every day something new turns up .Thanks to all the people who post here !

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Right O! I used to haunt Bring A Trailer, but as a recovering Porsche person, I have learned there is much more to life and I really like the community here. 

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3 hours ago, Leif in Calif said:

Right O! I used to haunt Bring A Trailer, but as a recovering Porsche person, I have learned there is much more to life and I really like the community here. 

Indeed, there is a pantheon of automotive history, and to paraphrase Aunt Mame "automotive history is a banquet and those poor blighters are starving to death!"  

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I too enjoy this site as it allows me to "dream and scheme" about buying and working on some of the vehicles presented here; planning the road trip to get the vehicle and so on, so it's like an escape mechanism. I'm a DIYer and there is quite a variety of cars here to ponder over working on. Once in a while I visit the Bring a Trailer site, however for me it is now loaded up with what I refer to as "exotics and erotics", and most of them I would not be able to come up with a 10% deposit let alone the purchase price. So thanks to the guys that keep posting these not mine cars for sale. Keep it going.

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