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Quirky And Unusual Custom Bodied Cars

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I have a few photos of some interesting custom Coles I love the unusual and bizarre  cars especially from the teens. I would love to see any unique custom car photos you have or maybe even some photos of unusual surviving cars! 4ADD12BE-9032-4034-B731-CBE7327FDE36.jpeg.7c24a609b6b8d4ec25878b4065179221.jpeg
This first custom Cole was built for princess Victoria and no she was not a real princess it was her stage name. She was an entertainer at many shows and circuses of the day. A quote in an old article states "World's smallest Little Lady, Born at Melbourne, Australia. Age 23 Years. Weight 19 3/4 Lbs. Height 25 1/2 Inches. The smallest entertainer the world has ever known." She lived in Texas as well and the guy on the back and the passenger for her personal security guards! 


71FC9F5A-FCDA-4286-B418-A0D1AD8FF97C.jpeg.6083658ad193f247e26ed4339f3f395f.jpegthis last photo here I don’t have as much knowledge about but I do know it was custom built for the owner of a shoe shop definitely an unusual car. Wish both these cars were still here today! 

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11 minutes ago, 8E45E said:

Start here-------------->  http://www.coachbuilt.com/



Thank you I appreciate it very much  but I am already quite familiar with that website and have been to the ccca museum at the Gilmore many times where they keep all the literature on the custom coach companies. I am just looking for people to post any photos/stories about the interesting car they have a picture of. Plus I wanted to share those coles. Thank you again for the advice though:)

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Trust me, I love those Cole photos.  Especially the top one with a staircase to access the rear seat.  (The very first 'special needs' adapted vehicle?)


I provided the link as it shows many unusual cars with the history of the coachbuilder.    


One of my favorites is the Gregorie 'Triple berline de voyage'.  I remember seeing it as a Matchbox 'Models of Yesteryear', but never did own it.  It was a true self-propelled stagecoach.



Edited by 8E45E (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Cole motor car lover said:

have been to the ccca museum at the Gilmore many times where they keep all the literature on the custom coach companies.

That museum has good material but to perhaps clarify a bit, they do not have all the archives of the custom coach builders that were maintained - ie what was built for who, photographs of all of this. This is not a put down, just want people to know they won't go there and be handed a file about their car! There were many coach builders , I have volumes of hard bound books for 1918 - 1925 era that were published and list all the wagon, coach, car coach builders and their names , address, and company officers in detail by state, town etc. These were produced by the Ware Bros. publishing company in Philadelphia.

In my archives I have the photograph albums that were created for the Willoughby Company of Utica, NY from the horse drawn era when they produced sleighs until their demise in 1938. These were created for Francis Willoughby, and I purchased them at an antique show nearly 40 years ago just south of the Willoughby plat in Utica. Part 1 of the WIlloughby story will be forthcoming in the next issue of Crankshaft magazine.

I shared a period photo of a Cole with Willoughby body on it with someone here and asked it not be posted ( I knew what I was writing would be a published story) , then it was with no credit to me, so nothing further will ever be shared about that with anyone due to the disrespect and careless regard I was subject to.

Edited by Walt G
spelling correction (see edit history)
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28 minutes ago, Walt G said:

That museum has good material but to perhaps clarify a bit, they do not have all the archives of the custom coach builders that were maintained - ie what was built for who, photographs of all of this. This is not a put down, just want people to know they won't go there and be handed a file about their car! There were many coach builders , I have volumes of hard bound books for 1918 - 1925 era that were published and list all the wagon, coach, car coach builders and their names , address, and company officers in detail by state, town etc. These were produced by the Ware Bros. publishing company in Philadelphia.

In my archives I have the photograph albums that were created for the Willoughby Company of Utica, NY from the horse drawn era when they produced sleighs until their demise in 1938. These were created for Francis Willoughby, and I purchased them at an antique show nearly 40 years ago just south of the Willoughby plat in Utica. Part 1 of the WIlloughby story will be forthcoming in the next issue of Crankshaft magazine.

I shared a period photo of a Cole with Willoughby body on it with someone here and asked it not be posted ( I knew what I was writing would be a published story) , then it was with no credit to me, so nothing further will ever be shared about that with anyone due to the disrespect and careless regard I was subject to.

Correct I didn’t mean as in they have all of the files on every custom car as that would be impossible for anyone or museum I just meant they have many original pieces of literature there. In fact the Gilmore and that museum have many original artifacts and pieces of literature for many different makes of cars not just ccca cars that will most likely never see the day light again sadly I only know this as I used to volunteer there and have seen first hand what they do with things that should be displayed it is my one hatred of that place otherwise it is one of the best car museums I have been too just sad how the treat some things. But anyways I feel like everyone has missed the point of this post I wanted to see other people post some of their favorite unique custom body cars. I am not seeking more knowledge on the body makers themselves just thought it would be a fun forum post but it seems everyone is assuming I am looking for information about the different body makers I just want to see photos of other quirky custom bodies that’s all. But yes your comment is very accurate and I did not intend for my comment to imply they would have a file for everyone so my dearest apologies.

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Thanks for taking the time to clear up a bit more what direction you wanted the thread to take. Appreciate that.

I have been to the Gilmore complex, as you state great place ; but a bit remote to get to easily - you need a car, even if you fly by plane into Kalamazoo or Detroit to get near there .

It is great in summer weather, but once it gets cold the open fields to get to the assorted museum buildings are for the healthy only.

One of the best and easiest collections /libraries of material to access is at the AACA headquarters. If one member of the family wants to visit AACA there are kid friendly attractions very very close by, so it is a family affair . Also decent airports are not to far away, as are major interstate highways .

I hope the new head of the CCCA museum and archives is more cordial then the past head of the collection. A bit frosty and "superior" in attitude was what I experienced more often then not some years ago and I know that atmosphere turned off some possible donations . No issue with that at all at the AACA library - amazingly wonderful and great attitudes by all .

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14 hours ago, wayne sheldon said:

Maybe I can give a push to help get things rolling?

Just a model T Ford, but definitely quirky.


Picture has been on dozens of websites for many years, so I have no idea who to thank for it.


That’s amazing!!! Thank you so very much and exactly what I was looking to see from all of knowledgeable collectors and enthusiasts! Man idk why but stuff like that is my favorite just very unique and something you’ll probably never see again. Thank you!

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18 minutes ago, 58L-Y8 said:

OH NO! Father Divine's J Duesenberg "Bus" !!!

Duesenberg J - Father Divine's Bus b.jpg


The proper term is .... "Duesenbarge!"

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But hey guys - "It's Divine"  and from the picture I am guessing that it is at PB , you know where Fred Flintstone's daughter "Pebble" was born, the most worshipful car event on the face of the planet according to the elite.

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19 hours ago, 28 Chrysler said:

This is all I know

land barge 2.jpg

A newer Class 8 truck with Air Ride cab comes to mind.   Same principles applied 90 years earlier for extra efforts at isolating the privileged owner from excessive road shock.



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2 hours ago, wayne sheldon said:

Quirky? I would say so. I don't know what the car is, but I bet someone had fun painting it!

Probably some theatre group? Maybe Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?

I believe that is a Cunningham V8 from around 1920.

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