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Someone must have a clear understand of how they both work. We are here on the WEBSITE, so what am I missing by not being a FACEBOOK member? If you are a fan of both please explain why there are two different sites, why one is somehow better etc. I'm on the internet and can look up just about anything I want. WHY does FACEBOOK exist is it some type of dual world, parallel universe? What is the deal? PC - MAC, Ford - Chevy? What can one do that the other doesn't? Bob

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As far as I'm concerned, you're not missing anything by not being on Facebook. I do it for purely business purposes (the dealership has a Facebook page) but I don't use it personally. We've never had an E-mail, call, or any kind of reference from our Facebook presence, so I think it's vastly over-blown as a marketing medium, which is its only possible application in my life.

I don't use it because it's a data mine. Think about it: the thing makes BILLIONS of dollars, yet it's free. Why? Because YOU are the product they're selling! They're selling your information to others, primarily your habits, likes and dislikes, and other personal details that will be used to solicit you in other areas. And if you think that's no big deal, a friend of mine started receiving baby product catalogs about a week after she learned she was pregnant, but had told nobody, including her parents--Facebook knew simply because of what she was LOOKING at online. It's downright creepy. If you value your privacy at all, I think Facebook is a mistake and I've honestly never found anything there of value. It's probably good for staying in touch with distant family and friends and you can keep things private (you really have to work at it, though), but for accessing the AACA and old cars in general, I think this website and the Internet in general are far superior. There's nothing on Facebook that you can't find elsewhere, and much of it is far, far worse. There are truly terrifying corners of Facebook where people so stupid live that you'll be ashamed to be the same species.

This is all my opinion, of course, and I'll openly state that I HATE Facebook, but I strongly doubt you're missing anything by not being there and you may end up giving up quite a lot to use it. Just my $0.02 (or less).

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My family uses Facebook to keep up with each other. I do not know what happened to their telephone systems????

Unlike the telephone, its tells the world what you are doing. Works wonderfully for crooks and robbers who like to know when you go on vacation.:)

I will say one thing in favor of Facebook: The links and you-tubes of my musically inclined son's exploits! It's fun to see the reaction of his fans!

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Bob and Matt,

I couldn't agree more, Facebook is a useless cesspool. Too much drama and embarrassment from some folks. Privacy concerns is the other issue. I refuse to join even to keep up with other family members. My telephone and email still work fine, as does the USPS.

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I concur. I've never even joined Facebook. I don't understand why I need to. I'm really annoyed with companies that entice me to "like" them on FB for some reason (presumably so that they can then spam me with sales messages...).

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Like 39BuickEight I wasn't aware that there was an AACA page on FB. But I will check it out.

FB isn't for everyone. I got into it about three and a half years ago to find friends that I grew up with and at some point they had moved away and we lost touch, or friends that I met along the way until the present time. So far I have found quite a few. It is a world wide meeting place.

It also is helpful with a new activity that Bill and I have begun to enjoy, which is being foster people for dogs that were in a shelter and need to be out for at least two weeks to then go to a rescue. They then get on a transport of some kind, vehicle or even a free plane ride to the rescue group that paid to pull them from local animal shelters. And then on to their new family that has adopted them from out of state. We also help with the transports of dogs that are making their way through our area to get from point A to point B.

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I already waste too much time on the Internet, so won't add further distractions to my life by subscribing to Facebook.

However, I'd think the AACA needs to keep the lines open to potential younger members, which probably means maintaining a Facebook page (and participating in other social media as well).

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Jon37, exactly. The younger generation uses social media now. And now all ages have joined in. A friend of mine in the Dalmatian community now has her mother living with her. Which took her mom out of her neighborhood and away from her senior friends. She is in the process of teaching her mom to use Skype and FB to see her friends in addition to being able to talk with them on FB and share things like photos.

Social media isn't all bad. Yes, you should have your account closed to all but people you know or meet along the way and trust. There are ways to do that. And you don't post when you will be away from home, etc.

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I agree that unless you are looking for long lost friends, or family, your not missing anything. A bit of a place to waste time that could be put to better use doing other things. I look at this site before I look at Facebook. I connected a few years ago just to find old class mates for a Reunion. Dandy Dave!

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Guest Nancy DeWitt

Our museum uses our Facebook page to promote upcoming events, share photos of cars, and link to our latest blog posts, videos and other news. Compared to a web page, it's easy to update in seconds and is FREE--although for a measly $10 I can promote a post to an extra 2,000 people, which is much more effective than a more costly newspaper ad (and hardly anyone buys our newspaper anymore). Our "fans" tell me they enjoy our posts. No one has to have their own Facebook account to view our page, but they do if they want to leave a comment.

I follow a number of museums and car clubs that have Facebook pages. These are very different animals from this Forum, the latter of which is easily categorized into topics, is searchable, and fosters more comments--even months or years after the original post. I like following both but get weary of the insults flung at Facebook users. Yeah, there are stupid ones out there, but you certainly don't have to follow them.

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Guest Nancy DeWitt

Hmmm, I average a post a day on our Facebook page, which would probably get a little obnoxious on this forum (or sound very commercial in some cases). On Facebook, the people getting our posts are there by choice, and not really interested in discussing a topic. I don't know if folks here really want to see my posts on historic clothing, renting the museum for a holiday party, or an event that is happening tomorrow in Fairbanks. But, I could be better about putting some of the other posts here since there is little overlap in the audiences. Check out our page and let me know if you think there is content that should be shared here. Note that if you click on "Photos" and then "Albums" near the top of our page you can see what's in our gift shop, photos from past car shows, pictures of cars, even photos from other museums. There are also tabs for Events (including details on our June 21 car show), TripAdvisor reviews of the museum, and links to our blog posts. All of our material is packaged together, unlike how it would be here.

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Facebook is ideal for small entities who need a free means by which to disseminate information, either to the general public or their page's members, depending on what settings they have chosen. Once an organization is well funded and can afford a forum of their own, that is generally better for reasons made clear already. There is a benefit to having a Facebook presence even if you have a forum in the sense that younger people may only find out about your group from a post on Facebook that has been "shared" with them or a friend's page. You see, that exponential and instantaneous "viral" spreading of info is what makes Facebook useful for certain things, like anything use the right tool for the job.

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I think we all know that between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a host of other social media there is more than the average person can keep up with or needs to. AACA does have a Facebook account and it is currently host to mostly car folks from around the world who are not necessarily members but like having a car site to go to and an ability to promote their businesses or their likes. It is just a community of mostly like minded people or people who have an interest in what is going on with AACA.

AACA has one since it does reach a different audience for the most part and because we need to open as many lines of communication as possible. It is just a different audience then most forums and used for some similar but also some vastly different reasons. Facebook is more about entertainment then what we do on the Forums. David's amazing photo posts work great for both venues but anything technical is best left for a forum.

Personally I am on Facebook. Not very active but it helps me keep up with friends in the hobby, friends from other parts of my life and family. I enjoy checking it out every few days and seeing the latest in the lives of people I care about. When I post, it gets disseminated among a wide group without having to remember the email addresses, etc. Those that could care less what I post can ignore and those that find it of interest can respond.

Bob, you have asked this question before. There is not a right or wrong answer. One is not better than the other..it is just what you like. I will give you an instance of a recent great use of Facebook. World renown photographer Michael Furman over the last month was in India on a trip with Phil Neff for a car related function and more. Michael and Phil were able to send amazing photos of a life few of us would ever know about by basically a click of a button versus searching for email addresses and maybe missing someone. It also reached out to car fans, their families, the photographic community, etc. It simply reached a bigger spectrum of people then just one using one forum.

Just my opinion, judging from the past ten years on this forum I think your interests line up more with forums.

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1937hd45, FB can be used as an open or closed forum for your posts and photos. It depends on how you set your security settings. You can actually block some people from sending requests to you and/or block them from being able to see what you post, unless you post a reply on someone else's page that you happen to be mutual friends with. Then that person you banned can see it.

You can post photos and videos for others to see and enjoy. And pretty much anything you would like to share with others.

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Bob, let me tell you about my wonderful experience with Facebook after friends and family talked me into joining. I figured I'd go along with their request and post a few photos of when I was in Vietnam in case some old service buddies wanted to look me up. No personal information, no friends, no mention of relatives or links to same. Within in several days some clown was posting stuff on my daughter's facebook page claiming to be me! I have no idea how the link was made as there was no connection whatsoever anywhere on the net that she was my daughter living on the other side of the country with a married name change. That was my last time on Facebook.

Howard Dennis

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A friend told me about the Facebook Garage Sale page for our local area. I signed up not using picture or a biography,just my own name. Soon I had lots of middle to older age women wanting to be my friend. I quit. SO far i've met no forward women on the AACA site. Good thing, we just celebrated our 47th Anniversary.

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I'm reading a book about the first Indianapolis 500 which talks about people's resistance to the automobile back then. To paraphrase the reaction at the time: "not necessary", "it's not safe", "the old way worked just fine", and on and on. Sound familiar? I'm an avid Facebook user because it allows me to connect with friends, family, business, news media and more in a way that was not possible before. Like the automobile a century ago, I'd describe Facebook as innovative and transformative technology.

PS: It's also ironic to me that people express concerns about privacy, then post a list of valuable cars they own, their full name and the part of the country they live in.

Edited by Buick64C
Typo (see edit history)
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I have friends that communicate with me by mail, some by email, some by telephone, some by forums such as this, and many by facebook. Some use more than one type of media depending on what they are sharing; others may only use one one type of media exclusively. Some Facebook comments I post publicly, others I do with private messages just as I do on this site. Since I have close to 200 Facebook friends and many of them are close relatives Facebook is an important part of my life and it allows me to easily maintain contact with people in several different countries.

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Guest Carmela

My son is travelling out west rock climbing. Facebook allows me to see some of the things he is doing.....some of it is pretty scary to see....but it is much better than a phone call. I try to get on once every evening g to see what my 21 year old dare devil might have posted. Great supplement to a weekly call. I'm grateful for it.

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Hmmm, I average a post a day on our Facebook page, which would probably get a little obnoxious on this forum (or sound very commercial in some cases). On Facebook, the people getting our posts are there by choice, and not really interested in discussing a topic. I don't know if folks here really want to see my posts on historic clothing, renting the museum for a holiday party, or an event that is happening tomorrow in Fairbanks. But, I could be better about putting some of the other posts here since there is little overlap in the audiences. Check out our page and let me know if you think there is content that should be shared here. Note that if you click on "Photos" and then "Albums" near the top of our page you can see what's in our gift shop, photos from past car shows, pictures of cars, even photos from other museums. There are also tabs for Events (including details on our June 21 car show), TripAdvisor reviews of the museum, and links to our blog posts. All of our material is packaged together, unlike how it would be here.


Many of us have more than one post per day and in various sections of this website. Many of us, are also quite obnoxious at times. There are sections for "historic clothing", and a lot of us talk about meets that we are having, etc. Then when the event is finished, pictures are posted for all to enjoy. I really cannot see how posting any of this AACA event information on Facebook, where I will not see it would benefit any more than posting it here for "AACA Paid members" to enjoy. This is an AACA website and I spend at least an hour, if not more browsing the different sections of the forum on a nightly basis.

Just confusing how you present the facts.................Matt

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Guest Nancy DeWitt

Matt, I'm a little confused by your comment. The original question asked what the difference is between posting something here on the forum versus Facebook. I don't post AACA event info or photos on our museum's Facebook page. That kind of thing certainly belongs here, and if the poster wants to put that on his or her FB page too so his or her friends can enjoy some car photos, that is great.

We have a completely different audience for our museum's Facebook page than this forum, 49% of which are women, probably 80% live in Fairbanks, and I bet at least half of them are not "car people." It is a perfect medium for targeting our members, repeat customers, and the media.

I have posted in several of the subforums here, including the historic clothing site (although I don't get much response in any except this one). I enjoy this forum for getting and giving advice, sharing photos, and reading interesting threads. I only have time for a quick check of it most days, as it's all I can do to keep up with the museum's social media accounts, other forums, blogs, etc. If I had more time I'd post here more!

By the way, I've had a personal Facebook page since 2009 and have never had any creeps or strangers contact me through it. I guess it's all in how you set your privacy settings.

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By the way, I've had a personal Facebook page since 2009 and have never had any creeps or strangers contact me through it.

Maybe ol Dandy Dave can help you out. I'll see if I have a picture of me in my Halloween suit. :P Then you can say you had at least one. ;)

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