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Forum Breakfast South Bend Wrap up


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When I first heard that Lamar would be unable to attend this years forum breakfast, I was very disappointed. This breakfast is not a formal BCA event, but since it’s beginning, it has been a highlight of the meet in my opinion. We all share a big advantage over other BCA members in that with our daily interactions we are like old college friends who have stuck together through the test of time. Anyone in that room could have struck up a conversation with anyone else in that room, because over our time here, we have come to know more about each other than many others in the BCA can claim. So I was sure everyone, including myself, would miss the big guy who had been there for just about everyone of these events.

But, his absence represented an opportunity to correct a situation that some of us knew about but couldn’t fix on the internet. You see, Lamar had taken on a role in this event that far surpassed moderating the Forum Flea Market Swap as I like to call it. Over the last several years he initiated the Buickman awards, and designed and funded the purchase of appropriate apparel and certificates as well as the door prizes we all came to enjoy. So here was a chance to right this situation.

During the Breakfast this situation was exposed to the members in attendance and an impromptu collection was taken up to in some way repay MrEarl for all his generosity. The bowl was placed on the empty lounge chair and it was left up to the attendees discretion. And from their hearts we collected $142.00 to send to Lamar, with a big THANK YOU FRIEND, for all you’ve done to make our Nationals more memorable.

I would like to thank everyone in attendance for a grand time, and your individual generosity too. Special thank to Robert and Jessica Trail for taking the photos. Although I did not get to taste the vegimite nor drink the serbian brandy, I still had a wonderful time with you all, and look forward to next year in Portland.


Till then I'll tip yet another one to all of you


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Lamar, Just so you know, the check is in the mail (not yet, really). It will follow along with you gift, but I sure need to make sure I get it packed properly. I only broke the hotel's vase, or whatever it was, so I want to make sure your prize is secure. John

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Here's to Mr. Earl so big and Tall. With a Grin so wide, it will out rival them all. Here's to Mr. Earl with 54 Buicks in his heart, they really are a piece of automotive art. Here's to Mr. Earl with Portholes and Sweepspears dancing in his head. Here's to Mr. Earl, In the morning I'll wish I was dead... hic...Here's to Mr. Earl with a little moonshine behind the tree. Is it the lovin or fightin kind? Lets take a swig and see. The tree that was there before is starting to look like three. Hic... :P

Three Cheers for Mr. Earl! :cool: Dandy Dave!

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Thanks JohnD and thank you to all for the cash donations, I am humbled. But not by the $$ but rather the kind gesture. I am at a loss for words (can you believe that) other than to say THANK YOU ALL.

But enough about me, let's here and see more incriminating stories and pictures of the breakfast shenanigans.

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This year I started with an interesting wash kit. A sponge, pack of micro cloth towels, and bar of deodorant. Considering the humid weather, it seemed perfect for any type of wash one might consider, and I said so. Then, to my dismay, someone stole it! Of all things! So I stole the SX 70 touch up spray gun .

Edited by JohnD1956
fat fingers, tiny letter keys (see edit history)
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well this year i was last to chose so i did the right thing. I stole the moonshine I had a little drink yesterday and i woke up with a tatto of a big BUICK across my a-- thanks MR Earl

Have a great BUICK day

FRANK (BUKE):rolleyes:

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Better than a tattoo of your ASSet on your forearm..

BTW, would love to hear what everyone wound up with too. If nothing else it may provide some ideas for next years swap meet.

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Guest wildcat465

What a blast this year, got to try Vegimite, got to be #3 on the steal of the Gourmet Bourbon bottle, got to hang out with a bunch of cool folks, even sitting next to Willie was fun!



Left with:


I am thrilled, I hope I made someone else happy. Are you happy Ship?

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I brought the Encyclopedia of Racing Greats (or something similar), which Serb is now starting to peruse when he wants some light reading.

I started with the Serbian plum brandy, which of course was stolen. I wound up with a '53 Skylark and DVD of the GM Centennial Parade from Flint in 2008. I'm happy.

It was a blast...there were a lot of laughs interrupted by the sounds of breaking glass...I had the youngest with me and he went home with a bottle of Scope.

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I brought, as Robert has said, the 75th anniversary can of Spam, along with a couple of BCA window decals. I started off with GM, the First Seventy Five Years. I believe that was the title. Didn't much more than sit down until it was stolen. Can't even tell you who!! Ended up with Spam mementos.



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I brought the 75 years of General Motors Book.

Started with the Plum Brandy I believe, then I had the Buffalo Trace Whisky (Which Paul graciously gave me a double shot of at 8am after he stole it for the third and final time.), then I had Mr. Earls Moonshine, and I ended up with the aforementioned drying towel, scrubby pad, and deoderant. All of which came in handy!

On Saturday night, I gave Chuck Kerls a hard time about stealing my Plum Brandy, so he brought it out of hiding. I thought he was going to give me a shot of it, but he handed me the whole bottle! :) I plan on making an extra special donation next year to "Pay it Forward".

I'll tell you, that Serbian Plum Brandy has quite a bite to it!

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Brought "Buick" Opel GT brochure and die cast model car and left with Nordeast Grain Belt Beer.....I'm wicked happy!

I hope that Beer you "Stole" from me goes down smooth. ;) Dandy Dave!

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well this year i was last to chose so i did the right thing. I stole the moonshine I had a little drink yesterday and i woke up with a tatto of a big BUICK across my a-- thanks MR Earl

Have a great BUICK day

FRANK (BUKE):rolleyes:

Say Frank, I'm enjoying the old Buick Bugle books. And they last longer than the Beer, Wine, or Booze.... missed you for the Pre War After tour. Dandy Dave!

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Great stuff guys...Dad and I had a great time in Charlotte last year. The best part was meeting all of you the worst part is something I just found out. I was responsible for Serb (Stevo) exchange gift for the plum brandy. He received a nice BCA beer glass and a grille plate...well that is I received one which I was to send himfool.gif

I was showing my wife the pictures online and she says..."You know, that box you brought back is still in the closet..." !!!???!!!!

Stevo, my sincere apologies but I never mailed your exchange gift...it will hit the mail Monday morning.

Thanks for this thread...that box might have aged longer than the plum brandy before it was finally sent.

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Thank's for the pictures and thank to all who attend. I want to say that the form breakfast is one of the best things at the B C A shows.No long speach's (take note b c a ) I only wish it could last longer it is fun to be with all.

ps.did mark shaw get rid them glass l o l

Frank (Buke)


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Guest shadetree77

Lol, I have a feeling those Marley glasses will be making a trip to the next forum breakfast you attend. Package them well so they don't get broken!:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rob McDonald

I was going to complain that there are no names on any of the photos, then I realized that's part of what an online forum is all about - anonymity. Unless we happen to post a photo of ourselves, we all remain faceless and somewhat ageless to each other. Here, we're each just a username, maybe a location, and a Buick (or three). We don't need to know about each other's jobs or families; our limited relationships are focussed on a shared hobby and the stories we spin around that.

What seems to make the National Meet Forum Breakfast so special is that it smashes all that, by exposing real people to each other in a concentrated, comfortable setting. Guess I'll experience that for myself next summer, in Portland.

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Yep... LOL. "Dandy Dave!" is already famous around more than one circle. They call my number at the Forum Breakfast ( So unlucky 13.) and the man in charge says, "Oh, it's Dandy Dave!" No need to introduce myself. Everyone already knew...:cool: Yup, I is famous! ;) Dandy Dave!

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Well at least you got it in the same year as the meet was held....

Also anything broken?

Stevo is too nice to say but I have a confession, the dammed glass broke in the box!!

I must have not packed it as good as I thought I did, hard to ship a hunk of metal and a beer glass in the same box I guess.

Sorry Stevo, I will bring you something nice the next time I am by.

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Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but with all the butterfingers (from toast? Vegemite? bacon?) around, we may need to consider instituting a "no glass" rule. It almost sounded like one of those celebrations where people are intentionally throwing glasses around.

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