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BCA Board of Directors Elections, PLEASE VOTE!!!

38Buick 80C

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font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} </style> <![endif]--> As many of you are receiving your April Bugles I like to encourage you to vote for BCA Board of Directors in this year's election. As some of you are no doubt aware, we have not had a competitive election for the BOD since 2009 and the BOD and the Nominating Committee (recruiting committee) made sure that we would have competitive elections this year. The April Bugle has a write up from each candidate and the ballot is on the “Wrap” of the magazine. Members simply have to select three and place a stamp on the ballot and put it in their outgoing mail box. Typically only about 800 (10%) of the membership votes for the BOD, it would be nice to get that number higher.

The 7 candidates for 3 elected spots are (in alpha order)

Brian Clark (OH)

Brian DePouli (NC)

Keith Horsfall (ON CANADA)

Chuck Kerls (KS)

Mike Middleton (TX)

John Scheib (CT)

Dick Sweeney (CA)

A reminder that the person finishing fourth in this election will be appointed to fill the remaining two year term vacated be Gene Sorenson last year as per the BOD approved process.

Good luck to our candidates. I believe every single one is an active forum member so I'm sure they will chime in and "campaign".

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The printer forgot to use the heavier stock paper for the ballot this time, so if you want to be sure the postal machinery doesn't chew your ballot up when you send it in, do what I'm going to do, and that is fold it up and put it in an envelope and mail it in that way.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

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As many of you are receiving your April Bugles I like to encourage you to vote for BCA Board of Directors in this year's election. As some of you are no doubt aware, we have not had a competitive election for the BOD since 2009 and the BOD and the Nominating Committee (recruiting committee) made sure that we would have competitive elections this year. The April Bugle has a write up from each candidate and the ballot is on the “Wrap” of the magazine. Members simply have to select three and place a stamp on the ballot and put it in their outgoing mail box. Typically only about 800 (10%) of the membership votes for the BOD, it would be nice to get that number higher.

The 7 candidates for 3 elected spots are (in alpha order)

Brian Clark (OH)

Brian DePouli (NC)

Keith Horsfall (ON CANADA)

Chuck Kerls (KS)

Mike Middleton (TX)

John Scheib (CT)

Dick Sweeney (CA)

A reminder that the person finishing fourth in this election will be appointed to fill the remaining two year term vacated be Gene Sorenson last year as per the BOD approved process.

Good luck to our candidates. I believe every single one is an active forum member so I'm sure they will chime in and "campaign".

What a crew! Not going to be any easy choice, that's for sure, thanks to all for throwing the hats in!!

Been there, done that, it is a great experience!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to all!:)

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Brian, you are correct it is good to see a good list of folks running for the Board. Competition is always good for the club

I am running for the board along with 6 other qualified guys and I am proud to stand with those guys.

I was lucky to be appointed to the board when Gene resigned last August and It seems that I just got started. I am the rookie. I would like to continue. I am running for the Board and would appreciate your vote this year.

Win or lose I have the highest respect for everybody running, and competition will only improve the BCA.

In the long run it about making the BCA stronger for the future.


Chuck Kerls


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I too appreciate the opportunity to seek and, if elected, to serve as a director, and the positive comments of all regarding the quality of the those seeking to serve. Thank you.

If I might add a comment regarding the paper ballot and Pete's suggestion for mailing. I ask that each of us that use the forum, mention this situation to your local chapter or division at meetings and in your newsletter that it is best to place the paper in an envelope to insure delivery and tabulation. Thank you.


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Wow, that is a quality group of candidates! :)

In addition to the largest group of candidates in awhile, I hope we also see a large turnout of votes. Nothing like exercising your right to vote!

And I have to agree with Mike, Vote Brian DePouli first! He has the enthusiasm, drive and vision for the BCA that will continue to move the Club forward.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve.

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:) It is sure good news for the BCA to have such a good response in looking for candidates to run for the Board and excellent candidates to boot ! It shows that the The Club is Alive and Well ! The sad news is good people must leave and I thank them for a job well done . Brian has done an excellent job as Pres. and should remain in my opinion as well .

I ask for your vote and looking forward to serving you . Thanks for your consideration.

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A real list of who's who from the esteemed hall of the forum. Without trying to introduce any animosity, how about if the candidates post one item they think would advance the BCA and how they would go about implementing it?

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:) At the Top of the List is to increase Membership ! Without the Members the rest is secondary . We need to attract new, younger Members and have more family events at the Meets . At National and Local Meets we need to reach out to Local Buick owners and invite them to attend and join the BCA . With increased Membership revenue will go up and we may be able to curb spending and REDUCE the dues for all Members .

Hope all had a Good Easter ! Thanks for listening.

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Hello, and thanks for the challenge, John D. My suggestion is in the Bugle resume. I think one way to grow is to have more local chapters. I know it is hard to keep members motivated some times, but as long as there is a strong cadre, the chapter size is not that critical. More people might be motivated if they do not need to drive a few hours to and from a meeting. The National staff can provide information on members in any state or zip codes to help individuals contact other BCA members in your area. If elected I would do all I can to seek people in the "thin" chapter areas to consider forming a chapter.

Another area of my interest is to arrange some special recognition of the coach built Buicks of the 1920s to 1940s.




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I am going to do something that people campaigning for office rarely do. Tell the truth.

First, I am very optimistic about the direction of the club. I want to be involved in this forward thinking. I have often said about myself that I don't make a good "final word" guy. I have also said, and truly believe it, that there is not a better "number two man" around. I specialize in taking a good idea and making it better.

With that said, I read the resumes in the Bugle that arrived today, and feel that there are candidates that are more qualified (on paper) than I. I consider them all to be good choices, and they have good ideas.

My main idea I would like to push is getting more people on this forum. Perhaps by placing ads in Multi-marque magazines such as Hemmings. This forum is the most active on the AACA site, and if we get them hooked here, we can get them into the BCA. An advantage to this is that here (on the forum) we don't appear to be a bunch of old fogies. ;)

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The central theme to my resume is family. I would like to work with the National Meet Committee to ensure that there are several affordable, family friendly events at the nationals.

I think the NASCAR museum at this year's National is a great example!

Last year in Danvers, we were also able to work with the hotel to get free passes for the kids to the COCO-KEYS water park.

There is always more than can be done to make the National Meet a family summer vacation destination! After all, the younger generation is the future of our club, we need to ensure they are actively involved in the National Meet.

My daughter expressed an interest in judging in Danvers, so I hope to get her involved in the junior judging program this summer.

In addition, I also believe local chapters are key to increasing membership. I am currently working to reestablish the defunct chapter in Cincinnati. I have received help from the National Office. Hopefully that, combined with the spring/summer car show will help us get the local chapter off the ground by late summer/fall.

I believe we need to do more to help get chapters formed in the smaller cities. The current $50 stipend to help defray start-up costs could be increased, as I don't feel it's sufficient due to rising costs, specifically postage. Lexington/Louisville would be another great opportunity for a chapter. We just need a point person interested in doing the legwork, then a helping hand from the National Office and the Board.

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Membership is the first thing everybody thinks of, that being said the BCA gets 30 to 50 new members on average every month. The club also sends out renewals every month and the return last month was terrible. Every month with the exception of July 2011 has shown a decline in renewals. The question that all board members and members at large needs to ask is WHY. With the decline every month, the new members dont make up the difference. In my view we need to find a way to stop the shrinkage in the current membership and one of the goals that I set in my points in the Bugle was to find out why members dont renew and then develope an action plan to plug the drain. There is not any hard data yet but we need to find out and fix it. Do we offer value for your membership dollars, will the E Bugle change that, will that attract new members, do new members feel comfortable when they join, a board member needs to contact new members when they join and make sure the new member gets the lay of the land when they join. What would make a new member renew for a second year. Think back to when you joined, who welcomed you. In most cases that is not SOP. Every body on the board works to get new members, but we need to set a goal on keeping members as well as getting new ones.

If you know someone who was once a member but they are not today, lets find out why and fix it. Since July 2011 the club has had 404 new members thru March of 2012. Put the dollars to that and we get $20,200. On the other hand the BCA office has sent out 4486 renewal notices and the return is only 3781 thru March of 2012 a decrease of 705. The numbers represent big big bucks. At $50.00 for every member not rejoining that dollar amount is $32,250.00, as you can see it is a loss of membership dollars of $12,000.00 Its a trend that is not hard to spot and if elected I will work to reverse the trend. One more thing if you are a member of this forum and not a member of the BCA the question is WHY?

In closing my phone number is 316-655-1099 and my email is booratta@cox.net and I will discuss any issue that is on your mind.

Thanks for your support

Chuck Kerls

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First off thanks to my fellow candidates for their support. I can say I've starred at my ballot more than a few times over the past few days trying to figure out how to narrow it to three. There is no doubt than each of us would make an excellent BOD member for the next three years and beyond if reelected for your second term (this would be my final term before term limits hit). The membership will have to pick who they think represents their interests the best. The candidates this year reflect a good summary of what the BCA is; we have individuals who have been involved with pre-war, post war, Riv's Reattas, modifieds, authentic restorations, driven class, touring, and beyond. We have individuals who have business experience we have individuals with street experience, both of which are extremely valuable to an organization especially if their is a nice blend of each. We also have a nice geographic coverage from the candidates with nearly every region represented by a candidate, plus Canada. I've worked and became friends with each of the other candidates and the membership will pick an individual who will represent the BCA well no matter who they choose.

Moving on to John D.'s question. I've stated my goals in the candidate summary in the Bugle, but beyond that I will do what I have already done again. Last year when I became President I asked the BOD and other people who I felt were key individuals in the BCA, what their opinions were about what the BCA did well, what the BCA did poorly, where the club should focus and questions like that. I took that feedback and looked for common themes. That is how the list of goals came about that were publishing in the October 2011 Bugle. A good portion of the goals have been achieved or significant progress has been made on them. So in summary again I would work with the rest of the BOD and other key individuals to develop multiple achievable goals for the organization.

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This discussion and re hashing of goals and resumes is great, but we as a club we need YOU to vote.

Less then 10 % of the members vote in each election on candidates who may have a great impact on the club.

No matter if you like where the club is or is going to not, you have no room to comment or complain if you don't vote.

I have no skin in this game as this is my final few months on the BOD but I think we have a good group of candidates who will continue taking the club forward.

Spend a stamp and cast your vote.

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Guest shadetree77

Well said Bill. It's well worth the price of a stamp to exercise your right to vote. My stamp has been spent and my ballot cast. I took Pete's advice above and placed mine in an envelope. I seriously doubt the ballot would make it to it's destination otherwise. Spread the word about using an envelope! I also want to wish all of the candidates good luck. It sure was a chore narrowing it down to three.

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I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere but I couldn't find the post or thread.

How come the election of the BCA BofD isn't done by secret ballot? Whether a corporation, non-profit or even a homeowner's association, all boards are elected by secret ballot per their governing documents (no, I haven't read the BCA's governing docs). While I will submit my ballot with my name already imprinted in the ballot, I find the process...fascinating.

One more thing - the ballot allows for three votes. Doesn't specify whether or not its accumulative voting. As I read it, without explanation it is one vote per candidate.

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How come the election of the BCA BofD isn't done by secret ballot?

IIRC, the votes are collected and tallied by the club's attorney, so no one in the club or office ever actually sees the ballots?

Another thought regarding voting:

Does anyone think the stamp is an issue? Or is it just apathy?

Has the use of postage paid ballots been discussed by the board?

At the current postcard rate of $.32, 100% participation would run around $2500. Even if voting reached 25%, that would only be $640.

I don't have any personal experience with what I believe is called "Business reply mail", but if elected, I would be willing to investigate how it works.

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IIRC, the votes are collected and tallied by the club's attorney, so no one in the club or office ever actually sees the ballots?

Hi Brian,

The attorney, in this case, is the Inspector of Elections. In my experience, in a properly conducted election in accordance with the governing documents, even the Inspector of Elections wouldn't know how a member cast his/her vote.

So unless the BCA's governing documents read differently then most corporate election rules and/or procedures (at least those I am most familiar with for California, Florida, Delaware and Nevada), I'm just curious why its not being done by secret ballot.




Edited by Bushwack
correct wording in blue (instead of 'absentee') (see edit history)
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Hi Brian,

The attorney, in this case, is the Inspector of Elections. In my experience, in a properly conducted election in accordance with the governing documents, even the Inspector of Elections wouldn't know how a member cast his/her vote.

So unless the BCA's governing documents read differently then most corporate election rules and/or procedures (at least those I am most familiar with for California, Florida, Delaware and Nevada), I'm just curious why its not being done by absentee ballot.




Good question. I offer the following as President in response to your questions.

The current approved BCA By-laws do not address secret ballots. See Article IV, Section 6 (Page 230 of the 2011 Roster) for "Ballots" as covered by the By-laws.

All standard operating procedures for the BCA Annual Board of Directors Election Procedures (SOP 13, Pg240, 2011 Roster) are being followed.

If your membership is listed as John and Jane Doe you get a spouse vote. If your membership is listed as only John Doe or Jane Doe, whether you have a spouse or not, they don't get a vote. Your name is on the ballot so the BCA Accountant (not attorney), who is certifying the results, can determine if a spousal vote is valid per the SOP.

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A wonderful slate to pick from, it was a very difficult choice but sometimes in life....choices need to be made. As has been said, who ever the winners are, the BCA is the biggest winner.

Good luck to all of the candidates and I wish you all the best regardless of the outcome.

I sent Lana's and My ballot in yesterday, in an envelope!

Everybody....VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally with a little free time I was able to read my Bugle tonight and saw the box with the date and voting rules in it.

I read all the candidate bios and that alone is very helpful.

If any of the candidates read this, and want to comment, I would like to know extended thoughts on finally coming out with an e-Bugle.

I tried to read to see if this was a topic of interest but did not see much.

The e-Bugle has been tossed around for a number of years. I get one of my club's magazines, admittedly not with the breadth and detail of a Bugle - by PDF and 2 of the chapter newsletters come by PDF.

Even if no other "major" club has done the e route as an option for receiving the monthly magazine, that's no reason not to lead in my opinion.

So, was wondering what the candidates position on this topic might be.

It's coming be patient. Better to do it right than to do it wrong and make a real mess of it.

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It's coming be patient. Better to do it right than to do it wrong and make a real mess of it.

Well, With that being said, I will just add that I would be more than happy to help with the E-Bugle project, as I believe it is an important issue (and a cost saving one!)

I believe that an E-Bugle should be an option, with a corresponding reduced membership rate if the E-Bugle is chosen as the only delivery method.

I also believe the paper Bugle should continue to be produced in all of it's glory!

As I understand it, there are volume discounts associated with the printing of the Bugle, so any reductions in printed Bugles would have to take into account a larger per issue printing price for the remaining issues. I.e. it would be a small reduction in membership fee.

Edited by bhclark (see edit history)
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Thanks 2 Brians. It's like a double edged sword. eBugle saves money but reduced numbers cost more to print.

John S - Very interesting point you made about the new members joining but then dropping out 1-2 years later. (Not everyone, but you mentioned it seemed like a trend)

I think you are 100% onto something when you say that "maybe" it might be because of local chapter support, affiliation, involvement or lack thereof.

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My votes in the mail. Thank you to all the candidates that are running for office. I sincerely wish all of you the best of luck. For its members like you that keep this great club running.

Have a great Buick day


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On the ballot it says "be sure and vote for THREE candidates.

On the inside of the Bugle on page 15 it says "be sure and vote for no more than THREE candidates.

One person in this thread asked how the voting would be tallied. I am assuming the folks being elected will be the three who get the highest number of votes.

Can I vote for just one or two and not three?

Edited by Jim (see edit history)
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On the ballot it says "be sure and vote for THREE candidates.

On the inside of the Bugle on page 15 it says "be sure and vote for no more than THREE candidates.

One person in this thread asked how the voting would be tallied. I am assuming the folks being elected will be the three who get the highest number of votes.

Can I vote for just one or two and not three?

Three candidates who receive the most votes are elected.

If you want to vote for less than three you can.

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  • 1 month later...

I have received the results of the elections below is the exact email from Joel (I bolded the top 4 who were elected and added the note on the 2 yr appotinment). All candidates have been informed of the results. Congratulations to our newly elected BOD members who will take there seats on the BOD at the Concord Meet. Thank you all the candidates that ran and offering to represent the membership.

As you know, the Board of Directors has again asked our firm to count the ballots for the 2012 Board of Directors’ Election. The purpose of this correspondence is to notify you of the results of the election. Please forward this e-mail to the Board President as soon as possible since I promised that he would receive the results today.

A total of 829 ballots were cast, many of which included the spouse’s vote. Included in the total were four ballots that were determined to be invalid because they were photocopies or contained white-out changes. One ballot was blank.

The results are as follows:

Brian Clark 415

Brian DePouli 877

Keith Horsfall 445

Chuck Kerls 393

Mike Middleton 393

John Scheib 299

Dick Sweeney 410(Appointed to a 2YR filling the remainder of a vacated term)

Edited by 38Buick 80C
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I would like to sincerely and with absolutely zero hard feelings wish the new Board Members luck in their new positions in the Club. Like I said before, the BCA will be better with them at the helm. I am very happy that the members who voted had the confidence (as I do) in Brian D's leadership.

Congrats also to Keith, Dick and el otro Brian.

Thanks for the opportunity.

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I echo Mike's comments. Let's hope that next year, and into the future we have as many interested and dedicated candidates. I still wish we had a larger percentage participating in the vote, AND THE UPCOMING NATIONAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP AND OTHER MEETINGS in Concord. The club is the people, and this is the opportunity to make your felings known.


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I am not 100% clear on this, but I believe you may have to pay for every piece you stamp as prepaid, not just for those used. If that is true, the club would incur an expense of about $4,000-$5,000. Not sure how much we would gain in the number of votes. If it does not cost until used, than a 50% participation might only cost $2500.


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