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36-37-38 Buick Forum

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I was curious if there was interest in a 36-37-38 Buick Sub-Forum of this Buick Pre-War. It may not be necessary, but we have a 36-38 Division we ought to have our own forum.

I don't know how many of the members are on this yahoo group forum, 1937and1938Buicks : 1937 and 1938 Buicks ( Buick )

But I think that this AACA forum has a better format that is more user friendly.

Thoughts, suggestions?


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I agree Bob, it's getting to be a mess over there and I think that is causing other people to leave or not pay attention to the forum and thus knowledge of those individuals is lost.

If folks show enough interest here we can probably convince the powers that be to give us a subforum...so speak up!!

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Hi Brian,

A 36-38 Buick forum on here would be nice if we could get participation. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be the involvement on here that there is on the yahoo group.

The concept of the yahoo group is great and I commend Jim for starting it. However I know there have been a few of us that have unsubscibed from the group due to all the non Buick posts that in the past flooded our inboxes.


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If it is here I think we could get the participation they only have less that 300 people over there and it seem aside from the two regular posters there are only another handful that post meaningful responses regularly and another doxen or so with intermittent posts (myself included). I mean we let everyone know it is exist and there are certainly a large number of 36-38 posts over here anyway. Jim has done a great job with the website and the forum, and I commend him too, but maybe it is time to adapt.

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The Torque Tube issues are an invaluable resource, there are some very knowledgeable folks posting the online forum, kudos to Jim for starting it, but for the most part, it has turned into a koffee klatch. One poster in particular makes a habit of belittling the views of others and there's a predominance of talk on topics only of interest to the poster. No wonder numbers there are dwindling. Bring it over!

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One big difference I have noticed about the Yahoo! group and the AACA group. There is a lot more acceptance on the Yahoo! group for non-stock, not by the book restorations over there. The AACA group seems to not accept anyone who isn't doing a by the numbers concourse type restoration. Not all of us, including me, can spend the big bucks to use NOS Buick parts and have high end restoration shops do the work for us or are we willing to wait fifteen years until we get that one NOS Buick nut that holds the underside of the running board before enjoying our cars.

I started out with a rust bucket '37 Special that should have been towed to a scrap yard and am trying to get it on the road as soon as I can so I can enjoy it. When I first came to this board I posted my intentions with the car and I got some terse responses about not keeping it 100% stock. I even got a few PMs telling me I was going to ruin the car. Even after I explained there was no way I could devalue the car by doing what I was going to go I still got heat. I also saw another poster who got what was basically a parts car with no drive train who was going to update it with a modern drive train. He only posted one or two times because of the negative response he got. I later saw his posts on the HAMB board and conversed with him and we both agreed this board is a rather elite board. I realize there are mostly purists here but there should be some room for the not so pure. People in the old car hobby worry about this hobby dieing and it will if there isn't more acceptance for the people who are just getting into it. Maybe if a new '36-38 section is made our group could be more inclusive. I am also into '48-52 Ford trucks, have been for over 30 years, and the Ford Truck Enthusiasts' board is accepting of anyone with a vehicle with Ford truck sheet metal on their ride. They're a big group of great guys who will help out anyone no matter what genre their trucks fit into.

The Yahoo! has it's problems that I stated in my first post. Jim has worked hard on the '37/38 site he has set up separate from the Yahoo! site and it has great information on it but the Yahoo! site is very lacking. I don't discredit Jim at for it. It's basically a no maintenance, cheap site and it is what it is. Maintaining a site is a lot of work and can become quite expensive.

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I agree the yahoo site is more accepting of non-authentic restorations. I myself am a purist, but it's your car do with it as you want is my attitude. I think the BCA portion of the AACA forum is better about non authenticity than the AACA general forum, but the BCA also has a modified division and the AACA is pretty clear in there stated beliefs in authenticity. Unfortunately it is simply a matter of who participates on the site as to the general acceptance non-authenticity.

I suggested the sub forum to get the information, what ever the information requested is, to the one requesting it, without being badgered with negativity (including negativity about ones preference in authenticity) and therefore hopefully leading to maximum participation. Overall I think the BCA portion of the AACA forum is reasonably good about that. Like you I want a forum where everyone with a 36-38 Buick is welcomed.

One big difference I have noticed about the Yahoo! group and the AACA group. There is a lot more acceptance on the Yahoo! group for non-stock, not by the book restorations over there. The AACA group seems to not accept anyone who isn't doing a by the numbers concourse type restoration. Not all of us, including me, can spend the big bucks to use NOS Buick parts and have high end restoration shops do the work for us or are we willing to wait fifteen years until we get that one NOS Buick nut that holds the underside of the running board before enjoying our cars.

I started out with a rust bucket '37 Special that should have been towed to a scrap yard and am trying to get it on the road as soon as I can so I can enjoy it. When I first came to this board I posted my intentions with the car and I got some terse responses about not keeping it 100% stock. I even got a few PMs telling me I was going to ruin the car. Even after I explained there was no way I could devalue the car by doing what I was going to go I still got heat. I also saw another poster who got what was basically a parts car with no drive train who was going to update it with a modern drive train. He only posted one or two times because of the negative response he got. I later saw his posts on the HAMB board and conversed with him and we both agreed this board is a rather elite board. I realize there are mostly purists here but there should be some room for the not so pure. People in the old car hobby worry about this hobby dieing and it will if there isn't more acceptance for the people who are just getting into it. Maybe if a new '36-38 section is made our group could be more inclusive. I am also into '48-52 Ford trucks, have been for over 30 years, and the Ford Truck Enthusiasts' board is accepting of anyone with a vehicle with Ford truck sheet metal on their ride. They're a big group of great guys who will help out anyone no matter what genre their trucks fit into.

The Yahoo! has it's problems that I stated in my first post. Jim has worked hard on the '37/38 site he has set up separate from the Yahoo! site and it has great information on it but the Yahoo! site is very lacking. I don't discredit Jim at for it. It's basically a no maintenance, cheap site and it is what it is. Maintaining a site is a lot of work and can become quite expensive.

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I kind of think the format of this site may inhibit the rambling, non relating posting. The Yahoo! site's notification system makes it too easy to post a reply via email and hit reply. A format like this one takes a little more work, not that it's harder, but it also seems to corral replies.

As for the spectrum of authenticity, from my experience on the Ford Truck site there is a lot of information shared by everyone that can benefit everyone. The modified truck guys have some awesome mechanical and fabrication skills that can lend themselves to the stock restoration guys. On the other hand the stock guys have a lot of information about stock features the modified guys retain in their trucks. Another added benefit of having a mix of people is many of the modified guys cast off stock parts from their builds benefiting the stock guys.

If a forum can be made that would make everyone, or at least most, feel comfortable posting I would think it could bring in and retain a lot more members. I know I don't post on this site very much because the few times I've posted I either got somewhat cold replies or no replies at all only to see pretty much the same subject posted by one of the regulars and have numerous replies. It could just be me but that's the feeling I get.

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I may as well jump in here with my two cents worth.

I am active in the AACA General Forum. My primary Antique Automobile is a Model A Ford. I routinely scan the topics in the prewar Buick forums because a 1937 or 1938 Buick is on my list of cars that I am interested in and plan to own one day.

In the General Forums, everything is focused on authentic cars versus modified, as that is the Mission of AACA. I think that most folks on the Buick Forums here are a little more tolerant of non-authentic cars, because the forums are hosted by AACA for other clubs, and as previously mentioned, some of those other clubs are more involved with modified vehicles.

I have often seen 1937 and 1938 Buicks grouped together, but I have not previously seen the 1936 Buicks grouped with the other two years. Pardon my ignorance, but I am interested in why the 1936 Buicks would be grouped with the other two years and/or why other sites tend to only group the later two years together.

I would suggest that the best way to get a subforum created would be to send an email to Peter Gariepy, the webmaster, requesting it. In the email, I would include a link to this discussion so he will see the level of interest. Peter does not have time to read every discussion and an email or private message to him will get his attention. If sufficient interest appears to exist, I have faith he will respond appropriately to the request.

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Bob I'm somewhat of a purist in my tastes as well but I not only found some of your posts on the yahoo site informative but also enjoyable. I was really overwhelmed by your motor mount solution and enjoyed many of your pictures. I like to think us purist need to not only be a little more tolerant but also encouraging and I for one would welcome your posts.


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As for why to include the 1936 -

Well some background first. In 1980 Dave Lewis formed the 37-38 Buick Club and it lasted for 25+ years but unfortunately went under in 2006. In it's place sprung up the above mentioned yahoo group and the 36-38 Club which became the 36-38 Division of the BCA a couple years ago. I was not part of the formation and therefore don't have any specifics on why 36 was included at that time. I'll speculate below. I simply suggest to include '36 to copy the BCA Division.

Other possible reasons for including 36. Really all the 36-39 Buicks are similar and the large series 1940 cars too. As some many may know 36 was a radical change from the previous years with engine, suspension, brake and body updates specifically under the direction of Harlow Curtis. I won't go into deep detail, but from a drive train perspective lots of similarities between the years. The bodies for the large series cars are very similar for '36-'37 but not '38 which share more with '39 and '40. while the bodies on the small series cars are more similar between '37-'38, being all steel.

Thanks for the suggestion to talk to Peter. I want to test the waters a little more here before making any official requests. Looks like the thread has got a lot of views so far but I could use a few more people say yeah we need it.

Yes Bob I live hear in NASCAR country and am taking full advantage of the craftsman that are here that are non-purist, plus non-purist help us with a supply of used parts so everyone wins. I am glad to supply answers on authenticity questions which is where I have more knowledge personally, so I agree, the more the merrier.

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Thanks for the information. I do have a friend who has a 1936 Buick and I thought that there was a lot of similarity to the 1937... but admit that I know very little about these cars. The first antique car that I wanted to buy was a 1937 Buick Sedan and the guy had no interest in selling it. I am afraid that it probably rusted away to nothing. To be honest, I was young at that time and would not have known what in the heck to do with it if I had been able to purchase it. I do intend to own one one day. Best of luck on this.

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Bob I'm somewhat of a purist in my tastes as well but I not only found some of your posts on the yahoo site informative but also enjoyable. I was really overwhelmed by your motor mount solution and enjoyed many of your pictures. I like to think us purist need to not only be a little more tolerant but also encouraging and I for one would welcome your posts.


Thanks Carl. I like by the number restorations, in fact I really appreciate the dedication it takes to do a strict restoration. I hope no one took my posts as a shot at purists. I prefer stock restorations to modified cars. It's just I don't have the money or patience to do it. I try to keep my trucks and cars as close to stock as possible. I just think there's a benefit to have a large pool of talent no matter what direction we go.

Using this site for a '36-38 forum would make it a lot easier to post pictures. It takes some work to be able to post pictures on the Yahoo! site. I like posting pictures and I especially like to see other people's pictures.

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Brian et al. Just some thoughts from someone outside the ranks of 36-38's. With all due respect, personally I'm not for breaking these forums down into so many sub forums. Back before the Pre War and Post War forums were formed, I use to read most all the pre war threads with interest simply because they were in front of me. I learned a lot about the Pre-War cars back then. Now that they are separate, I may go to the Pre-War forums 1-2 times a week at most and that is usually because I see something interesting in the titles on the main page. In other words I don't read as much about pre war B's now as I use to. 36-38's are some of my favorite prewar Buicks but I don't know that I would click from one forum to another to another to read about them. And of course if 36-38's have there sub forum, where would it stop? Uhhmmm, let's see, 42-46-47-48 and 54-55-56 and maybe 59-60 and......

Just my 2 cent worth. :)

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Brian et al. Just some thoughts from someone outside the ranks of 36-38's. With all due respect, personally I'm not for breaking these forums down into so many sub forums. Back before the Pre War and Post War forums were formed, I use to read most all the pre war threads with interest simply because they were in front of me. I learned a lot about the Pre-War cars back then. Now that they are separate, I may go to the Pre-War forums 1-2 times a week at most and that is usually because I see something interesting in the titles on the main page. In other words I don't read as much about pre war B's now as I use to. 36-38's are some of my favorite prewar Buicks but I don't know that I would click from one forum to another to another to read about them. And of course if 36-38's have there sub forum, where would it stop? Uhhmmm, let's see, 42-46-47-48 and 54-55-56 and maybe 59-60 and......

Just my 2 cent worth. :)

Mr Earl, you make some very valid points. With the forums separated I rarely stroll in to Post war land or Reatta or Riv's either. In regards to the where does it stop, while I could see this becoming an issue we already have a precedence with the Riv and Reatta forums. I think the difference between those, plus 36-38 versus some of the others you mentioned is that there is a Division in the BCA or fully separate org fully exists, but your point is valid...do we have a 53-54 Skylark forum, a 59 Division forum, etc, etc. Also there is a fully function 37-38 forum already, just elsewhere with 300 registered users, and my point was to bring them over here where the forum operations are a little easier and user friendlier.

All that being said, there has not been an overwhelming response saying they want it, just the few above that I do thank for responding. Unless others overwhelmingly say hey lets do it. I think I'll drop this for another time.

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I have also visited the 36-38 Buick site and love the Torque Tubes that are available there. It would be a shame to loose access to them if that site goes away.

Just to be clear this is not the website for the 36-38 Division, the website 1937 and 1938 Buicks www.1937and1938Buicks.com is is a separate 37-38 website. The 37/38 website and their forum are two separate things as well, though the webmaster and forum moderator are one in the same person. No one is suggesting the website go away.

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I would likely visit the proposed site on a regular basis, although I do not know just how much I could contribute.

Among my 3 current Buicks, the 1937 Roadmaster Phaeton is currently my favorite driver.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Does anyone have the crank Journal widths for 1937, 1938 Buick 320. Journal diameters are the same for 1936 according to MOTOR MANUAL 1935-53. I would like to modify to regular insert bearing. I was told by a Egge that 37 wont fit. All books say dia. are same. Anyone have pictures of 1937 or newer disassembled bottom view 320? Thanks


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I have a photo will send an email to you with it.

My Motor Manual is showing journal diameters to be 2.248-2.249 for '36-'46 320 CID.

Page 6-16 of the '38 Shop manual states " Crankshafts on 1938 Series 60-80-90 are interchangeable with 1937 Series."

I could not find journal dimension info in the shop manual.

Also when I converted to insert bearing I used Terrill Machine. They advertising in Hemmings.

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  • 9 years later...
7 hours ago, century37 said:

Brian ...........Dave Brady here and would like a 36-38 Buick forum since I have two 37s.

                    Will keep my eye on this forum if it moves forward.


Dave, This topic is 9 years old. I don't think there is any current move to create a separate 36-38 Sub Forum. It was initially thought to be a good idea to mirror the 36-38 Buick Club, a Division of the BCA. Since the time of this original discussion, despite the name still being the same, the 36-38 Buick Club has changed to accept all Straight 8 era Buicks from 1931-1953, so it is quite unlikely that a separate 36-38 subforum will be created now. 


I am a bit amused to read what I posted in this discussion 9 years ago. At that time, I indicated that a 1937 Buick was on my list of vehicles that I intend to own one day. I have now owned a 1937 Buick Century for 6 years, been the newsletter editor and webmaster for the 36-38 Buick Club for 5 years, and have owned a 1938 Century for 3 years, so a lot has changed since this topic was first started. 


If you are not familar with the 36-38 Buick Club, I would suggest you check it out at http://www.3638buickclub.org/.  If you are interested in more information about the club, emal me through the contact the webmaster link on that site or by private message here on the AACA Discussion Forum. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/8/2020 at 3:45 PM, century37 said:

Brian ...........Dave Brady here and would like a 36-38 Buick forum since I have two 37s.

                    Will keep my eye on this forum if it moves forward.


just seeing this thread. apologies for the delayed response.


Hi DAve hope all is well !

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  • 2 months later...

Ray, There is not a specific 36-38 Buick Forum.  You will find lots of help in the PreWar Buick Forum here. You should also consider joining the 36-38 Buick Club. The club website is: http://www.3638buickclub.org/ If you would like to see a sample issue of the club newsletter, send me a PM on this site or contact me through the contact the webmaster link on the 36-38 Buick Club website and give me your email address and I will send you a .pdf copy of a recent 36-38 Buick Club newsletter. 


For parts from Parts Cars I suggest you contact Dave Tacheny at 763-427-3460 between 4 and 7 pm Central. For reproduction parts, two sources are https://bobsautomobilia.com/ and https://www.oldbuickparts.com/


In the PreWar Forum you should read Gary Wheeler's restoration story and my 1938 Century story in the Our Cars and Restoration projects forum. Reviewing those two restorations should help you with a lot of questions. Anything else you want to know, just ask in the PreWar Buick Forum.


Edited by MCHinson (see edit history)
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I do wish every new thread on this site would specify the year of the car covered in the thread.  A "WTB a bumper bracket" is of little use to the users of this forum. 


My main field of interest is 1932 Buicks and because 1931 and 1933 are very similar in many ways, I try to help provide useful information on these posts.  By the same token, I have a 1917 D45 unrestored car and look to read every post on 16,17,18 D45 in the hopes of learning more about this car.  


I have learned so much from the people on this forum that share their experiences with us/


Bob Engle

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16 hours ago, Ray kolvites said:

I just purchased a 1938 Buick century 2 door coupe , starting to restore, in need of some parts. I saw this forum’s did do not know how it works. Would like to join a 37,38 Buick forum


 Hi Ray,


 Congratulations on your new acquisition. I am not a member of this forum   "  https://groups.io/g/1937and1938Buicks  " but it was formed and is is operated by a 1938 Buick owner. I believe there is also a 1937-1938 Facebook forum.



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