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What did you do to your classic today?

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Guest Kingoftheroad

Took the old Riv out and drove her around a bit.. It was a nice day and the car is a pleasure to drive...


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The weather is looking up here in Southern Ontario, too, so I'm able to work outside on the rear fender of my '41 Buick. The last bit of body work to do on it. A previous owner really butchered the rear fenders, and I was able to find a NOS left rear, but have not been able to find a good right side, so the now the rest of the car is done, and I'll have to fix the one I've got! I have left this till the very last, in case I was able to get a better one, but to no avail.

The weather has been just great, and I wish I could just get out and drive it!


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I rolled the 47' 76C out of the garage today for some cleaning and wet sanding. Managed to clean the garage also and get rid of some of the sanding dust sitting on everything. Beautiful day. 70+ degrees again and a light breeze. Many onlookers and heard several nice comments from passersby and several thumbs up! Sure makes ya feel good! Matt:D

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Anytime it hits 80 degrees in MN. this time of year, you better do something. Uncovered the Vette, changed the oil, topped off the charged battery and went for a long awaited cruise on the interstate. One guy followed me home to see if I wanted to sell it. Nice try, but not yet.

Enjoy it while you can.

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I spent this winter doing upgrades and little details that needed correcting on the '29 Cadillac. Just today I replaced the goofy modern oil filter, complete with rubber hoses and hose clamps that the previous owner had installed, with a more correct one. Actually, that's not true, it's a reproduction of an original AC filter canister, but inside is a modern spin-on filter. So I bought a roll of Cunifer tubing, got my flaring tool out, and after a few trial runs, bent up some oil lines and hooked it up. Getting it to look right was challenging, and I scrapped a few lines simply because they weren't parallel enough for my tastes. Then I polished them up with some steel wool, and they have an appropriately vintage look. I'm quite pleased, and no more leaky rubber hoses leaving puddles.

Here are a few photos. The first two photos show the old setup, although not with much detail, but you can get an idea of what I was working with. The new setup looks pretty darned authentic, IMHO.

Next up is getting the vacuum tank working, new fuel lines throughout, new battery cables with cut-off, and a solid state voltage regulator hidden inside the original generator.






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Guest leroy newell

I have been messing around with my 1927 chevy trying to figure out why its over heating. I got my 1981 olds cutlass started and have been sanding it to paint it.

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This is high school play season, and today my daughter's school is running not one but two performances, and she specifically asked to be driven to school this morning in an old car (she has a part in the play), so I drove her in the '70 Bug with the top down of course. She was pleased!

The production her school is doing is Elton John & Tim Rice's "Aida' and it's *spectacular*. We saw the performance on Thursday night (which was night #2), and are going again tonight to see it.

And believe it or not, there is a Sunday matinee tomorrow (making six total productions).

Those kids are going to be dead tired by tomorrow afternoon, I'm sure...

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More busywork on the Cadillac today. The battery cables that were on it were plenty heavy enough, but starting to get frayed, and I was tired of having to open the battery compartment to disconnect it every time I parked--the paint around the compartment is getting chipped from all the activity.

I purchased a new primary cable from YnZ's that I had custom made--30 inches of #00 cable with correct ends, so it bolted right in place. Then two braided ground straps to fit on the heavy-duty switch (the red/yellow wire is to power the overdrive). I mounted the switch through the wall of the battery box, so all I have to do now is reach underneath the running board and flick the switch instead of opening the box up. I also hard-wired the Battery Tender. I'm debating whether I should drop the cable through the battery box so I don't even have to open it to hook it up, or leave the cable protected inside the box and open it to hook up the charger. Or perhaps leave the whole charger in the battery box (there's PLENTY of room with the little battery) and just drop the power cord so I can plug it in like a diesel and not have to worry about it. I'll figure something out. I'm also considering putting a second Optima wired in parallel to double up on amperage.

As long as I was in the electrical department, I fixed the dash switch that controls the instrument lights. They were functional, but used an vintage aftermarket toggle switch for some reason. The original switch was about the simplest mechanism I've ever seen, so with some tweaking and careful disassembly, I was able to make it functional again.

Part three of the electrical work was to try to see if I could get the Guide light up front to work, especially now that I have a toggle switch to activate it. Turns out that the wire has crumbled, so I'll order up some new armored cable and put it together next week. I also happened upon a second pair of matching Guide lights a few months ago from a fellow hobbyist and bought them for a song, so I took the best socket, reflector, and lens to make the one on the Cadillac look and work as well as possible. I'll report on that one next week. I could put a pair of lights on it, but since it has had just the one on it for decades, I'm going to leave it alone. Why be like everyone else?

Finally a good car day in the garage. How I've missed this.







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Guest danceswithpumps

I welded the cast iron piece that ties the right and left manifold with the tail pipe on my 347 Pontiac engine in my '57 GMC. Not pretty but if it holds, it'll be outa sight and outa mind...LOL:)




Getting ready to see if she'll fire up one of these days.


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Got my '31 Dodge Brothers over to a friend's shop so I can put it up on the lift and install my clutch, transmission and drive shaft. I will also repair my battery bracket and a lot of other things that need attention. It's time to get that baby back on the road as my every day driver again!! I'm so happy I could just...........go back to work on my car!




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As noted, I have been doing some local driving-around with the '70 Bug lately (including taking my daughter to her school play performances last week), and though the weather was a little cooler and the skies a little grayer by the weekend, it was still possible to get in a bit more old-Volkswagening here and there.

This picture shows the '70 next to our '92 Taurus, and our super-gnarly '90 F250, this past Saturday, March 24th. Nice to see the daffodills coming up--nice sign of Spring.


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Installed the flywheel and clutch today. Did a few other things such as tightening up some stuff that the previous owner had not tightened. Also cut a chunk out of the battery support strap and replaced that section. It was rusty and eaten up by acid.


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Today I finished the last touch on my DG-8 and I'm planning to take it for a long ride on Sunday...the forecast is good .I polished all the chrome ...hub caps,mirror arm,front and rear bumpers,head lights , cowl lights.... checked all bolts and nuts ..the generator is working and charging ....



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Hi John,I do have the original one but I did not like the way was fitting and I ask a friend to replace an inner part and that why you do not see the ram..In the next pictures you will see it...is fixed.

I like your car too is all original and complete..that is the most important think as far as I'm concerned.I sent you a mail.


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Thanks Tex. Can't wait to get the dark blue & black daily driver on the road so I can get back to my original first car's restoration, my first '31 Dodge. It will be the restored car of the two.




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Thanks Tex. Can't wait to get the dark blue & black daily driver on the road so I can get back to my original first car's restoration, my first '31 Dodge. It will be the restored car of the two.


If you don't hurry up on that 'first' car, we are both going to be too old to enjoy it!!:D:D:D


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Had to do some more driving-around of my daughter this past Sunday (4/1/2012), and even though it was a little overcast, she insisted we take the convertible! After I dropped her off at the function she needed to attend, I stopped by the East Haven Town Green for a photo-op:


On the way back home, I also stopped down at Branford Point and took a picture with some nice daffodils in the background, as the sun began to come out a bit:


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Guest dminer

Got the engine and transmission out together, yokes off the driveshafts and made a mess! Today pulling the carbs to send out and ordering a complete gasket set. Also might start cleaning parts so the wife can break out her airbrush kit and participate!






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Got the Guide light working up front today, thanks to the armored cable I bought from Rhode Island wiring (nice folks!). Technically, the housing should ground itself to the bumper, but I bought 2-wire armored cable and ran power to the switch and a separate ground to a known good ground inside the car. The light burns bright, and the armored cable looks appropriate where it's visible, which is mostly just up front between the light and the splash apron.

I also cut my own cloth-covered plug wires, installed the proper tips, and bought new plugs, which were available at my local NAPA, oddly enough (although scary expensive at about $8 each!). No magic involved with making the wires, although they really make the rest of the engine bay look shabby. At least they're correct (well, maybe the yellow with red and black tracers isn't exactly right for a '29 Cadillac, but I like how they look). I'm pleased with the results and the car runs as well as ever, starting almost instantly even when it's been sitting for two weeks. Now if I could only cure the slightly surging idle...

After looking at the way the engine looks with the fresh wires and plugs, I'm going to order some new chrome acorn nuts and some satin black manifold paint for those rusty exhaust manifolds. That'll be next week...



Edited by Matt Harwood
Embiggened photos (see edit history)
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Guest bofusmosby

Walked out to the garage this evening, looked at the empty space where my car usually sits, contemplating when it'l leave the shop and come back home.:D

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Checked the timing...changed the plug wires to their proper plugs...changed the oil...added anti-freeze...fixed the flat spare tire...and....(are you ready for this???)...I actually drove my '31 Dodge coupe for the first time in four years of it being in hibernation!!!!!!!!The new clutch works like a charm and the brakes will throw you into the windshield if needed! All, but one of the lights still work. MAN, what a feeling. I am so happy that I will be able to use it daily like I used to.


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