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Non-AACA "Car"

Steve Moskowitz

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I carried that wrench half way across the green field and finally flagged down a Hershey Region worker in a golf cart before I had a heart attack!!!

Now let the truth be told: Why did you have to cart it across the Green Field. Let's see you had a golf cart to get it from Chocolate Field to Green Field. It got to the Green Field. Now why did it have to be moved again?

Edited by Steve Moskowitz (see edit history)
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John, you could say that about everything in life. Why go to the movies? Why take vacations? Why buy art? My reaction? They obviously make a lot of people smile, they are having fun and the world needs to be less erious at times. And.....they did not made it out of a vehcile that is not an obvious one for restoration.

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Saw a big article in the newspaper last night. My reaction! WHY? They (and the world) would probably be better off if they'd just donated that money to a food bank.

Hopefully they are charitable by nature and this is just their bit of fun. But I do understand where you are coming from. Many times I look at things that go on and think how much good could be done with the money that has been spent.

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Saw a big article in the newspaper last night. My reaction! WHY? They (and the world) would probably be better off if they'd just donated that money to a food bank.

And how many, non car, people look at our old jalopys and wonder the same thing??? Wouldn't the world be a better place if all the obsolete contraptions were stuffed away in a museum and the money was donated to the poor. We have two people, enjoying themselves, and, as usual, some curmudgeon has to toss a bucket of cold water on them. It's the same old thing, if you don't enjoy X kind of car as I do, then you're not doing it right. I suppose they are like the street rodders, destroying the hobby for the rest of us while having the temerity to smile and have fun. Fie on them!

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And how many, non car, people look at our old jalopys and wonder the same thing??? Wouldn't the world be a better place if all the obsolete contraptions were stuffed away in a museum and the money was donated to the poor. We have two people, enjoying themselves, and, as usual, some curmudgeon has to toss a bucket of cold water on them. It's the same old thing, if you don't enjoy X kind of car as I do, then you're not doing it right. I suppose they are like the street rodders, destroying the hobby for the rest of us while having the temerity to smile and have fun. Fie on them!

So I'm deemed to be a surly, ill-mannered, bad tempered person. That's okay. I've probably been called worse but not by a stranger.

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hi john2dameron, you kind of rubbed old car people the wrong way with your statement. i would say that most of us admire the radio flyer wagon vehicle for being one of a kind, most of us work very hard to get what we have. it used to be that if you didn't have something nice to say, you were better off not saying anything at all. something you might give some thought to. our government waste so much money, they could easily afford all those food banks you're thinking of, i wouldn't be putting down a nice couple who turned an old mazda pick up truck into a work of art. charles coker, 1953 pontiac tech advisor.

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Now that is one cool wagon! :cool: I bet the City Mayor would ride it in a parade anyday. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I think the effort was well worth it for the childhood memories of many. It sure brings a smile to my face. :) I wonder how many Radio Flyers have been produced though the years? Dandy Dave

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I think it's a great car (wagon) and would hope he's welcome in the special interest class at shows. This story shows that there are many different kinds

of "car guys" who enjoy all the craft skills required to built or restore a self propelled vehicle. While it wouldn't be my choice for a project, I can admire

his efforts and workmanship.

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Conceptually, as an "art car," it's brilliant, but its execution leaves much to be desired. The mechanicals could have more skillfully concealed, rather than floating a long red box (albeit with rounded corners) over a long black box.

That said, I applaud their effort.

Personally, if I wanted to make such a statement, I'd do a Gerber Baby Food Jar based on Smart Car running gear (Bananas & Tapioca, my favorite). And you can bet that my graphics would be correctly scaled,

'cause I'd be waiting for Mr. Leno's visit & photo-op, too.

But I won't "build" my Gerber BFJ Car, since all my spare resources are spent on restoring cars to original condition, or preserving original cars (charitable contributions are no one's business but my own).

If this makes me a curmudgeon, then make it with a capital "C."


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