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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. You are correct. I had a 60 that I drove to college for 4 years in Iowa. Tires were bald but it would still go through snow better than most cars. Slowest was a old Chevy coupe, 37 or 38 I think
  2. That is a fantastic example. What are the dimensions? The one our neighbor had stood about 4 ft tall and was heavy cast iron, not nearly the detailed as yours.
  3. I am sorry, It is McChandless. My error, it's hell to get "old" but if you are lucky it will happen to you also. Let me know if you have trouble as I have his cell number somewhere
  4. PM Mike Chandless who is part owner of a high quality auction company specializing in advertising and is a member of this forum. Let us know what figures you arrive at. Like Terry I think you are under valued if they are "real" You could also contact Kevin Parker at Route 32 Auctions (formerly Showtime Auctions)
  5. Because of the Delta uptick I think many are waiting until the last minute regarding Hershey and car tours, I know I am!! I also have to get it past my wife who is severely immunocompromised so the possibility of bringing Covid back home is a serious consideration. Check your immunization dates and get your booster before Hershey if possible. It will benefit all of us.
  6. When I saw this post my first thought was Carl. I spent many hours on the phone with Carl after he discovered I also had a early V63. He is missed!!!
  7. How does it compare to the 63 Olds you sold a year ago. I seriously considered buying that car but there was "no room in the inn" I like your taste in cars' Now you need to add Vintage Air.
  8. If you know someone in law enforcement they can run the plates for you. Not really legal but done all the time behind the scene.
  9. Great project, I have a couple of 34's. The flathead Pontiac community is a fun group. If you are going to Hershey they have a swap meet site and all go out to dinner one evening. Please keep this restoration thread alive.
  10. The Medical term for that incident is "SH-- HAPPENS" Get well soon!! At least you can still type
  11. Thanks for the correction. I belong to both and can't keep them straight.
  12. Fortunately the older we are the higher percentage of us are vaccinated. Regarding masks the N95 or KN95 are more effective IF you can find them. Hope to see you at Hershey
  13. I have the same experience with my 41, May be the nature of the beast
  14. "Given the current Covid-19 conditions it is necessary to CANCEL our Homecoming Tour for the health and safety of all involved"! I hate to bring bad news but the Oakland Pontiac Worldwide tour Aug 25-28 was cancelled on the 13th. Cross your fingers for Hershey. The daily Covid briefings do not look encouraging
  15. Mount it on a piece of black marble and it will make a great paperweight.
  16. I agree. It is your money and your time. If it is a passion go for it. If you have been in any hobby very long you could write a book titled "BLANK" I should have purchased" When I purchased my new 78 Mercury Station Wagon the dealer had two used 289 Cobras on the lot for $8500 each. The sequel to that book is 'BLANK' I shouldn't have sold!!!
  17. I guess it is time for another "Wall Hanger" from my collection. I apologize for the wordy introduction. Growing up on a Iowa farm our next door neighbor farmed with J.I.Case tractors and had a cast iron case Eagle at the entrance to his driveway. As we drove past my father would remark, "there's Ol Abe" He also had a Case touring car that he drove on Sundays when the weather was nice. I purchased this advertisement at a Nebraska auction in the late 80s where the auctioneer related a short history of OLD ABE and I researched the rest. In the spring of 1861 Chippewa Indians captured a fledgling eagle in northern Wisconsin. They traded it to a local farmer for a bushel of corn who sold it to Company C of the Eighth Wisconsin Regiment which was recruiting men in the early days of the Civil War. They named it "OLD ABE" after their commander in chief. During the war it went through 38 battles including the Vicksburg Campaign. The eagle reportedly broke loose many time always to return to his company. After the war he was quartered in the state house at Madison until his death in 1881 from smoke inhalation from a fire in the capital building. OLD ABE was adopted as the JI Case trademark in 1865 and moved from the tree to perched on top of the world in 1910 I apologize for the photo imperfections but the old glass is irregular and wavy and may be over 100 years old.
  18. You are probably correct as the owner's BaT identity is @bill-Noon and he is at PB this week end.
  19. info for the Model Car Collectors among us of which I am not.
  20. I can't wait for your nightly posts. Should be fun for all of us!!!
  21. After subscribing for decades this is why I opted out several years ago.
  22. I can understand that. I have more unfinished projects than I can ever finish. Time to prioritize!!
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