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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. 2019 Chrome Glidden and I haven't aged a day in 40 years!!!
  2. It certainly conjures up big bucks on BaT Is there anybody in the AACA who has to ask what this means? Over time phrases become an accepted part of our language. I have too much left to complete and too little time to be bothered.
  3. Just finished this yard sale purchase for 25 cents. Only goes up to 53 so the late history isn’t included. Great read it you enjoy early automobile history.
  4. It was a great choice in my opinion. I have always been attracted to advertising that displays "action".
  5. Thanks for sharing it George. I think it is great!!!
  6. When I was in Medical School at the University of Iowa (1962-1966) a individual from West Branch flew one on week ends when the weather was nice. At that time the gasoline cost was reportedly $100-125/hour.
  7. I do not but I thought someone here might. In my opinion some of the better advertising art at the turn of the century up into the 20s was brewery related, most without the Automobile theme.
  8. Another alcohol/auto advertisement from my collection for I.W. Harper Whiskey This namesake was born in 1872 and won Gold Medals throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. By 1966 I.W. Harper was enjoyed in 110 countries . These are part of my Breweriana collection which dates back almost as far as my auto collection
  9. An addition to Terry’s driving and drinking theme from my collection of Wall Hangers
  10. Welcome to the insanity. This is a GREAT source of help, education and friendship. There are no strangers here. Join the national AACA , For what you get it is cheap. Join a local club in your area, check AACA and VMCCA for clubs near you. One or the greatest pleasures for many of us is touring with a group of like minded car nuts. You will find tours all over the country along with local day tours put on by a local club. It's a great way to get to know locals and a source for reliable old car services in your area, Stay active
  11. Thanks Jack M. Your kids drive like my wife. Jack rabbit stops are usually accompanied by jack rabbit starts. My wife has trouble getting over 100K on a transmission. My Honda has 234K and the tranny continues to shift normally. Welcome to the "Old Mans Club"
  12. That is the way I felt at 70 and probably 75 (We went on five national car tours that year and towed a 32 ft gooseneck to each). At eighty one I am slowing down. I worry that I will run out of time before I get to tour with a couple of my projects. When you turn 80 check off all the close friend you have left. Ninty percent of mine are gone.
  13. If my memory is correct I paid $1800 for phone and installation for my new Mercedes 240D in 1979
  14. Joe, thank you so much for keeping us updated and good luck with your knee surgery. IF you can afford it consider paying someone to finish some of the work so you can start driving it, unless your enjoyment is in the mechanical work and not touring/showing it. As I am getting older I find that I can only complete about 25% of what I used to in a given week. The days of working in the shop until 10 or 11 are over for me. Just my TCW
  15. In 1985 drinking and driving was legal in 26 states. A trip from Houston to Dallas was known to locals as a 6 pack trip. Open containers in Texas were outlawed in 2001 resulting in 7000 tickets in the first six months Actually in 1985 it was possible to drive from Key West to the Idaho/Canada border and drink for 3700 miles. Todays trivia.
  16. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the OP is asking for our advice without disclosing what the car is. That can make a world of difference. We now learn the car has several spots of crazing which would lead me to favor repainting especially if I didn't like the color Just my TCW which is actually the value my opinion on a car I don't own..
  17. Ed is correct. This car was my first restoration, won the AACA presidents cup and drove like a dump truck without power steering. The car had very bad vibes. I purchased it from Ron Van Geldren after he was fired and his wife filed for divorce the same week. He had imported it from Argentina. (Don't ask me why??) It had bullet holes all aver the drivers door and the wood was riddled with termite damage. A couple of years after I had finished showing it I divorced my wife and took it to the Leake sale where the buyer walked into the settlement area with a Wheaties box and paid the $110K with 100 dollar bills. He died of a heart attack two weeks later and I lost track of the car. Overall it was a great day for me!!
  18. A few years ago a friend in College Station purchased a Model A in Anchorage. He and his wife flew up and drove it to Texas. Took a while.
  19. Well Said! You can apply that to everything worthwhile in life from the stock market to Marriage.
  20. Do you think it sways when it meets a semi?
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