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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. Over the years I have purchased many cars at auction. They have never been as advertised or without problems. Agree with Matt. Also if the auction company owns the car I would be extra suspicious. Remember it is not the last train out of the station
  2. Great decorations as long as you realize what you are purchasing will probably have little resale value. Very similar to much of the “Art”you find online. Just my opinion.
  3. Walt I think your contributions to automotive history are too often taken for granted by many of us including me. Thank you for everything you have done and hopefully will continue to do in the future. Stay in good health!!
  4. Moving stuff around in the car building this AM. This porcelain has been sitting behind a row of file cabinets for years as it wasn’t “good enough” to hang. Purchased in the mid 90’s at a farm auction along with a group of pristine signs. I offered it to a friend for $100 at the time so I wouldn’t have to haul it home. DSP measures 54 inches. Both sides shown. What would it bring at auction today? My times have changed. I think I will hang it up.
  5. If you want to see rediculous spend some time at a NCRS judging meet. At the last one I attended a judge and owner were arguing over the wiring on the firewall, the judge implying It was too loose. The owner asked “how do I tell if it is tight enough” to which the judge replied, “place a crisp dollar bill behind the wiring and if it slip’s out it is too loose”. I am not being critical as it is their hobby and they live for it. It’s just not for me. I am past the show car phase, just give me a driver with AC. If you can actually document a C1 or C2 being original the sky is the limit. Agree 100% with JACK M. You probably have to be a NCRS senior judge or equivalent to reliably document originality in the C1 and C2 world. By the way I have one of each both with replacement blocks. Back in the day they were “rode hard and put away wet”. I destroyed my first block missing a shift while drag racing!
  6. I ended up purchasing a 9000 lb with steel cable. Found one on sale for $200 less than a similar synthetic cable. Thanks again for the replies.
  7. I'm with you Terry. I would hate to be starting my collection now. I probably have 250 -300 cardboard advertising pieces most of which are non automotive. Some of the artwork is great. Unfortunately there is not a forum to share them.
  8. Frank A Seiberling founded Goodyear Tire & Rubber company in 1898 naming it after Charles Goodyear the inventor of vulcanized rubber. He served as the company president until 1921 when the company was reorganized and he and his brother Charles resigned and founded Seiberling Rubber Company .In only six years the company rose from 330th to 7th place in the tire industry. They were acquired by Firestone in 1965 which ultimately became Bridgestone. SSP on heavy metal 2ft by 6ft
  9. They have been making these pickup conversions for a long time. See article in Old Cars Weekly from Feb 25,2009 by Angelo Van Bogart
  10. Christmas in July! For years I have been walking around a small box in my CC storage unit marked “weather bird shoes lighted sign I think”. Found this when I opened it. 10 by 14 inches. Metal can is 4 inches deep. Works perfectly. What I would give to be organized like Terry Bond!!!
  11. Railway Express advertising. 10 by 14 inches. Tin with embossed image and lettering.
  12. Lumbermans Mutual was founded in 1912 to cover sawmill workers and their families. According to court filings they were still insuring automobiles in 1998. This advertisement dates back to the pre 1920 era. The backing is heavy wood measuring 11 by 15 inches .
  13. Pate swap meet continues to grow with over 10,000 spaces already sold for next year and the majority are not for parking or camping. in fact the speedway provides a huge camping area and parking within walking distance and costs $5/day. Also admittance is free. They also provide free services to transport you large parts to your vehicle. This year in addition to the swap meet there will be a huge Hot Rod show inside the speedway. I started going to Hershey in 1972. After the 2021 show I decided I wouldn't be back. Now if I lived in the northeast I would still be going but it is a long drive from south Texas to walk through half empty fields. My parting thought is how soon will Friday be cancelled for financial reasons.
  14. The knowledge of people on this forum never ceases to amaze me!
  15. Also in the file is this letter on travel which is obviously humor written on Ford letterhead.
  16. Another photo. This is from the September 29,1987 edition commemorating the death of Henry II
  17. Interesting photo from the file cabinet. Ford built his first car in 1896 and sold it for $200 and used the money to build his second car. Fortunately he was able to buy it back in 1904 for $65. A Starbucks coffee friend of 15 years who was a Ford Credit manager gave me his file of Ford World publications before he passed. On their way to the library next week
  18. Earl when we moved from Florida to Texas 15 years ago I sold my enclosed 20 ft Haulmark with well over 100,000 miles to a local lawn guy for $1500 so I think you did OK. Lets face it at our age (I'm 84) it's more important to get rid of sh--!! I lost two friends younger that me in the past month.
  19. Thanks for all the replies, I am trying to contact the deceased owners son. I will post if I get any more information.
  20. More file cabinet goodies: A station could order 1000 for $2.70 back in the day!
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