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Everything posted by 4Hud

  1. I didn't find too many actual parts, especially since we fly in and suitcase space is limited but made great contacts that should work out for me. There was an interesting teens/twenties exhaust heater but it was made largely of cast iron, probably would have prompted a closer look at customs I would think.
  2. View from behind the dash of my 1930 Hudson 8, testing out the new cork clutch this week. Smoooth.
  3. Just my opinion but it doesn't get much better than the '33 Auburn if you're talking attractive cars. Art with wheels.
  4. Dad and I are ready to go, last time we went in 2012 this 1950 Kaiser Vagabond followed us home to Alberta. This was my first trip to Hershey. Old car heaven folks.
  5. Nope, it's not uncommon but it is however a bummer.
  6. I was fixing up a Triumph TR6 in the 90's with the rear bumper pushed in dead centre. A friend happened by one day and told me he had seen the back end sheet metal from a TR6 that had been torched off with the bumper still attached that had been dumped off in a recently created rural subdivision about 10 miles from home. A very nice, free bumper and I helped clean up the neighbourhood.
  7. Well, less than a week after enjoying 27 degree Celsius temperature (80 deg. F) we are dealing with this in Alberta,Canada. We still have a couple of runs scheduled to get the old cars out on and normally we are clear to do that in these parts until mid-October. This should be gone in a couple of days however.
  8. Thanks for the offer Carl. I like the cars I have now but sometime in the not too distant future I want to move up the old car food chain, when that happens I want to choose a car that not only looks great but drives great as well.
  9. Anyone have any experience with this era of Cadillac ? Curious on how they are for driving. I'm assuming they are well engineered.
  10. As far as I know, here in Alberta all the old registration records are not accessible prior to when they switched over to a computerized system in the 1980's. Great car you have there. I agree with the fix-while-you-go method. To quote the phrase many of the experienced folks use. "Make it stop, make it go and then make it pretty".
  11. Side curtains are not great for visibility but on a cool days with a wind-driven sideways rain they are a welcome relief and I think they help to capture some of the heat from the engine. I've been glad to have them for our 1915 Ford on several occasions. . . . And they are nice to keep the dust out when you are farming with the old car.
  12. Having read some controversy last year about changes to this event I had removed it from my bucket list. It appears the Pantasote roof didn't collapse after all and it is still a great event and now on the list for 2019. I'm a mere 54 yrs. of age but that is my preferred era of automobiles. Excellent !
  13. Fully agree. It's a high stress activity.
  14. I was born 6 years after their debut but have always liked them from every angle, especially a Citation hardtop. To me it really represents fifties styling extravagance.
  15. Wow. That is goood stuff. An Oldsmobile Limited, I guess one doesn't see too many of those out in the sunlight these days.
  16. Model 70 is the commercial car. Model 71 is the Terraplane Deluxe. Model 72 is the Super Terraplane.
  17. My brakes screetch when cold on the '30 Hudson, I'm thinking it's modern material on the shoes. Any opinion?
  18. I wonder if the rude and insulting angle as a buyer has ever worked for anyone. I have always found that being respectful and decent have got me the best deals.
  19. Those are mighty nice mudguards. Cool project.
  20. Here is Dad at about age ten. A relative had just purchased a brand new 1947 or 1948 Frazer from the Willow Run factory in Michigan and drove up to visit family in Saskatchewan (that's in Canada) and he got to steer this car around the farm yard sitting on the uncles' lap. It was a new and exciting experience for him and apparently made quite an impression, he now owns 4 Kaiser/Frazer automobiles.
  21. Zinc plated steel is my guess. AKA galvanized.
  22. Nice unit. What are we looking at? Olds, REO, Dodge, Overland?
  23. Very kind of you to help him out, hope the cars find a home.
  24. It is a great book. Alice was, in my opinion, the top female trailblazer in the early years of the automobile.
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