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Everything posted by 4Hud

  1. Lots of good old stuff there, thanks for posting.
  2. Nothing says "very well kept" like a good layer of dust and poor photos with the hood open and some fella working on it...
  3. May I add my rainbow photo that somewhat leads to our parts-car row? There indeed are treasures within.
  4. Nice looking car, proper photos would showcase this Buick greatly. Looks to be the 6 cylinder series.
  5. "apparently just to prove that they and the cars could do it". Yes Stanley Register, thats essentially what we are still doing today.
  6. This business in Vancouver WA has many parts specifically for Imperials 1931-1934. www.chrysler-imperial.com
  7. Looks like a fun car at a very reasonable price.
  8. Opens up a fine opportunity for someone to host a "Vintage" touring event that caters to this fine era of automobile, all you need is 4 or 5 of you to get things rolling. If you build it ...
  9. Hudson did offer a nickel plated rad shell on the 1926 second series cars, I like the painted a bit more. Looks like quite a nice car.
  10. We and several car friends have used TFX from U.S. to Canada, they also go the other direction. We have been very satisfied with their service.
  11. In Alberta, Canada we have a plate for vehicles 25 years and older with a one time fee, although most people use the year of manufacture plate on the car with the collector plate handy in the trunk or under the seat.
  12. This first time attendee flew 1900 miles each way to see this amazing event, I don't think you will see anything like it anywhere else. With over 700 cars/trucks etc. on hand, several examples were the only ones known. I did a lot of walking but also spent several hours kicking back and watching everything go by, absorbing the sights, sounds and smells. The Saturday gas light event is a real spectacle. I had some great conversations with the owners, one in particular had been collecting cars since the 1940's. I'll be back, perhaps with a car. A couple of my many favourites were a 1920 Nash and the blue 1923 Chandler.
  13. Hudson changed the description of a Brougham over time, in the mid '20's it was a Biddle & Smart produced 4 door close coupled sedan with blind quarters. By the mid '30's it was a 2 door sedan or convertible. Bottom line, it's a carriage or car of some configuration
  14. The auction buyers fees seem to me like they are creeping up like everything else, 17 % in this case. Sounds high for an online auction, I guess that's what it is these days.
  15. I'm glad nobody told me and my friends that driving pre war cars is not done much anymore, we had a fine 2 1/2 day tour with twenty-five 1931 and older cars in June, with the Vintage Touring Association of Alberta. Two of the days over 100 miles each. We seek out great roads with little traffic that are fortunately available to us. We feel that getting these cars out and about keeps this segment of the hobby rolling along.
  16. That is a lot of stuff in that auction and some really interesting items as you say. Nothing much I really need but I will check on a few lots as the date comes closer. I live in good ol' Alberta and can't say I know the collector by name,but certainly our path has crossed at some point.
  17. Very nice looking automobile. Best of luck with the sale.
  18. I like to have all my sockets and wrenches organized sequentially where I can just go and grab them, unfortunately my father doesn't subscribe to the same idea, quite frustrating but I'm not too hard on him, he's nearly 86 and still gitten' 'er done on a daily basis.
  19. I like the fact that this collective group can arrive at a reasonable market value on most anything. Looking at most other sites of vintage cars for sale can be quite perplexing, the asking prices are often not even close to realistic, even on the best day, ever.
  20. Yep, our '60 Continental does the same thing on hot days, we added a switch operated electric fuel pump. Front of the engine, elevated is a poor location for the factory fuel pump.
  21. Another unusual power window mode of movement is our 1951 Frazer Manhattan 4 dr. hardtop. The actuator works on a vacuum cylinder in each door, we tried to rebuild it but with the heavy spring inside your body parts may be in peril during disassembly. The front doors still work well but use electric motors in the rear.
  22. I have had my Chrysler '50' for many years but didn't know the answer off hand. The owners manual just calls it a tail light and the wiring diagram shows a single wire, so no evidence of a stop light, however few people these days would forgo the safety of the brakelight. Bob
  23. Showing a bit of a Hudson bias, I like the close-coupled look of the 1925-26 Hudson Super-Six Brougham. Biddle and Smart body.
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