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Everything posted by 58L-Y8

  1. Advertisements peddling those Prinzing neo-classic replicars used to appear in Hemmings. Like most all of the genre, two words apply: ghastly and pretentious! Cars made specifically for those with NO taste and entirely TOO much money! Remember, there is a butt for every seat.
  2. Its a '36 Oldsmobile Eight Model L Henney Progress Model 764 by the Oldsmobile Crestline history. The Oldsmobile commercial chassis were also used by Sayers & Scoville for ambulance and hearse production, they were a less costly line.
  3. Forward spam emails to spam@uce.gov, makes them go away.
  4. Walt, A photo of the Cadillac 341 Series with Hibbard & Darrin torpedo phaeton can be found on page 263 of Cadillac, Standard of the World, The Complete Seventy Year History by Maurice D. Hendry. I recall reading H & D licensed Gill in England to build the design as well. The style also was mounted on Stutz chassis.
  5. The Graham Owners Club would be a good place to investigate what parts sources are available. There used to be a warehouse in Auburn, Indiana that still offered NOS Graham and Hupmobile parts from the leftover stocks of those companies, tracking it down would be worthwhile. The 629 is in specification almost identical to the Packard 526 and 533, wheelbase between at 129", same displacement six cylinder, long-stroke and torquey. The Graham club could enlighten as to what the survival rate is for known cars, I'd surmise its quite low and rare. Good luck.
  6. That's a interesting Graham-Paige, the only series listing four window Town Sedans are the Model 629 and 835. Since the model numbers denote number of cylinders and wheelbase length, a quick measurement hub to hub will answer which series it is. The 1928 and First Series 1929 629 had their largest six cylinder engine 288.6 shared with the 619. At $1,985-$2,185, these competed with Studebaker President FA & FB, Buick Six 129, Willys-Knight 66A & 66B, Hupmobile Century 125 & M, Jordan 8JE, Auburn 8-88 & 8-120, a crowded market segment. While it would be a worthwhile restoration of a rare car, not one to do if this is one's first collector car and/or have any hope of recouping the investment. Please let us know what model that Graham-Paige is.
  7. Stateside, its my understanding the Hibbard & Darrin licensed Derham to build their Torpedo Transformable Phaeton, which as noted was also mounted on Cadillac 341, Lincoln L, Packard 645, DuPont G and Duesenberg J. The convertible coupe version also appeared on most of those same fine chassis as well as Pierce-Arrow, even became the basis for their own convertible coupe design. Yes Mr. Gosden, please write down all the personal stories you've been privy to in conversations and correspondence with well-known designers and coachbuilders, there is an eager and ready audience who would very much like to read them.
  8. The 1933 Sixteen was the first year the spinner-style was optional. Bets are the chauffeur had to keep an eye on those to make sure they weren't stolen.
  9. Thanks for the chuckle! Lambasted: to administer a verbal thrashing to, censure. I hope those headlight buckets aren't feeling too badly about themselves after that...
  10. 1954 Kaiser Darrin body shell components.
  11. Mark I recall seeing a 1985-'89 Town Car with a 1980-'83 Mark VI four door deck lid fitted back when those were nearly new cars. It seemed to be a natural fit. No doubt they had to remove the reflector panel, though how much if any modifications for the trunk latch is unknown. Certainly worth a search for parts sources and to give it a try if its how you'd prefer your Town Car to look. The Town Car in question was one of those customized by AHA to a Formal Sedan with the rear roof quarter with nearly vertical backlight, small limousine-style rear window and half-padded top. All in all, quite and elegant look evoking the Classic Era luxury car. Good luck with your personalizing efforts. Steve
  12. Its a 1928 Packard Custom 443 seven passenger touring car, body style no. 310. The touring is easily identified by the loop carriage-style door handles versus the straight type seen on the red phaeton pictures above. Another telltale its a touring is the rear of the body is further to the rear whereas the phaeton is more close-coupled. The Dallas Fire Chief certainly had a nice expensive car befitting his important position. The sign down to the right reads "Auburn Dallas, Used Car Dept" must have been that for the Auburn dealer in the area.
  13. The used car value of most of the minor makes such as Jewett wasn't much by the time they were 5-6 years old. Its value would be even less once it became a defunct make after the 1927 model year which was Jewett's last. The minion charged with buying a jalopy for this demonstration was told, "Get the best-looking jalopy you can for $25, don't matter if it runs".
  14. The easy way to tell these two above are not 1933 Speedway President Model 92 is the rear door edge has a rear fender cutout since the wheelbase is much shorter than 135".
  15. Oakland was on the right track with their mono-block design, the single plane crankshaft was the downfall, that and angled block decks that required cylinder heads of the same design. Eventually, GM did benefit from this early technological development when Cadillac introduced their first mono-block V8 for 1936. Interesting enough, the 1932-'39 Packard Twelve is also a mono-block, which Packard also instituted for the 120 but didn't bother to do so for the Super Eights until the 356 ci of 1940. They were the last to use this outdated method of engine design through 1939. Steve
  16. A major significant feature of these Oakland V8's is they are a mono-block two years before the Ford flathead V8 came to market. The concurrent Viking V8 companion car to Oldsmobile is also a mono-block before Ford as well.
  17. The name given that pseudo phaeton was Scaphandier, if I recall correctly.
  18. Anyone on the survival of at least one of the '30 Packard 745 LeBaron convertible sedans?
  19. Sorry to follow up so late on this topic, had to take images good enough to post. Reportedly, ten of these 1930 Packard 745 convertible sedan by LeBaron were built, did any survive? Its one of the purest examples of classic design: close-coupled, four passenger seating, rear body mass ends at the axle-line, dropped lower sills, rear-mounted spares, emphasis on the wheels. To the Franklins: specifically the victoria coupe at top and the sport sedan at the bottom, both by Dietrich. In the proportions and details such as the thin, chrome window frames, these are some of the most wonderful examples of what that massively talented designer could do. Franklin's relatively short hood looks longer with rear mounted spare, side-mounts were anathema to custom coach designers. Do either survive? Steve
  20. Hi Jim You might also check the Packard Club and Packards International websites, cars for sale section, plus PackardInfo.com cars for sale including the Various CL Pickings which we keep actively posting new CL listing from around the country for consideration. There are many very good 120's available, take your time, check out many, buy the best one you can for the money. Good luck in your pursuit. Steve
  21. This appeared on Craigslist, certainly one of the last undiscovered of its type, a 1929 Deluxe Eight 645 service truck wrecker conversion of a Holbrook Inside-Drive Limousine body: https://worcester.craigslist.org/cto/d/cherry-valley-1929-packard-645/6775956626.html I have no interest or stake in its sale, just thought to bring it to general attention, an interesting historical vehicle. Steve
  22. The car in the first photo is definitely a Franklin by the large Ryan lights with matching fender-mounted parking lights. The windsplit stamped into the fenders also identify it. This second photo car looks to be a First Series '24 Packard Eight, by the headlight size and their fork mounting, plus the wider radiator. Guesses are the portly old gent with the pince-nez glasses was the owner, while his chauffeur looks on. Note the porte cochere behind, the very image of an affluent 1920's America.
  23. The blue 1959 rendering displays the abbreviated fins seen on the Firebird III as well as the side surface features and the jet pod rear of the Cadillac Cyclone, both Motorama show cars. Dave Holls was a major design talent, GM was fortunate to have him on staff contributing in those optimistic years. Steve
  24. Most of the long wheelbase, seven passenger sedans of low and medium-price makes were used in taxi or livery operations. As such, they generally had the wheels run off them, accumulated high miles and since there was little demand for them after that service, were junked. That's why, in addition to the relatively lower production numbers initially, their survival rate is so low.
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