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Anyone been to Carlisle This Week?


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I realize it’s like blasphemy to ask about another car show with Hershey just around the corner but has anyone been to Carlisle this week?  Just wondering what they are seeing in attendance and enthusiasm to buy cars, parts, and yes car related toys for those of us who like that kind of stuff😀.

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It is Thursday evening….

I have been at Carlisle for 3 days now…

The aisles in the Main Field and the Infield are very full…

My aisle ( I L —- Infield Row L ) is absolutely 100 % full —- every space is spoken for, merchandise in every space —- No simply parked trucks…..


Tuesday is set up day, but the “ E bay Boys “ ( Buy for $ 20 , sell for $ 200 ) were

already out and about…


Wednesday, the actual 1st day of the show , was sparsely attended , but there were some people already “ digging in “…


Today, Thursday, I was busy all day, and a lot of buying, I thought, but the patrons walking the aisles NEVER filled them, and they didn’t have to elbow each other around… So, in summation, the attendance was down, but ( I think ) people were here with a purpose or on a mission ( more than normal —- or, a lot less people wandering around aimlessly…. )


We shall see what Friday and Saturday are all about….. Weather has been great so far,

tomorrow morning could be a bit of an issue… to be determined….


Saturday should be perfect, short sleeve weather, again….


If you’re thinking about coming…. Just Do it !!!

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Same here. Arrived Tuesday afternoon and set up in the drizzle. Wed and Thurs were good days weather-wise. The north field is pretty empty but that has been a trend at Fall Carlisle for years now. Got some great deals including a unicorn posi unit for my 1962 Olds F85 wagon. As Craig says, predictions are light rain Friday AM but nice in the afternoon and Saturday. Fair crowds today.

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Terry B,

Thanks for starting this thread, and Joe P. And I will keep you updated….


The Carlisle Events team and the HERSHEY Region AACA are good friends, and help promote each other’s shows —- and they SHOULD !!!


It is good for both of them, people come from all over the world for these two weeks…

I have already served, and had orders picked up by,

Janne from Sweden , Roland from Sweden, Anders from Sweden, and Robert from

Canada, and Jamie and Jan (his wife) from Australia.


Lot of Swedes here, Jan from Norway, one pair of guys from Argentina, and a four pack of guys from Puerto Rico….


And —- everyone knows —- there are a lot of Foreign Languages spoken at HERSHEY through the last 60 + years !!!


It is essential to our automotive hobby to keep HERSHEY and Carlisle the 1 A and 1 B

of car shows , old car gatherings , and the continued reason for our FAMILY to get together —- and talk, hunt , and seek. Bro Hugs, Handshakes, Smiles, and Camaraderie 

abounds in abundance at these two venues…. It is the AWESOME part of life !!!

( Ask someone who knows, since I did not DIE 12 1/2 months ago !!! Love ya’ all !!! )



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Hey Terry B,

This is for you !! My back door neighbor Kevin ( real likable guy ) has an UNOPENED

one of those strat-o-matic Electric Football games we used to plug in as kids, and the football players would bounce around the board!!!


He was never into football, he got it as a Birthday or Christmas gift — and NEVER opened it…. Great for next generation of kids to get them from punching them darn buttons all day…..


He saw them “ on line “ for $ 100 —- so he is asking $ 50. !!!


I am in I L 78 - 80, so he would be in I M 78 - 79…..



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As Joe P. Says above ( looks like neither one of us is getting much sleep !!! ),

we got that overnite drizzle many times, but that was all —- no puddles ,for sure, at all.


My app ( Hey, I know that word !!! ) is showing 24 % s from now through 11:00 A.M.,and partly cloudy all morning and early afternoon, but N O “ blue “ at all ?!?


So, today is partly “ IFFY “ , but we COULD be “ Good to Go “ …. Bring an umbrella in your cart or wagon, that’s all… We vendors will all let you stand under our canopies in the event of an “ r “ / precipitation event…. High of 66 —- light jacket, maybe….


And, as Joe P. States above, Saturday should be Glorious….


So now, back to powdering feet and fresh socks !!!


For Channel Carlisle,Craig….

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I agree, no need to look at Carlisle as competition to Hershey, just a compliment. I know they started for a different reason but there is a lot of water under that bridge by now. As luck would have it, my schedule changed and if I want I can get there today. Its raining right now but the radar looked like the bulk of the showers will be to the east a bit. Still looks like its going to be a cloudy damp day. I dont need anything but like Hershey, I like to go just because. If I can get my son to tag along I may be there in a couple of hours.

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Went to Fall Carlisle for the first time. I went on Wednesday. The weather was great, cool and dry. I walked the entire grounds. As stated above few cars for sale. Plenty of vendors, but nothing caught my eye and nothing specifically that I needed. Seemed to me there were overwhelmingly Camero and Chevelle parts!  Still fun to walk around.



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Yes, It may be just me but It sure seems like camaro, chevelle, tri 5, corvette rule the air waves there. The other thing that I have noticed is the plethora of borderline to non auto related items. Still a fun time to walk around. Ames (pontiac supplier) usually has a tent. I have in the past bought large items to be delivered to the show to save on shipping which makes a good excuse to go as well.

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The one thing I will have to eat my words on though, One year there I did not take my cart with me as I was not really looking to buy. I ended up finding a set of badly needed front seats for a deal that I could not pass up. There was a tent with hardware store related items, rakes, shovels, extension cords, you name it. I ended up buying a wheel barrow and a bundle of rope. Tied the fronts seats to the wheel barrow and I was good to go.


At Hershey one year similar event. Found a great deal on a new windshield. No cart (again when I go to Hershey its more of a look see than a buying spree) and no way I was gonna drag a windshield the 100 miles back to my parking spot. I looked hi and lo for some kind of conveyance to move a big box. No luck! So I ended up paying almost as much as the windshield itself in shipping costs when I got home.

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Hey everybody,

My first chance to update everyone on Friday / today here at Carlisle…


We heard from many, many people that getting here to Carlisle from all points North and slightly to the East —- including HERSHEY today, they got SLAMMED with heavy , heavy precipitation…. So much so, that a lot of people did not come to Carlisle today.


The attendance was clearly light, the aisles never filled up, 75 % of the people here walked dutifully through the aisles, barely turned their heads left or right, and bought nothing from anybody…. Hope for $ 10 to park and $ 12 gate admission, they felt that they got $ 22 worth of walking around aimlessly feel like it was worth their while….

( I am sure they also bought captive audience priced food and drink also … )


Most vendors were reporting low numbers for their sales today — as you can expect…


Here is the funny thing… here at Carlisle ( miraculously !!! ) , we had a few off and on drizzles, and then light rain for 6 - 7 minutes, a little more drizzle , and that was it !!!

I never pulled the clear plastic over my spread, I was 100 % wide open the whole time…

It was absolutely fine !!! And, in short sleeves, that wasn’t an issue either !!!


Now, we all have to figure that the biggest attendance will be tomorrow…. With all those who didn’t come today, plus an absolute glorious forecast for tomorrow / Saturday —- there is a high likelihood that the aisles will be fairly full….


The bad news —- a good many vendors pulled out of here today and this evening….

A lot of aisles are 50 to 70 % full and less…. And WHY ??? We know that Sundays are Ghost Towns here, but Saturday is usually a big day… And might be very nice tomorrow.

Why did they leave ?!?! As we all know, HERSHEY won’t let anyone in before Monday morning at 8 : 00 A.M. It makes no sense….


I will bet that my sales will be more than ZERO (0) tomorrow…. I know their sales WILL BE Zero (0) tomorrow ……


We will see you here tomorrow, if you are so inclined…. I think it will be good for you to make the effort…


Yours, Craig ….

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^^^ We know it ^^^ Dave M N.J., parts of New York , New Jersey, and Connecticut had serious issues, as you point out.

Undoubtedly, that scared people from coming yesterday, and weather forecasters kept other people away… ( Too bad they can’t be 100 % correct 100 % of the time, but that is NOT their competency level — L O L —- but they still have their job )

Weather forecasters C A N kill a show….


Friends of mine that came here to Carlisle were so pleasantly surprised to learn that here at Carlisle , we got next to  NOTHING !!! While they drove through deluges to be here… But they came for two days —- so they were here for yesterday now, and today. So, as we’ve seen, they got a “ bonus day “ of yesterday was fine here, and now, today, will beautiful…


Back to “ bed “…. For Channel Carlisle, Craig…..


P.S. —- Lots of dogs here today , many being toted in carts and wagons…


I sometimes ask, “ How much for the dog ?? “ You hear some funny and interesting comments… A lot of, “ No way, not even for a million dollars “ , etc., etc.

So, I will respond “ Come on, it’s a swap meet, .I’ll give you a Fuel Pump for him ! “

Ha Ha Ha


One time, this guy’s wife was carrying the dog…

So he says, “ For this mangy mutt, give me $ 20 for him… “

His wife turned away from us, and said, “ You better not “ ….

He and I both roared !!!






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7 minutes ago, mobileparts said:

^^^ REAL Vendors are ^^^ !!!

Shame , truth be told, on all those who left to try and ruin a Saturday for the patrons…

I am glad that their sales are Z E R O (0)….

Good Luck with sales, today….



At one time Carlisle Productions combated the "leaving early syndrome" by giving away a car on Sunday.  Your admission ticket was the raffle ticket.  Vendors got one for each day and each space so their chances were better.  You had to be present to win.  Seems like it was a good idea.


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11 hours ago, mobileparts said:

The bad news —- a good many vendors pulled out of here today and this evening….

A lot of aisles are 50 to 70 % full and less…. And WHY ??? We know that Sundays are Ghost Towns here, but Saturday is usually a big day… And might be very nice tomorrow.

Yes, Saturday's (today's) weather is supposed to be glorious.


When vendors leave early, they hurt the event.  If from past

experience customers know that half the vendors are gone,

fewer customers will feel the day is worthwhile.  More will

stay home.


Such in-and-out-quickly vendors hurt the very event

they're trying to sell at!


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Hello Everyone,

I am sitting here behind my spot, all packed up, all tarped over , awaiting the kid in the morning to help me fire everything back into the van and trailer first thing in the morning ( with my medical challenges , I can’t do that myself easily … )…


All of your above comments are correct — it is horrible that vendors leave early —- Friday is ridiculous, Saturday is understandable given the fact Sundays have been ruined here…. I frankly don’t know how you could return Sunday to normalcy , without that car giveaway or something to that effect deal —- but now with Hershey on 

Monday, we do need a day to do our wash , food shopping, etc. —- so at this point, I personally am okay with leaving it this way, now…


But as for all those people who left early —- I took in $ 1100 today, my buddy Teddy took in $ 1200, my neighbor Kevin, with a late last sale did just a tad under $ 1000 ,

And Brian, down the row here,  took in $ 900….

That is a heck of a lot more than ZERO (0) —- and while the weather was absolutely perfect today, it actually wasn’t that busy, again….


Oh well , still have some things to do —- but, see y’all at HERSHEY !!!






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Most are aware, but DO NOT come to Carlisle today —-

every remaining aisle has 1 vendor, 3 vendors, 1 vendor, 2 vendors….

Lotta walking between open spots…..


I suppose unless you want to try and “ steal “ a car in the car corral that hasn’t sold….

Offer him the $ 5000 less —- and see if he bites…. ( You know if he’s trying to sell it, 

he really doesn’t want to take it home…..


Weather report still good for HERSHEY… Please God and Mother Nature, take care of us !!!



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