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Unknown old car tools


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Can anybody identify, I bought a very old shop and these are some of the tools , owner died…..the first pic has other matching items in box below it not pictured , second item rotates and variable speed almost looks like a monster brake drum lathe ? , third item some guy thought for Babbitt rod and cap work,plugged in a they turn on , the shop is 100 yrs oldimage.jpg.e5243cba2b21a0c07fa667998e1e6503.jpgimage.jpg.3519e83956262972e1a7da0a6ca936a3.jpgimage.jpg.10440be0402c3e34a8e04b4816fc053a.jpgimage.jpg.08d519d3f244fd81e688117e2c12a41c.jpg

Edited by arcticbuicks (see edit history)
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thanks so much.....what would they be worth or are they in demand at all? on the cheap side....i want to get rid of them rather than scrap ?....and is there just one bar for boring set ? round i imagine ?

Brake lathe i do not imagine would be of much value maybe

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i knew of the guy a little and he was very smart and the shop was at home and in basement of the house and big garage out back,he was the type of guy we all need for that 'cant be fixed' problem,he knew metals and welding cracked blocks etc.......he had previously worked at the best shop of the area that was around since late 1800s 'Modern Machine works" and huge with a lot of workers and i think it got bought out by NAPA and they quit the machine shop part,and when it closed decades ago......  i am guessing he got most of the tools.......I actually went to the yard sale last year when the son came 2000 miles  to clean up and the son was overwhelmed with the place packed to the roof,house floors sagging.........he said i wish someone would just buy the place and take it all.......so i did lol........and never bought a house at a yard sale before .......i have been selling off tons,found 3 340 dodge engines,4 standard 4 speed mopar 60s trans........hard to imagine whats all there ........I have my construction guys gutting the house and will sell it once done pretty good area of town .......my dad always said "buy the worst house eyesore ...in the best area "

Edited by arcticbuicks (see edit history)
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Visit: www.jalopyjournal.com and www.garagejournal.com .


You can try www.alloy-artifacts.org or www.vintagemachinery.org but they're more hand tools and woodworking, respectively.


Folks there can likely ID what you have and help you find it good homes if you're looking to sell.


Kwik-Way (Cedar Rapids Engineering Co) is an old machine tool maker with a good reputation. You've got good stuff there.

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yes im looking to sell and cheaper if i can move it fast,its holding up renovating the house now,i took several trailer loads to scrap,28,000 lbs  just to give a idea lol........and im not even one foot in the shop door yet ,thats  just the yard and basement ..........

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yes crazy ,and i got the place untouched from the estate and cant move in most rooms packed to the ceiling and havnt even started in the shop out back yet,fun part is its all old car related among other junk and engine shop tools etc

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Sounds like you found treasure Island.  I know an old lady we help that hoards like that but she loves QVC, so if we ever have to help clean her place out all we'll find is a bunch of that crap.  


Did get to clean out my Uncle Franks place and buy some stuff from my aunt.  It was real cheap and I got some nice momentos and a few signs for my collection,  but it wasn't exactly treasure island.  Still fun digging around to see what was stashed in a corner her and there. 

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More I found yesterday lol….another $50 sum k , plus some really cool old tools and things ,I am still kinda shocked ,went to the bank and lawyer to see what to do , the old paper money is out of currency but still good to be exchanged to plastic bills …..but going to raise some issues ……also a few bills are probly of value too…....but funny how things work out , in visit to lawyer I know well ……he said “hey there’s a wealthy estate with a old garage kept  packard convertible hasn’t  moved in decades I’m handling and your into old cars and it’s gotta go quickly “


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This is an amazing story. I'm happy for you, as cleaning up one of these places is pretty daunting. I'm one that would be close enough to check it out, but I need more machinery for my shop like I need another head. 

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thanks,I am just going back to work there ,have to actually get some work done to get house sold now,and yeah i too  have a good size shop equipped with enough and im not into machine work as much or hardly actually ,i am taking piles to auction house shortly to save time too

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