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Have you ever wrecked a car when you were younger?


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Reminds me of the time I avoided a ticket on the Jersey turnpike in a Jag for spinning tires out of the toll both. LEO took pity when he saw my whole right hand was in a cast (was shifting with left)

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In 1967 right after I had my car re-painted, put in a very modified 289 Hi-Po engine, new shocks, springs re-arched, and a fancy set of Goodyear Blue Streak tires, this Plymouth shown below passed us on an straight section of road out in the country with one headlamp and no tail-lights. We all remarked about it and went about a mile on, then there he set in the road... I swerved to the left to miss him, and he stomped the gas and turned directly sideways which is where he still was when I got him at about 50 or 55 mph as it was all too sudden to avoid.. There were 5 of us in my Falcon, two in the Plymouth.  The Falcons heart lived on in a 61 Ranchero (all the drivetrain and other parts) but I sure hated losing my little Futura. We were each banged up, but nothing serious.  The moron that had been driving the Plymouth that night later hit two ladies head on and it not only killed them, but himself too.

after 55mph stop.jpg

falcon plymouth.jpg

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I wasn't born yet, but this happened in 1981 to my family. My mom still has some after affects of this accident all these years later. 



I know somewhere I have a photo of my dad's Impala that hit a brick wall but I can't find it now. My photo archive is over 400,000 images and it's not in the family cars album, like it should be. 

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Hit an undercover cop car in an empty parking lot with my dad's '66 Impala SS convertible.



Some of us high school students would race around the shopping mall's parking lot later at night when it was nearly empty. I was following my "friend's"  V8 Chevy Monza when BAM!  I thought I had it  a light pole or something. Got out of the car and I had clipped the front end of a Chevy Caprice 4 door. Walked over to the car and the guy rolled down the window (while noticing the patches on his sleeve) and was on the radio saying "please send a car to XXXX as I was just hit by a young punk racing" .  Cops show up, file a report but wasn't charged with anything as it was private property but an insurance claim for the unmarked cop car. I then had to ask them to call my dad to come and get me and the car.  I think the mall owners had asked the police to patrol the lot as kids were racing at night. I think he saw the Monza, but not me, and pulled out in front of me. 


I put friends in quotes because as soon as they seen what happened they took off. 

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Senior year 64  after the prom we all went to The Lake Shore hotel at the north end of Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. I had my folks 62 Chrysler Newport with a 383. My buddy Sammy had his brother in laws Chevy 409. Cruising down LSD a Dodge pulled up long side me on the right. I don’t think he saw Sammy on my left and he took off, Sammy did the same and I was left behind but tried to keep up. They were going around cars and switching lanes when a Lincoln  moved to the left and Sammy had no where to go and clipped the rear end of the Lincoln. Destroyed the front of the 409 and the right rear bumper/tail light of the Lincoln. The Dodge took off but I stopped. The Lincoln driver was cool and told the cops the Dodge cut him off he switched lanes and caused Sammy to hit him. The cops looked like they didn’t believe him but he was an older Lincoln driver so no tickets were issued. I’ll never forget the Lincoln driver saying to Sammy. “You had that guy sorry I got in your way” got in his car and drove away. Later that night Sam parked the 409 in his sisters driveway and we all went to the dunes the next day.  He was sorry the next night! 
dave s 

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22 hours ago, padgett said:

Still have a Honda 150 elite from 1986. Watercooled single with a CVT that all of those Chinese copies cloned.




The one huge downfall for scooters like that is they have such a high center of gravity.

The wheels are so tiny that it's far too easy to have them come out from under you if traction is limited or you need to make an emergency maneuver.

For an around town bike I much prefer something like a Honda MB-5.

Not only are they great on gas they are a hoot ride.


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Was hit head on by a well drilling rig which drove me 135' under it until it finally stopped hitting an embankment. They covered me up but my hand twitched. Thankfully nobody was with me. The 66 Impala save my life. It was name Baretta after the TV show. 24 years old and spent 8 weeks in traction. Back in the day I used to brag to my friends I was the only one amongst us that never had a broken bone. Now I tell them I broke them all at once. Enjoy life as it can change quickly.



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Perhaps the question should be, "Who among us has not wrecked a car when they were younger?"


My worst wreck was when I was around 17.  I was leaving my girlfriend's house and had gone about a block when a woman came over a hill on the approaching intersecting road (unable to be seen until she crested the hill) and failed to yield, as per the sign.


My 60 Olds Super 88 t-boned her right in the driver side door of her 1958 Ford 4-door sedan.  As a result of the impact her front bench seat came free of its moorings.  As it rose up in the air it hit the door handle on the passenger side of her car and opened the door.  Both her and the bench seat exited the car.  I viewed her laying on the ground and thought I killed her.


I immediately ran to a house on the corner, knocked and asked to use the phone; no cells phones back then.  The lady of the house turned and started walking.  I followed.  Next thing I know both of us were standing in her bathroom!  Evidently the phone was right next to me when I entered the home and did not see it.


Turned out the woman I hit sustained a broken hip.  I had to hire a lawyer and sue her.  I recall going with my attorney to collect the settlement monies.  The woman I hit was present, in a wheel chair!


Did I feel bad?  I felt sorry for her, but being a kid I sorely needed the money to have my car repaired and I felt good about getting that money!

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1967 I was driving a Bug Eyed Sprite and was hit head on by a guy in a stolen full sized Chevy. Guess who won? The guy took off making it a hit and run. Crushed both my knees requiring removal of my knee caps. 2 months in hospital and almost a year on crutches. As luck would have it our family doc happened to be driving behind me and rendered aid. I was wearing a seat belt, not thru any thoughts of safety but because it was considered "cool" to wear a belt while driving a sports car. I couldn't afford the driving gloves.

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22 hours ago, D Yaros said:

Perhaps the question should be, "Who among us has not wrecked a car when they were younger?"


*raises hand*  👋

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I will settle for a tie with Restorer32 as we both belong to a very small fraternity of head on collision survivors. Last year I had a new hip put in after 41 years due to this accident and I am sure Restorer32 is also still feeling some permanent aches and pains. Didn't seem to slow either of us down with the car hobby.   

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