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Current Issues and Suggestions for a Better BCA


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... Bottom line is maybe there should be some incentive to go e-Bugle over hard copy. ...

I know for Kaiser Frazer club it saves a lot of money and time.

The BCA did have a reduced membership for those interested in just an electronic copy of the Bugle. And if one was to join from the "online" link on the BCA site, they still have that option listed. It is indeed, $35.00 per annum, vs $50.00 for the hard copy.

Somewhere the wires are crossed when one looks at the membership form in the Bugle, or the Printable Membership form link on the new BCA site, cause that option is not listed.

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Although I’m not really the person who can adequately address the possibility of offering the eBugle-only as an option for BCA members, I do know a little about the printing business. There are huge discounts offered by publishing houses based on the amount of copies printed. The BCA receives those discounts because we print over 7,000 copies of the Bugle each month. The less copies we print, the less discount we receive. At some point, if the club prints only a few thousand copies of the magazine, it becomes prohibitively expensive and the print copy will no longer be an option. I’m not sure the current membership is ready for that since the majority seem to enjoy receiving the print version. Of course, we all know that print journalism is dying a pretty steady death and at some point in the future, the Bugle may become only a digital magazine. But that might be 10-15 years away and my brain just can’t think that far ahead—except that I know in 15 years someone else will be designing the Bugle, because I’ll be too old to fight the learning curve of keeping up with new software every year!

The suggestion of converting past Bugles into digital files to be archived online is a good one. I’ve been interested in doing this for several years. There are some complications though – the two main ones are time and money. Since none of the older issues are digital files, (BC = “before computers”) we would need to scan each page of every issue and then convert those scans into a digital magazine. This is hugely time-consuming. Even converting only one magazine issue (from scans) can take hours. I wish I had the time to do it, but I just don’t. Any chance we could get about 40-45 volunteers to each scan the pages of only ONE issue each? Or 20 members to scan 2 issues each??? They could send me those scans and I’d be willing to put the issue together as a digital magazine file. It could be a long-term project with the goal being to finish all of the issues for the 2016 Meet. If anyone has any other ideas, please speak up. It would be really great to have a copy of each issue online — and I think also an incentive to involve more of the current membership with the website/forum — and possibly even something that would attract younger members. It’s just a thought….

Cindy Livingston

Bugle Art Director

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(Oh good - maybe JohnD took the bait). Jpeg or Pdf - high resolution, 300 dpi, 100% size is preferred. Good labeling with the year, month, page #. And each page would need to be lined up real straight on the scanner. And I'd LOVE to have someone in charge of this - not a lot of work, but just someone who can organize who scans which issue so that we don't duplicate issues. And of course, we have to have the magazines too! I only have them for the years I've done the Bugle (2006-present) and I'm even missing a few of those.


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Guest my3buicks

There are not alot of fully complete sets out there, and for those that have never seem the original ones, they are basically news letters. Getting 550 plus bugles to someone to scan them in itself would be a task.

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Shaking my head this morning about the conversation of scanning the Bugles for use in posting them on the website. Reason being, a few years ago, the administrator of the 1954 Buick Highway forum offered to use my collection of all Bugles since 1966 to scan, convert to digital files and make available to BCA management for posting on the BCA website. He is very skilled at magazine layout and publishing and has some awesome scanning equipment. All he asked from the BCA in return, was to be given permission to scan and post the issues containing 1954 Buick articles on his forum site and a year of membership to the BCA. Not only was his offer refused by the BCA but he was told that if he did scan and post the 1954 related articles he would be sued.

What a missed opportunity.....

I am currently busy with a huge building project or else would offer my help in the scanning of the issues. I will however offer to box and send my collection to anyone wishing to devote the time to scanning them.

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Hey Mr. Earl,

It is 15 degrees and snowing like crazy here in Colorado !!!

We have 8" on the deck and more due in tomorrow.

If you are building a new barn for real, I'll grab my tool belt and come on down.

That is, if Terry is serving lunch.

Mike in COLD Colorado

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Guest my3buicks

Bylaws -can anyone tell me why the club Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, and BCA Standard Operating Procedures were omitted from the latest Roster? Looking at the 2011 Vol 41 Roster, that information is enclosed, the 2014 Vol 42 Roster is missing this what I consider to be pertinent and important info to be housed in said Roster.

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Guest my3buicks

I would suggest that would be money well spent to put that important and pertinent information in all Rosters. That information should be at every members fingertips if needed.

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I doubt that enough members actually read the bylaws to justify printing them in every roster. I suggest that the bylaws could be posted on the BCA website like the Judging Manual and printed separately and made available for members without internet access. The cost savings could be significant.

Just my $0.02

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Guest my3buicks

Yes Mark, i agree they should be available online. If the Roster was done yearly i could see the cost savings, but the one prior to 2014 was 2011. But your idea would be a great compromise.

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I would suggest that would be money well spent to put that important and pertinent information in all Rosters. That information should be at every members fingertips if needed.

I doubt that enough members actually read the bylaws to justify printing them in every roster. I suggest that the bylaws could be posted on the BCA website like the Judging Manual and printed separately and made available for members without internet access. The cost savings could be significant.

Just my $0.02

I agree with Keith, the Bylaws should be contained in the Rosters (which I thought were supposed to come out every two years) as well as the Rules and Regulations of the BCA and the Standard Operating Procedures. I think there are too many valuable members who still don't visit the Website who would miss these documents if they weren't in hard copy. When I receive the Roster I always check my cars then flip through and read up on the rest of the material. So once every two years, I generally re-familiarize myself with these documents. I fail to believe that the 4-5 pages that would be dedicated to this would make that much of a cost difference in the overall cost of publishing the Roster. I keep the most recent issue of the Roster in my pick up truck in case of breakdown out on the Buick Highway so don't have it available here to check, but the 2008 Roster I am looking at has 12 pages (24 frnt and back) devoted to Production - Years 1903 -2007. If there is room for that, there should certainly be room for the Bylaws. (I may end up hunting some crow for dinner tonight if that is not still the case). IN ADDITION since we now have a paid Webmaster, I think they should be contained in both the Roster and the Website and hopefully someone in "management" is reading this and will ask Peter to add the aforementioned documents to the Website.

Actually I thought I remembered the reason the bylaws were not contained in the Roster was something about the fact they were being edited/renewed and were not available at the time. Maybe, maybe not. If so, I may need to go back after more crow for all of us.

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The BCA office should have an "out of office message" for members who call or send emails when office staff members are not available. A voice message and auto-reply to emails should state normal business hours and include notifications of vacations, holidays, etc.

From what I understand, there is a message on the BCA office phone line stating that the office is closed until Jan 2nd and that it was placed there when they closed down on the 23rd.

Re emails, in my opinion, what with the ease these days of receiving and replying to emails, I would think "critical issue" emails from members could be at least be monitored by the office and acted upon accordingly, if only to say that they are out of the office and will give attention to the issue upon return.

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Actually I thought I remembered the reason the bylaws were not contained in the Roster was something about the fact they were being edited/renewed and were not available at the time. Maybe, maybe not. If so, I may need to go back after more crow for all of us.

That is correct, subject to a BOD confirmation.

I will "carefully" ad that SOP's and By-Laws are elastic and interpretive, not cut and dried.

Well there ya go then, how many crows do I need to cook up. Thanks for that bit of info Jake.

Which brings me to say this... "Where have all the Board Members gone?" I started this thread partly on the suggestion of one of the current BOD members who was running for office last spring. They suggested it would be good to get forum members input into club issues other than at just election time. Thus far nary a single board member has checked in and now it seems we the members are just talking back and forth to each other and upon deaf ears of the BOD or BCA management. I personally would like to see "some" board member take enough interest in the forum and what is brought out here to simply monitor it, share meeting information and help keep us informed. I think that would help dispel a lot of rumors and keep wrong information from flying around.

Or perhaps one of our own should seek a seat on the board. Either way, in my opinion, there needs to be better communication between the BOD, this forum and the general membership.

Now where are my shotgun shells, I think I hear a murder of crows???

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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Well I can shed some light on the subject of SOP and BY Laws and Rules and Regs. They have been redone and brought up to date and have been approved by the BOD and have been sent to the office to have them put on the Web Site. From what I know the web site is still being worked on but everything should be done with in the next few weeks. It has been a long process. The real reason they were not in the last Roster, is they were not ready and the BOD felt the Roster needed to get out rather than wait till the BY Laws etc were ready. Hopefully the Roster will be printed every 2 years like Lamar said

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year

Chuck Kerls

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Which brings me to say this... "Where have all the Board Members gone?" I started this thread partly on the suggestion of one of the current BOD members who was running for office last spring. They suggested it would be good to get forum members input into club issues other than at just election time. Thus far nary a single board member has checked in and now it seems we the members are just talking back and forth to each other and upon deaf ears of the BOD or BCA management. I personally would like to see "some" board member take enough interest in the forum and what is brought out here to simply monitor it, share meeting information and help keep us informed. I think that would help dispel a lot of rumors and keep wrong information from flying around.

Where have all the board members gone - or rather - where has the 9th board member gone?

I just checked the BCA site and the following names are listed as Officers and Directors"

Brian DePouli

Brian Clark

Bill Stoneberg - CFO - not an elected board member

Ed DePouli

Marck Barker

Keith Hosrfall

Chuck Kerls

Alan Oldfield

Dick Sweeney

That's 8 board members. What happened to Paul Syrdal?

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Where have all the board members gone - or rather - where has the 9th board member gone?

I just checked the BCA site and the following names are listed as Officers and Directors"

Brian DePouli

Brian Clark

Bill Stoneberg - CFO - not an elected board member

Ed DePouli

Marck Barker

Keith Hosrfall

Chuck Kerls

Alan Oldfield

Dick Sweeney

That's 8 board members. What happened to Paul Syrdal?

Paul is still an active and contributing member of the BOD. I just checked the site and he shows up so either it has been correct due to your post (so thank you for making us aware of it) or you and I are looking at different things (in which case send me a PM with the link and I will get it corrected immediately).

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I sure hope with all this recent activity that individuals consider a run for the BOD. If you are interested in running the deadline to submit you stuff for consideration is coming up soon. Any active (paid up member) is eligible to serve on the BOD. No nominating committees, no pre-quals, simply submit your bio and photo the the BCA editor by Feb 20th and you are a candidate, that simple.

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Which brings me to say this... "Where have all the Board Members gone?"

Personally I check the site several times a day. I rarely comment any more because, as some have commented, "It's way too hot in that kitchen!" The BOD gets beat up pretty good on this forum, some of it deserved, some of it not.

Or perhaps one of our own should seek a seat on the board.
5-6 current BOD members were particularly active previously, now not so much.
Either way, in my opinion, there needs to be better communication between the BOD, this forum and the general membership.

Every month in the Bugle message from the BOD an update is given about what the BOD is working on. While on a two month time delay, it does reach the entire membership. That said admittedly I provided much more communication my first go round as Pres. This time career and family simply do not allow it as much. I'm sorry I am not able to do more, believe me I'd like to.

For the month of December the BOD was particularly inactive (note as I mentioned in another thread a LOT was handled in November), so there is simply nothing to report.

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Paul is still an active and contributing member of the BOD. I just checked the site and he shows up so either it has been correct due to your post (so thank you for making us aware of it) or you and I are looking at different things (in which case send me a PM with the link and I will get it corrected immediately).


I went to BCA.org, clicked on "contact us", and went to the listing of the officers and directors - No Paul.

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I went to BCA.org, clicked on "contact us", and went to the listing of the officers and directors - No Paul.

Interestingly I see him listed using Firefox browser, but not when I tried Internet Explorer. Regardless working on fixing it. Thanks again for making us aware of it.

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Happy NEW Year! Thanks, Brian, for your quick responses to these issues!

While the BCA has contracted vendors (Office Manager, BUGLE operatives, etc.), the BOD Officers serve as elected volunteers (although there can be some expense reimbursements, if approved). This can reflect into time spent monitoring/participating in these forums--"not necessary" or "as desired", depending upon the individual's particular orientations and available time. I suspect that only those "with clearances" can access to see which BOD Members have accessed the particular forums and which ones have not, but that information could well be "somewhere", just not for public consumption.

Some might claim that with such a small percentage of total BCA Members actively posting here, that it might not truly reflect the orientations of total BCA membership, which can be a valid orientation. When I was in my college stats course, it was proven that a very small sample (of the total) CAN result in valid survey results, which can be correlated with a much larger population sample. At the time, I considered this as "lucky" (desiring a much larger population sample for more valid results), but it was repeatedly proven that a small sample can accurately predict result projections. It could well be that the "+/-" numbers attached to most public survey results reflect the potential variances from using a smaller sample rather than a much larger one?

In that respect, these forums can become highly accurate in checking "The Pulse of the BCA" . . . provided that ALL BCA members have Internet Access AND come into these forums (or are aware of these forums' existence in the first place!). THIS can be "the klinker" in the accuracy of how accurately the posts in these forums might reflect (or could be projected to reflect) how typical BCA members are oriented on certain issues. A "Significant Unknown", it seems.

By observation, the participation in BCA BOD elections has tended to parallel that of voters in national elections. No intent to use this as justification for the significantly low numbers in either case, though!

It IS obvious that "something" is going on within our ranks, compared to other forum groups on the AACA Forums. The BCA group forums have consistently been much more active than any other AACA Forums group . . . for many years. Does this mean the BCA has a "younger", more Internet-friendly/computer-competent group than the other groups' participants might? Does this higher activity level reflect a greater intensity of enthusiasm? Does this higher activity level reflect greater interest in Buick vehicles than in other groups' respective marque alignments? As the AACA hosts other forums, as the largest single car club on the planet, might particular marque enthusiasts be drawn to these forums rather than individual, "free-standing" forums of other similar enthusiast groups? Several things to consider in "these numbers"!!

End result is that ANY Internet Forum postings most possibly need to be considered as "valid input", with respect to the poster's general orientations (whether from past experiences or otherwise . . . which is where "Moderators" come into play) until proven baseless. Orientations CAN be different, so long as the posts might be nudging the parent organization to a higher standard of execution, which CAN be mutually-beneficial AND provide needed assistance to those who might desire it or benefit from it. There can be many beneficial results which can come from dissonance and diversity in the postings, provided that such things don't become detrimental to the total organization.

Regarding the active participation of BOD Members (and related possible "expressing of opinions" by same), These Forums are NOT the place for BCA business to be transacted, nor should they be. Not knowing how many BOD members might be present for a particular discussion could violate certain ByLaws provisions for "Quorums" and such. Yet, these forums can provide valid input to the BOD members monitoring these forums on particular subjects. BOD members might even do posts to seek in put well BEFORE any possible BOD actions might be taken, with the Forum comments being ONE source of input "by customers". In some cases, it might be appropriate for BOD members to Private Message particular posters for additional input, IF desired, possibly in order to better understand the particular poster's thoughts and orientations on various subjects.

PERHAPS the "level of engagement" which BOD Members might have with individual members on the BCA Forums, with related outcomes, could become a new section of the BCA ByLaws and Policies And Procedures documents? Including the Confidentiality of such contacts, if mutually-requested. Such specifications might enhance Forum Participation AND provide more "real time monitoring/participation" by BCA BOD members AND the BCA Membership itself. It might be that somewhere on the continuum between "activity/participation" and "abstinence" of BCA BOD members from posting in these forums might be related to some of these issues? There can be some "boundaries" in this respect, but I would hope the boundaries could allow for friendly discourse such that BOD members could "come and play cars" without violation of Quorum issues. Being a BOD member can have it's own activity restrictions, understandably, plus some issues of "Speaking for the BOD" being possible, BUT it could serve as a means for the particular BOD member to communicate information of why some things might have happened as they did, or might be desired to happen for particular observed reasons. Even a "We/I will take these comments under advisement" reply to some posts might be good, by BOD member operatives. Or, perhaps, a single BOD member could become designated to monitor these forums, rather than EACH member being charged with such monitoring? Several possibilities!

PERHAPS . . . a new BCA Forum might be created for "Future BOD Actions Under Consideration. Comments will end on (date). Actions Taken (and vote records) will be posted soon after being completed." Another way for The BCA Membership to keep up with things, if they might desire to. Other vehicle groups might also use our actions as models for how they might do things, too, and vice versa ( IF other BODS have similar forum sections! ). For example, a while back I read though posts on another marque club's forum on a "point of controversy" they had had. It was easy to see errors and misconceptions on BOTH sides of the discussion, by observation, until the Moderator shut down the discussion as no progress was being made on either side.

Possibly, between the BCA BOD President's monthly message in THE BUGLE (even allowing for necessary lead times) AND possible BCA BOD "Future Actions/Concerns Under Consideration" threads on the BCA Forums, there can be little reason for any BCA members to NOT be aware of what's going on with the BCA. In a readily-available (although "Minutes" are listed elsewhere on the website) manner that does not need to be searched for.

We all know that the best plans can be mired/deactivated by "sub-optimal execution" or "lack of available funding". Also, it seems that the orientation of "Continuous Improvement" is a lost concept, BUT is needed now more than ever! Certainly, as past momentum is maintained and expanded, new horizons will be presented, which COULD result in membership growth as BCA Membership can become more desirable/aspirational than in the past. Many people WANT to be associated with "A Winner", as the BCA BOD, The BCA Forums, and other related associates can be important in building the Buick area of the car hobby (as others look at what we do/have done to make that happen!!). In order for this to happen, ALL involved individuals MUST, repeat MUST, be looking in this direction . . . for the ultimate Good of the BCA and The Buick Hobby (with the ONLY possible "private/hidden agenda" being to "Make this organization 'cook on ALL cylinders'!") as the desired and ONLY result -- period.

As this can happen, the "new" cannot override or replace "the past", for any reason! For many, "the past" was when the Best Buicks Were Built, which as newer generations of Buick enthusiasts come online, is important to convey! Still, the current and future Buicks MUST be embraced for the fine machines they have become AND worthy of our enthusiasm for the marque (and its products). Although certain eras of Buicks might not be "our individual personal taste", but that does not mean that others might not hold these same Buicks in high regard. Understanding "Why" can be highly important, although a better understanding of the automotive industry at the time they were designed/built can be important in this "Buick LOVE" understanding! This is WHY each monthly issue of "THE BUGLE" is important!! Pete and Cindy do an outstanding job of presenting the Diversity and Love of the Buick product, by BCA Members, AND what helps make BCA Membership the GREAT VALUE that it is to the Buick hobby and the Vehicle Hobby in General!!!

The New Year 2015 is still young and can hold GREAT PROMISE, IF we can effectively harness such possibilities of continued/FUTURE greatness. Although we now have many things in place which are very good, there are others which can need some "upped execution levels" for possibly increased "customer satisfaction/retention" levels. As with similar business orientations, many of these enhancements might take a while to show significant results, but that does NOT mean they should not be done IF we are to continue upward and onward. It'll take some extra efforts, from the chapter level to the BOD level, BUT it's doable.

Happy New Year!

Willis Bell 20811

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I have been particularly absent from the forums for the last several months. I am just returning to work from a difficult shoulder surgery and haven't spent much time in front of a computer period for the last few months.

I do plan on getting back into the swing of things now that I am on a more regular schedule (and off the pain killers).

Not allowed to work on cars for at least another month or two...which keeps me out of the freezing cold garage. :)

12 ounce curls are my current limit...which has led to another problem. I need to spend some time at the gym!

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I have been particularly absent from the forums for the last several months. I am just returning to work from a difficult shoulder surgery and haven't spent much time in front of a computer period for the last few months.

I do plan on getting back into the swing of things now that I am on a more regular schedule (and off the pain killers).

Not allowed to work on cars for at least another month or two...which keeps me out of the freezing cold garage. :)

12 ounce curls are my current limit...which has led to another problem. I need to spend some time at the gym!

Hope you are back 100% soon. Maybe the gym can fix you up with a Hot female trainer to keep your interest focused.

I vote we have Beer and Dancin Girls for the next meet. At least us Dudes will be happy. ;) Dandy Dave!

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