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Location, Location


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Why do many members not list a location in their identification section? I believe that a poster's location adds depth and context to his/her posts. For example, I find it interesting to learn that someone is posting from Australia, since that immediately lets me know that particular individual will face different challenges/opportunities in this hobby. If I commented on what a harsh winter I'm experiencing (I'm in Florida), my comments have a different impact than someone commenting on a harsh winter in say, Montana.

Just wonderin',


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I'd like to add a sound clip so people wouldn't think I talked like those stereotypical New Yorkers on TV. Up at this end of the state we sound like we could be from Milwaukee.

And, no, just because you have a layover at the Kennedy Airport doesn't mean you can stop by. I'm 400 miles away.

A harsh winter in Florida; hard to imagine. Here is us in a few weeks:



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So we all do some traveling at one time or another. But a stopover to change planes doesn't really mean you have been there. Especially if you are traveling internationally. My passport would be full of stamps of places that I never left the airport.

For instance, I have been to Chicago several times, but I have never visited Chicago, or NJ, or Denver (although I have driven thru Denver, kinda counts).

Off topic but I agree, locations should be required.

I would like to know where all these new best friends live.

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Hi Grog,

I agree a listing location is of great value. In my case (depending on our respective Time Zones) your night is my day, your winter is my summer, we speak the same language but spelling and terminology is often different. I E Gas there Petrol here, Fender there Mudguard here, Trunk there Boot here and the list goes on.

Our cars are RHD and usually differ bodily and mechanically to the same USA make and model, this can make it difficult in sourcing correct parts here 'Down Under'

Thankfully the AACA forums are a great way for all of us "Petrol Heads" Yankee translation "Gear Head" (am I correct) and car enthusiasts to assist each other no matter where they are.

So I'll sign off and say G'Day


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You are correct about the term "gearhead". For the context of this forum, a gearhead is someone who enjoys working on machinery (usually cars), and is able to diagnose and repair machinery ailments. Here is a definition of "gearhead" from the Urban Dictionary: "Gearhead - Someone who is totally into cars and is very knowledgeable about how to modify and fix them." Would this also fit the definition of "Petrol Heads" from Down Under?

Are there websites devoted to the "Petrol Head" hobby in Australia? If so, could you list a couple?



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I'd like to add a sound clip so people wouldn't think I talked like those stereotypical New Yorkers on TV. Up at this end of the state we sound like we could be from Milwaukee.

And, no, just because you have a layover at the Kennedy Airport doesn't mean you can stop by. I'm 400 miles away.

A harsh winter in Florida; hard to imagine. Here is us in a few weeks:



This picture looks like Milwaukee ......in April!

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Hi There, The term "Petrol Head" in OZ refers to not only vintage/classic car people, but to anyone with a keen interest in cars.

However "Petrol Heads" unfortunately also includes tyre (Oops Tire) burning "rev heads" also referred to as "Hoons".

Re Aussie car websites... as far as I know we are not lucky enough to have an AACA equivalent (or HAMB ). Our Aussie car enthusiast sites are mainly based on a manufacture such as Mopar, Ford, Chev etc. However time permitting I will do some research and post a few interesting sites.


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Pretty sure a lot of members here are trying to not give away where their cars may be. Sad fact, but there are those who would steal or destroy what we've worked for.That's why I broadened my location to Southside Vajenya, which covers from Patrick County on the west to Emporia on the east, and as far north as Lynchburg. Several thousand square miles in other words.

Rest assured that I do not sound the way I write. We in the Southside of Vajenya generally sound like a cross between Earl Hamner of the Waltons and Ward Burton of NASCAR. As in "sound" comes out "sohnd" and "South", "Sohth".

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Thanks Jack, an interesting question, here is what I turned up.

The word "HOONS" is commonly used in Australia and New Zealand to describe anyone engaging in loutish anti social behavior using a motor vehicle ( or boat/water ski).

At the turn of the 20th century in Australia "Hoon" was once also used as a term to describe someone living off immoral earnings, ie prostitute or pimp etc.

It is thought "Hoon" could be clipped form of the word "Hooligan", in one book on the Australian language by Linguist Sid Baker it is also suggested "Hoon" means "Fool" and for some reason was a contraction of "Houyhnhnm" , a fictional race of intelligent horse?? (I dont know why).

Any how there you go, enough of Hoon's !!


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Pretty sure a lot of members here are trying to not give away where their cars may be. Sad fact, but there are those who would steal or destroy what we've worked for.That's why I broadened my location to Southside Vajenya, which covers from Patrick County on the west to Emporia on the east, and as far north as Lynchburg. Several thousand square miles in other words.

I agree a bit of obscurity is good in the location, I do the same thing on most message boards, but didn't have a clue where Vajenya was.

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Thanks Jack, an interesting question, here is what I turned up.

The word "HOONS" is commonly used in Australia and New Zealand to describe anyone engaging in loutish anti social behavior using a motor vehicle ( or boat/water ski).

At the turn of the 20th century in Australia "Hoon" was once also used as a term to describe someone living off immoral earnings, ie prostitute or pimp etc.

It is thought "Hoon" could be clipped form of the word "Hooligan", in one book on the Australian language by Linguist Sid Baker it is also suggested "Hoon" means "Fool" and for some reason was a contraction of "Houyhnhnm" , a fictional race of intelligent horse?? (I dont know why).

Any how there you go, enough of Hoon's !!


Ahh, Hooligans, I can relate to that. But I'm no pimp....

Thanks for the explanation.

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Reading this thread from my phone,

no one's location shows .....

Regarding English dialects;

In Alabama alone there three distinct dialects.

North, Central, South.

The word 'Governor' for example,

north Alabama, "govner"

central Alabama "governah"

south Alabama "govahnah"

and there is 'Appalachian English' is another dialect altogether

Bed spread is 'counter pin'

the glass of a window is 'window light'

sack is 'poke'

panther is 'painter'

ghost is 'haint'

it is 'hit'

here is 'cheer'.

"Put it right here" would be "Put hit raht cheer"

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I'm pretty careful about disclosing personal information since a guy stole my identity about ten years ago. He pleaded with me to take it back and I wouldn't. Then they tried to pin his suicide on ME! Hey, I was the victim!

Be careful who's identity you steal, the life you save may be your own. Forum member since 2006 (8 years).


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Reading this thread from my phone,

no one's location shows .....

Regarding English dialects;

In Alabama alone there three distinct dialects.

North, Central, South.

The word 'Governor' for example,

north Alabama, "govner"

central Alabama "governah"

south Alabama "govahnah"

and there is 'Appalachian English' is another dialect altogether

Bed spread is 'counter pin'

the glass of a window is 'window light'

sack is 'poke'

panther is 'painter'

ghost is 'haint'

it is 'hit'

here is 'cheer'.

"Put it right here" would be "Put hit raht cheer"

No,no,no a cheer is what you rest your bones in after a hard day in the 'baccer patch. Zeke

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And in the fall here in the heart of dixie all conversations will come 'round to our pigskin proclivities. I don't know how many random conversations with strangers I've had that ended up ending in the proclamation Roll Tide. I once was getting gas in a shady part of town and, after politely refusing the services being offered by one of the young women in the area, she replied "Roll Tide", smiled and walked away. Roll Tide indeed.

Alabama: Where the titles are iffy, the cars rust slowly and the language is poetry in prose.

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Pretty sure a lot of members here are trying to not give away where their cars may be. Sad fact, but there are those who would steal or destroy what we've worked for.That's why I broadened my location to Southside Vajenya, which covers from Patrick County on the west to Emporia on the east, and as far north as Lynchburg. Several thousand square miles in other words.

I can understand being a little unclear on one's location for the sake of security, and I think "Southside of Vajenya" is close enough. I would think that just the state name alone as a locator would help understand a poster's frame of reference. Well, may be not California where conditions vary significantly from South to North. And then there's South Florida (another Country altogether) which is quite different from North Florida ... Uh oh, there goes another incompletely thought out idea.

Dazed and confused in "North Florida",


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I'm pretty careful about disclosing personal information since a guy stole my identity about ten years ago. He pleaded with me to take it back and I wouldn't. Then they tried to pin his suicide on ME! Hey, I was the victim!

Be careful who's identity you steal, the life you save may be your own. Forum member since 2006 (8 years).


Sage advice Bernie ……
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I think lots of people fail to add their location when they first make their profile because they just to make a quick profile in order to use the site. They forget to go back later and make changes. I really like seeing locations on forums. If gives me a reason to curse the guys in FL out driving classics and riding motorcycles while the only engine I get to hear is my snowblower.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree a bit of obscurity is good in the location, I do the same thing on most message boards, but didn't have a clue where Vajenya was.

Maybe my hiding place was better than I thought!

:cool: Everyone along the Virginia-North Carolina border knows where "Vajenya" is, 'cause that's how the natives say it! along with running the mohse oht of the hohse.

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