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The new and improved Ginsu knife has endless capabilities! Amaze your friends! Slice through an Idaho potato with ease! Dice up onions and peppers in record-setting time! Divide a complete automobile right down the middle! Wait a minute – what?

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Guest Gary Hearn

Bob, I think it will fit in that dumpster now, can you give me a hand?

Or as they say in the mountains, "he cut that thing half in two!".

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AP News:

Star Date 41153.7, "As an addendum to the newly proposed Federal rule against texting and cell phone use while driving, the NTSB added a new passage regarding the use of light sabers in or near moving automobiles. A dissenting vote was cast by Rep. Vader ® of the Gamma Quadrant, but otherwise the proposal passed unanimously. Said Rep. Vader: 'Once again the Republic is treading on our God-given freedoms as citizens.'"

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This is what happens when Dudley Do Right sends Nells to the grocery store. Enter.. the dasterdly Snidely Whiplash, who captures the car, and Nells. Evil minded Snidely then drives it though a big Canadian Sawmill. Of course Nells narrowly excapes with the help of Dudley Do Right and eveyone has a happy ending. ... except the car of course, and the Pier Z. Logger who has to re-sharpin the sawmill blade. #@$^% ;) Dandy Dave!

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