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There... I fixed it! (humor)

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I have posted this before. We had a '60's car come in for major metal work in the trunk area. We go to remove the gas tank and discover that someone has added a tow hitch to the car and has welded the main brace for the hitch directly to the bottom of the gas tank. Shoulda took a picture.

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You mean that piece of tin foil I wrapped around my wiper fuse won't work?! or that penny my grandma had in her fuse box?! or that copper tubing in the fuse clip at work?!:eek:

I liked that hot-rod rickshaw too. Ingenuity at its finest. Hey- beats walking everywhere...

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We don't need no Stinking FUSES!!!!!!!:D

(Blazing Saddles)

Can you imagine? An HVAC contractor hit a wire with a screw and blew a 100-amp fuse. Had his helper go down to the truck and get some Z channel they use to hook ductwork together. He snipped it, drilled two holes in it and bypassed the fuse.

The property manager got a call from the helper about two weeks later telling him that he couldn't sleep at night knowing what his boss had done.

Some people. Kudos to the helper.

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Is that a conversion to right hand drive? I wonder how the pedals are arranged, or do you depend on the "other driver" or co-pilot for that?


That is classic! It's possible he installed one of those driver instructor attachments, but I thought those only had brake pedals? Try to pass MOT with that!

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To hard to resist not to share,

The one with the bags of concrete actually would work. If you leave quickrete out and let the bag get wet, it solidifies.......

However, there sure seems like there would be a cheaper way?

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I have been on several church trips where we go in to an area to help remodel houses for low income locals. Always interesting because you are usually walking into the middle of a project with little history. You work for a week and go away, hoping the next group finish what you started with reasonable quality.

One trip we were suppose to finish ceilings where a previous group had put new drywall up. One room we notice a cheap flat 2 wire extention cord hanging down the wall out of the ceiling. Quickly found the other end came out of the ceiling by the light fixture in the middle of the room where it was plugged into one of those screw in adapters that gives a plug and a light socket. The family had apparently ran the cord to run something and a previous group just put the drywall up right over it. We cut off both ends and finished the ceiling minus auxiliary plug. Wish I would have taken a picture :-)

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.....Quickly found the other end came out of the ceiling by the light fixture in the middle of the room where it was plugged into one of those screw in adapters that gives a plug and a light socket.....

Darn Jim, you guys got rid of a perfectly good operational red-neck air conditioner (ceiling fan?):eek::D


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The bags of Quickcrete are a common thing I've seen in Florida to build retaining walls along a waterway. Stack 'em up, they get wet and become sold, paper rots away, voila!

My father was a master electrician for 40+ years, I've seen similiar "fixes" many times. Early in his carreer, he used to use 2 nails in hand to check for 110V until he found a 110V outlet wired for 220V, lucky for him he used his wiggie instead of the nails that time and always thereafter.

My niece had her Mustang burn to the ground, we didn't know why until I was looking over the damage and I spotted a nail in the fusebox. She finally admitted a friend "fixed" her stereo because it blew her last fuse not long before it went up in flames.

I used a C clamp to "repair" a broken thermostat housing on my '66 Caddy. Lasted the whole 2400 mile trip!

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