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A screwed up Buick day

Bill Stoneberg

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I see all the posts about how wonderful your day is with your Buick, so I thought I would post an example of what can happen to ruin a otherwise perfect day.

Dee and I went to a picnic about 80 miles from home. Easy drive down the interstate. It was a nice day, still cool in the morning so we took our red 47 4-door. On the way we stopped at Old-Tanks house to see his toys especially the 51 Ford that he has put a nailhead into. Its coming along nicely and will be a screamer when done. Any way we followed him to the picnic area.

The picnic was nice, shady under trees in a pavilion with a good breeze. The T-bird club shared their deserts with us which was nice as all the guys were drooling over them. It went well with the Bar B Que that was served.

After the meeting and looking at cars and telling lies, it was time to go. It was getting hotter so we just headed back to Austin.

We are headed back in the right hand lane going through a light when the idiot in the left lane decided to turn right. Right into the side of MY car. We stopped and he was very un cooperative both to me and the police. Lies, lies and more lies. I was going too fast and he was in the right lane etc etc. etc.

And the old lady that was with him got mad at us....

So now my car has a scrape all the way down the side and is going to need new trim and a new fender skirt plus I am going to have to find someone who knows how to do real body work and paint in Austin...GRRRRR !!!

Heres a link to the pictures...


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Guest imported_Thriller

Ouch...sigh...I feel for you Bill.

It is funny how, no matter how carefully we drive our old iron, the biggest issue is always other people...in this case the butthead probably wasn't looking, on the phone, or the passenger told him when the light turned that he needed to turn right.

I wish you well in finding a body man, the trim pieces, and a good paint match when all is said and done.

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I once had an elderly man in an S10 turn from McDonalds into an empty 4 lane divided highway directly into my lane when I was going 50 MPH in my '65 Lark. I locked all 4 up and avoided him, and then his elderly wife flipped me off!!!!!!

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Sorry to hear this Bill. I know you must have been and probably still are upset. It will be interesting to hear how the insurance(s) handle this. Did the other driver get ticketed?

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Ouch, that really sucks, Bill! There's nothing I fear more than this when I'm out on the road in an old car. I don't envy you the nightmare you're about to have with their insurance company. Consider using your collector car insurance company--who will pay to have it fixed right at the shop of your choice, no questions asked--and let them arbitrate the jerk's insurance company for you.

Fortunately, you have pictures and it's going to be <span style="font-style: italic">very</span> difficult for them to explain how the right front of their car and left side of your car were damaged. If they were in the right lane when this happened, where were you? On the sidewalk?. How the heck do you miss a 4200-pound, bright red car with a giant chrome grille? Morons.

Kudos on keeping a level head, too. If they had started this nonsense with me, my first inclination might have been to have my left fist take a right turn into their eyesocket.

Let us know how this turns out. If there's anything good here, it's that we can all learn from the experience.

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I am pretty sure I have some of the side trim for a super. I can look next weekend, and you can have any of the stuff I have that works for you, for postage.

I'll watch this post and see how you make out thru the week.

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Do you have the well advertised old veicle collector car insurance? If so, then I would think you are well covered and I think Austin has a few restoration shops in and baout that area.

But I did not see the answer to the question of whether the other driver was ticketed.

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No ticket for the old guy driving the car as he he wouldn't tell the police much.

But the police did assign blame to him as they couldn't see how his story didn't fit the damage done.

I have Hagerty insurance but they shouldn't have to pay as it wasn't my fault. But I can see the other company bitching and moaning about fixing my 61 year old car.

Ewing, thanks and I will send you a PM.

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I think Hagerty would be the way to go. Every accident I've ever been involved in has been the other driver's fault. Almost every time was a nightmare with the other owner's company. I believe you are allowed to take your car anywhere you want no matter what. When my wife's two week old Honda was smashed from behind, we took it to Jeff's auto body on North Lamar. I realize that is comparing apples to oranges as far as the work involved. My Wildcat was painted in Elgin 40 miles away, and my 55 was painted in Seguin, 60 miles away. Unfortunately I don't know of a good shop in Austin proper.

I agree with Matt, I don't know if I would have been able to keep my cool. Since I have been rear ended 10 times (I actually stop at red lights) I have pretty much decided that I will not be leaving the scene of an accident without handcuffs. They sent extra cops to deal with me last time.

Sorry you have to deal with this Bill, I'm very glad that you and Dee are OK.

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Bill, Just want to chime in with the condolences and wishes for a successful outcome. That car looked Super alright. I can't believe the guy claimed he was in the right lane. That takes brass ones for sure.

And I'm also glad you and Dee were not hurt.

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Bill, there is a good restoration shop in Taylor and another in Marble Falls. That being said, I don't know if they have people that can pound out panels or like most places, just repair panels.

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First of all, I'm glad to hear no one in your car was hurt.

Second, if you have Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage on your car, and his insurance company (if he HAD insurance) wants to drag their feed, your UI/UM coverage will kick in and your rates won't go up.

Third, don't overlook the idea of suing him. I'm not a big believer in lawsuits, but there is some irony in this. If you sue him (and his insurance company as a codefendant) and you go to arbitration, his company will pay in a flash! There is no way they will want to get those photos of the damage and the fact you were driving a restored classic before a jury. The irony? His company will write you a check even over his objections to them paying! Kind of the ultimate way of getting back at him and the old lady in his car for their arrogance and lying.

Finally, your accident is one perfect example of why the state-wide insurance database is going to be so helpful here in Texas. If he didn't have insurance in the database, the police can impound his car on the spot, even if it was drivable.

Good luck; it sure seems as if the BCA community is already rallying around you with support and replacement parts.


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One thing Bill did not mention was that English was not the old guy's first language...probably why he did not say much. Also when the police were called a spanish speaking officer was requested, a normal but sad situation around here and other locations.

Sueing in this county will get you next to nothing since most juries think a $2000 award is a fortune.


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More information after talking to insurance agents for the person who hit me.

Maybe the reason the guy didn't talk much and the lady did was that it was the lady's car, not the guy who hit me. The insurance agent said that he lady get old men to drive her around to do her shopping.

Anyway claims are filed with her insurance and I notified mine as I have a bad feeling about this.

Good news is, a lot of the damage is done to bolt on panels to my car. All the bump outs just bolt to a flat door. Kinda like a art - deco kit for my car :-)

With help from Pete Phillips getting me part numbers, I hve been able to find a lot of the body parts I need at either Buick Farm or Cars or from Pete. So things are looking up as far as getting it repaired goes.

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Sorry to hear this, Bill.

I had a similar situation once with my '41 Chrysler (which was actually parked, not even moving) that was sideswiped by a kid in a Mustang going REALLY fast. We had J.C. Taylor insurance at the time (still use them to this day) and they handled it all. Shop of my choice repaired the car, Taylor sent the bill to the other guy's insurance co. and collected every penny. Taylor got their money back. No increase in rates to me. We were both happy (as happy as one could be in this situation).

Good luck with it!

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well, I'm back home now, so let me know what side trim you still need and I'll see what I have ( I may need lengths to be sure).

I have the front fender spear, the curve piece on the rear fender, and the door.

I may have other pieces, I'd have to dig deeper in to the box.

If you are set, great, I can keep for the next close encounter!

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So the insurance adjuster came today and looked at the car and wrote her notes. She is going to go back and figure what is going to take to fix it.

New worry now, are they going to total the car ? 75 % of what is insured for is the line it seems. While I have a resonable value on the car, it could approach the 75 % mark I think.

Also, who sends adjusters to look at cars with belt buckles the size of desert plates on ? Not that I mind the buckle, I just made sure she didn't get too close to the good paint.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bill Stoneberg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Also, who sends adjusters to look at cars with belt buckles the size of desert plates on ? Not that I mind the buckle, I just made sure she didn't get too close to the good paint. </div></div>

You DO live in Texas, remember? laugh.gif

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Yesss...ssirrr. I hear tell everything is <span style="font-size: 20pt"><span style="color: #CC0000">BIG</span></span> in Texas. Specially, Hats, Cattle, -n- Oil. grin.gif

Sorry to hear about your encounter Bill. frown.gif Glad you folks are fine though! smile.gif Dandy Dave!

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