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Bill Harmatuk

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Everything posted by Bill Harmatuk

  1. Will a 34 Dodge transmission fit a 30 Chrysler CJ-6?? Bill Harmatuk
  2. Early V-6s were gas. The V-12 was gas. Bill H
  3. I have an owners manual around here somewhere that I robbed out of a HUGE GMC 10 wheeler,that was being scrapped, (long time ago). It shows the configuration of the 2 V-6 s hooked together. Can't remember how the distributer worked but it had a diagram in the manual. Showed the firing order also. Wish my scanner worked. I knew this topic would come up sooner or later. Bill H
  4. Very nice!! One of my favorite. Won't last long. Great price. Bill H
  5. Lots of times your local NAPA or other parts stores carry or can get you points and condenser. You'll be surprised, I got wheel seals from an industrial company called Dixie Bearing. You got to have numbers of the seals for them to cross reference. Bill H
  6. The wedding party has arrived. Bill H
  7. I used to know a man I worked with that drove his car over 40 miles, home, in REVERSE, after getting off 3 - 11 shift. The automatic transmission wouldn't go in any other gear except reverse. I have owned 5, (five), Volkswagens in my earlier years. I drove a 63 to high school. It was standard procedure to use the emergency brake for fun and when the master cylinder was low or a wheel cylinder was leaking. Then there was a friend that was messing around with another man's woman. Leaving a night club, one night, his 428 Torino started rattling and knocking. He shut it down, called a wrecker and the next day we proceeded to tear the 428 down. Some one had dumped valve grinding compound in the oil through the valve cover. The motor basically ate itself from the inside out. Bill H
  8. Who restores and or reproduces body tags for the fire wall, door jambs, etc. 1930 Chrysler CJ-6, to be specific. There are 3. Mine are faded from oxidation. Still readable but faded. Very visible. Really can't see putting them back on the car in their present condition. What is the ball park price?? I'll do pictures later. Thanks in advance. I haven't Googled anything, yet. I'm at my wife's computer at work. Bill Harmatuk
  9. I wish I was closer to British Columbia. North Carolina won't work. If I was closer, you could make the whole lot. SOLD. Bill Harmatuk
  10. Just listed one of my wall hangers / conversation pieces on E Pay. Raising a little change for a paint job on the '30 CJ. Holley 3 barrel carburetor in great condition. Read the description. Item # 130593876385. Email or PM me if ya want more pictures. Bill Harmatuk chryslercj6@gmail.com
  11. Thanks Big John. Good stuff. My 30 CJ is Fisher Body, Too. Don't forget The Filling Station has a bunch of stuff for the Fisher Body. I just received the windshield regulator and it's an exact match. Brand new!! Bill H
  12. Steve Jobs and the auto Industry x 2!!! Bill H
  13. The 36 Chevrolet coup is my all time favorite automobile. I built a model of a 36 Chevy gasser when I was about 8 years old. It was yellow with black fenders. The Gas Master. It was the center piece, on top of my dresser, for years. If I could get my hands on an unmolested barn find coup I think I would sell the farm...... and the kids..... dog......wife. Bill Harmatuk
  14. Need picture, price and contact info. Bill H
  15. I would have, and DO save things like that. AND I have some of them in frames. My Next project is to frame a pack of blue carbon paper. Beautiful envelope with carbon paper inside. Would be a great wall hanger in my Wife's Real Estate office. What year did the Xerox machine hit the market.?? I just do remember when the only way to make a copy was carbon paper then the hand crank machine with the drum. Many people these days have never seen a "pin striper" at work or seen a pin striping brush. Bill H
  16. But... But... Wouldn't you frame Henry Ford's neck tie?? Bill H
  17. We had a very famous, local artist, here in New Bern, N.C., that has done work in New York and some places in Washington, D.C in his earlier years. Many of his paintings survive and are coveted by local people. He passed away a few years ago. He was a great friend of my family and myself. He was an amazing human being. I loved the guy. Was always fascinated by his work depicting local history. Unbelievable man. His name was Willy Tagalieri. Forgive the spelling. His youngest daughter, is carrying on were Willy left off. She is a great artist also. Willy, wore bib, denim, overalls when he painted and they were also works of art. (as is your towel). His overalls were his hand towel. I asked his daughter about his bib overalls one day, long after he had passed away. I wanted to buy a pair of them and begged her to NOT throw them out or get rid of them.. She looked at me like I was crazy and just laughed it off. I wonder what they would bring at a local, silent auction, for Habitat For Humanity?? Bill Harmatuk
  18. Heading over to the storage building to tenderly sand and wire wheel the door jambs on the 30 Chrysler. I've got to remove the moldings on the bottom edge of the body. Little rust holes. Unexpected delay. Another "task" Bill H
  19. For my 30th wedding anniversary, I tried to rent a Corvette convertible to drive from New Bern, N.C. to Ashville, N.C., (Blue Ridge Parkway), and back and there wasn't a car rental in Eastern N.C. that had one. Charlotte, maybe. I stopped at the Dodge dealer in town and asked about renting the yellow Corvette convert. out front and the guy asked what it was worth to me. I said 750.00 - 800.00. I offered 1000.00 deposit, a letter from Allstate with my driving record and they wouldn't do it. They,(the manager and salesman). said they would have to title and then re-title to let me do it. All I wanted to do, and all they had to do, was let me borrow the car for 3 days. I guess thats why these guys sell used cars. Bill H
  20. I was trying to bid 135.00 but my iphone was beating me up. I was out of town away from a computer. 135.00 was as high as I was going. I was just joking about the "Made in China" to scare buyers off. I would like to get my hands on a spare. I guess the Clum switch is worth more than 157.00 but my pocket book is a little thin after a 30th anniversary at the Grove Park Inn. Bill H
  21. SSSSSSHHHHHH Don't tell anybody. Its made in China, anyhow. Cheap repo. Bill H
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