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Mark Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Shaw

  1. It appears to be a good candidate for restoration. I am sure you will find a Buick straight 8 to replace the V8. The hot rod guys are a good source of parts to keep original cars on the road. This fact is often lost in most discussions for those deciding to restore or rod a car.
  2. Lamar, You just need tire irons, a jack & wood to make a firm base, a portable air pump, and some inner tubes.
  3. The poisons in automotive paints along with the environmental restrictions in many places make brush and roller painting a necessity. I have asthma and cannot use automotive paints that effect my breathing. I also do all my painting with all the garage doors open while I wearing a chemical mask.
  4. The latest HCCA Gazette has an excellent article on LED bulbs for cars with original gas lamps.
  5. I spray painted two of my wood body cars with single stage boat paint purchased at my local marine supply store. Wood bodies expand and contract with variations in temperature and humidity and they flex more when going over driveway aprons, etc. Boat paint is made for wood applications and will last much longer than most of the automotive paints that cure much harder and will eventually crack or chip when applied over a more flexible wood body. (Those who insist on perfect paint on wood bodied cars usually prepare the wood by applying polymers to stiffen the wood to prevent flexing). Although the finish is not the same, I believe boat paint gives my cars a more authentic appearance than many of the over-restored collector cars I often see at car shows. Since I do not frequent car shows & I regularly drive all of my cars, I have no need to use automotive paints on wood, but I do use them on steel fenders and other components. Wood body Buicks shown below:
  6. That is the engine number which Buick didn't match or document it's relationship to the frame numbers. One can only determine if the engine was made close to the date the chassis was married to the engine.
  7. Larry, Please upload this on The Prewar Buick Registry site.
  8. Yes, it saved my deep cycle winch battery that was 5 years old and totally dead. I also have an "octopus" wiring harness that rotates the smart charger when connected to multiple batteries.
  9. Yeah, but only in Michigan.... Heh heh....
  10. This is the single most common issue with updraft Buicks.
  11. I use a Genius unit that can bring back dead batteries & automatically charges and maintains 6 & 12 volt batteries.
  12. Mark Shaw

    logo lites

    Much brighter with less power draw. 6V or 12V are available for virtually all applications. Use red LED bulbs for tail lights because they are much brighter than white lights after passing through a red lens.
  13. Hugh, Congratulations! This is one of the best technical posts I have seen on this forum.
  14. Brian, I agree with all you mentioned, but shift and brake locations are not consistent for all models. My 1912 Model 34 Roadster has outside shift and brake controls. And, my 1913 Model 31 has the shift & brake controls inside the driver's door. Most right side photos won't show this because the spare location obscures it.
  15. Steve, I agree that the old oil soaked cast aluminum alloys have been virtually impossible to weld. However, I also agree with others that it is worth saving until either adhesive technology or welding techniques become available to fix it. Meanwhile, I suggest you post your need on this HCCA site: https://hcca.org/classifieds.php?want
  16. Terry, My son and I replaced his headlight wiring harness several months ago. He just might still have the old harness. Let me know if you want me to check with him to see if he still has it. I am sure he would be glad to offer it to you.
  17. Fred, Those would be great candidates for someone to modify for modern spin-on filters hidden inside.
  18. The round radiator badge suggests a late 1911 or 1912. With only photos to go by, my vote is for a 1912 Model 29 Touring.
  19. I recall the T fittings in my son's 1929 Buick were pressed steel.
  20. I have a spare carrier that might work if you need one...
  21. Nice Job! My hat is off to you for this tedious work.
  22. I found that Fastenal isn't always the most cost effective shipper. A motor freight carrier may be less if it is pallet mounted, boxed and coded as used machinery.
  23. Peter, Perhaps it is time for you to accept and implement ideas and solutions offered by others. The example below should be permanently posted at the top of each topic with modifications specific to the topic. Members 7,207 10,980 posts Location: Buick Gardens, Athens, Georgia Report post Posted January 21, 2013 GUIDE TO BUICK - BUY/SELL Sell and ask for help in finding Buick cars, parts, memorabilia etc here. Please include the following information: - Please choose either For Sale or Want To Buy from the "Topic Tags" menu - Year (Include in title and description) - Make/Model (Include in title and description) - Price -Strongly suggested. In other words, if you are lonely and are posting without a price just to get someone to email you with requests for information, low-ball offers, and angry demands for the price, then fine, skip the price. Otherwise put a real price on it and find a real buyer. - Description - Location - City, State and Country - (Include in title and description) - Contact Information: We recommend you ask interested parties to use either Private Message or the hidden eMail that you have listed in your profile. Listing an email or phone number in your ad may get you on a Spam Robots mail list. It is your choice however. - EBAY or Craigslist ads and a URL for that ad are OK - Note - Only users who have introduced themselves and have 5 or more BCA forum posts may post a reference or URL to their own eBay or CL ad. Want to place a commercial ad? Use the AACA Commercial Advertisement Forum for that. http://forums.aaca.org/f158/ Incomplete, overly commercial, or non-Buick automotive related postings may be deleted without notice! Please do not post your opinions of prices being asked or of the condition of a For Sale item as it typically leads to bickering and hurt feelings. Again, use PM's to communicate with the seller or others about such information. If you want to know how much something is worth or how much to ask for something, post a question in the applicable Pre War or Post War Fourm. Photos and price listings are optional, but they will increase interest in your posting and greatly help the sale. After posting, please check back frequently, because interested parties may be posting questions and asking more information on the Forum. If the items sells, please return to the For Sale ad and post that it has been sold and also add SOLD to the Subject line
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