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Everything posted by SpecialEducation

  1. The headlight doors/bezels are always chrome on all other series. As far as I can tell, yes, the Roady was the only one with eye makeup. There's less chrome around the tail light assemblies of the Roadmaster & Super, too. While '56 wasn't the first year for factory air conditioning, it was the first year it wasn't in the trunk with roof mounted ducts looking like an afterthought. As far as a convertible goes, I'd say it's the first time that combo would make sense.
  2. Group 78, although I use a Group 75 in almost everything I own (including two small block V8s and 2 3800s).
  3. If you bought the car from them, it would be different, but being a trade in to a dealership, they are probably irritated that you even have their name & number. I would be. If they had sounded like they wanted to be helpful, I’d call them back. If I was the PO, I would have ended the conversation with something like, “I’ll see what I can do.” Then I’d do this:
  4. It’s been touched on, but I’ll hit it again. Stay away from ethanol. There are 2 major issues with it: 1. It will degrade your soft parts. You’ll buy more fuel pumps if you feed it moonshine. 2. Ethanol is hygroscopic. It will absorb water out of the air, which will separate out of the gasoline and settle at the low points. Older cars weren’t as corrosion resistant, and the more the car sits, the more this becomes an issue. As I’m betting your ‘55 is not your daily driver, it’s more likely to be mixing up a little scotch & water when you’re not around.
  5. Most people aren't equipped to measure amp draws that high. Running a 30 amp generator at 35 amps could overheat it to the point that you start melting the solder inside. Buying a new regulator and assuming it's set correct from the factory is also a mistake. Our old regulator was corroded and the points mostly burnt up, so we bought a new one. Installed it on the car, and it didn't work. The reverse cut-out would turn the generator off if the voltage dropped below 14.4v. Thanks for nothing! https://www.facebook.com/1956Buick/photos/a.568738759868333/568738993201643/?type=3&theater
  6. Same reason Saturns had metal hoods & trunk lids. They are structural and are under a lot of stress, where fenders just sit there and look pretty.
  7. I bought something similar to this for the job, just before switching to an alternator... https://www.ebay.com/itm/US-DC-100V-10-50-100A-Voltmeter-Ammeter-LED-Dual-Digital-Volt-Amp-Meter-Gauge-/253530841811
  8. Voltage regulator has 3 functions: 1. Voltage regulation (duh?) 2. Reverse current cut-out. 3. Ampere limiter. The service manual tells how to set/check these functions on the car, but you have to have a 30 amp ammeter to do it.
  9. I use green ScotchBrite pads on glass all the time. Never had an issue.
  10. Common GM part. I get them from the local self service yard fir about $15.
  11. Yeah, even a LeSabre or Park Avenue in that year range will do it.
  12. I have not myself, but many have. Here's one source: https://www.transmissionadapters.com/53-66_nailhead.htm
  13. If I was going to put anything other than a Delco in the ‘90, it would be the Retrosound Newport. I’ve not had one personally, and I find them a bit pricey, but I know several turbo Regal guys that love them.
  14. I've seen a few Rivieras over the years that had stretched noses and sidemounts, and I've thought they looked pretty good. That's not the case here, though.
  15. Yeah, and since our ‘56 has had a ‘55 back seat as long as we’ve had it, I know it’s the same.
  16. Check the oil for a gassy smell, and make sure the fuel rail is holding pressure. I had a leaky injector once, and it would bleed all of the fuel out of the rail and into the manifold. Stinky, but no puddle. Fixed the injector, but damage was done. Washed out the cylinder and scared it all up. :o(
  17. Well, on the 40/60 Series cars, you remove it through the floor. Disconnect the line & wire from under the hood, then pull the plate it is attached to from inside the car. Ours was leaky due to corrosion in the reservoir from the inside out. Quite the bugger to weld back solid.
  18. Yeah, it's right here: http://forums.aaca.org/topic/314076-1950-buick-cleveland-very-nice-shape-want-to-sell-now-harvey-actors-collection/ That's the general 'for sale' side, and this is the Buick specific 'for sale' side. Feel free to cross-post. I don't think there's a rule against that...
  19. That's funny. I was thinking to myself that I would have expected Travis Barker to have better looking tires. That's about the only thing I would change... Then I watched the video and saw that Travis *did* have better looking tires.
  20. Yes, I found their phone number on their website because it said they were out of stock but I wanted more info. When I called, the phone company said that number is no longer in service.
  21. Spinning Wheels appears to be MIA. The phone number from their web site is out of service.
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