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1 hour ago, auburnseeker said:


Are we ready for the big reveal to see what the rest looks like or should I drag it out a bit longer?  



1 hour ago, AL1630 said:

I, for one, am definitely ready for the big reveal! Congratulations on your new car, I can't wait to see pictures of the whole thing!


2 hours ago, mercer09 said:

seriously, when are we going to be able to see some real pictures?






Yes, seriously, the time has come. Let's have a look before the game, please.   -    Carl 

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3 hours ago, Roger Walling said:

 Don't  change you forum handle, If one is good, two would be better! ☺️


At a Pierce Arrow Society gathering I heard some fellow members discussing how many cars is too many.

One member said, 'When my wife asks how many cars is enough, I reply, 'Just one more''.

Edited by zepher (see edit history)
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Carl.......what game, New England is out of it.........football season is over! 

Besides, Randy has to get the jump seats hinges freed up so he can take a photo of the back sear area for everyone. As far as the tow truck comment........needs a bigger engine for any really heavy duty work. Guess he will have to just keep it as a driver. I expect to see him with it at the ACD reunion this August..........I have my hotel reservations already, and will have two cars there..............I’m gonna see if Randy likes to drag race...........usually all one has to do to win is be willing to blow the engine...........Randy....you ready?🤪



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This has to be the best thread here in many months.  Everyone posting is happy.  Poking fun at and joking with everyone and being helpful.  This is what these forums used to be like all the time.

Congratulations on your success as an Auburn seeker.  As keiser31 would say "more pictures please".

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EXTRA ! EXTRA ! NOW HEAR THIS : NEWSFLASH LEAKED FROM ED'S CAMP DOWN IN SOUTH FLORIDA !!!! ED WANGLED A HALF A DOZEN SEATS ON THE 50 YARD LINE. RANDY'S BUTT WILL BE IN ONE OF THEM, AND HALFTIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO FEATURE THE AUBURN WITH ONE OF ED'S STUNT DRIVERS AT THE WHEEL !!!!!       Carving donuts in the "turf" ?   I just don't know how you do it, Ed, but thanks a billion for doing it !    Oh how I wish I still spent a couple of months of every Winter all over Florida. Base rock was up in Martin County, on the coast, easy walk to the Elliott Museum.      "Them" were the days  !!!!!        -    CC 

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Carl.........I was at the Super Bowl a few years ago. Tickets are now insane. Last time I went, I paid 1800 for a ticket.........this week the nose bleed seats were 7400 and you couldn’t find two together for under 9k each. It’s not every mans game anymore. Tailgating in the lot is almost as much fun..........and not very expensive. Usually they have twice as many in the lots as inside. Some bring tv’s, hot tubs, and such.......quite a good time. This year, while the game is only a short drive from my place, I’m watching the game in the den.



Carl, if you come on down sometime......I’ll give you a ride in something you will enjoy......Ed

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Hey they are letting me like again.  Must be my special day in more ways than one.  

That would be good though.  Maybe I should make the full debut during the half time show slot.  It might be better than what they have planned anyways.  

A bunch of old guys drooling over a tired 90 year old car.   That might be a show in itself. ;) 

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3 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

Well it looks better in photos than it is.

I dated a girl like that years ago.............

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Fancy that.......a convertible sedan! Not a bad way to start off owning your dream car............



Randy, we need a photo of both Auburns side by side..........yes, Randy has two Auburns! 

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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Interesting that you found your wife and the Auburn on t

3 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

I know it must have been tough for Ed to pass on this. I just don't see an angle it doesn't look good at. 

Certain things belong in certain places........a lesson I learned many years ago early on in my collecting of all thing automotive. I would have enjoyed the car, but only used it one or two weeks a year. Randy will use it as it should be............every possible opportunity. The car went where it belongs.........I’ll find another one.............


In the last two weeks I helped three people locate a pre war car and secure it. I enjoy helping others find the car they always wanted. Best part of the hobby.....helping others and making friend doing it.

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, Steve_Mack_CT said:

I differ with Ed in that I think convertible sedans are attractive.  Auburn, Ford did some very attractive ones.  Congrats again!

Yep. That low roof line and the LeBaron like drop in the rear of the body are so sexy.

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