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Old gas disposal

Guest 56BuickSuper

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Guest 56BuickSuper

So my 56 has a tank of gas about 10 years old.  I was treated with stabil but I am sure it has degraded.I want to drop the tank and clean it, then get the car running again. What is the best way to dispose of the old gas?

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… If you treated it with Stabil and it was REAL gas not corn-o-hol, then you may still be O.K. as I have reused older gas in the same manner.  Drain the old gas out into a open clean tub and take a look. Filter it 3 times using paint gun filters place in mouth of a large plastic funnel.  You can pick up these fine meshed filters for free at your local automotive paint seller as these filters will be very fine and any particulates will be removed that would interfere with jetting.  Then add some gas enzymes and more stabile and use in either your car or in your chain saw or lawn mower.  If it is liquid and filtered you should have no problems.


If you want to fore go that, then you would have to purchase a gas container to hold it, then call your local friendly and helpful public refuge department and they usually have collection areas on site at the dump or call one of your local mechanic shops and they could tell you who or what is the local go-to for disposing the gas ...

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I threw some old gas on a pile of brush and wood limbs that I wanted to burn once. Actually, it was some of this new stuff that passes for gasoline, but it had been sitting in the car's tank for about two years while the engine was out being rebuilt. The gas was so lousy after two years, that a match wouldn't even light it! No exaggeration.

Pete Phillips

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When gasoline evaporates, it's the "higher aromatics" which evaporate first.  That's what makes the engine easy to start, especially on cooler weather.  AND octane decreases, too, with those evaporations.


Several years ago, when I was considering getting one of my older cars running again, I took the gas cap off and it had a strong smell or turpentine.  And that was pre-RFG gas of premium octane heritage.  It's still there.  New tank to fix that, later.


I have run across a product that is supposed to "rejeuvenate" oil gas AND keep new gas "new" for years.  It's main market is for power generators that start automatically.  Not sure if it really works, though. 


Hazardous material "donation" facility might be best.  Many have "free days" every so often.



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Last time I tried to get rid of gas at the hazardous waste site, I was turned away. Can't remember why. They took everything else.  It was maybe five gallons. I don't remember specifically what I did with it, but Wooly and I may have had similar conversations. 

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:wub:   The way I got rid of about five gallons of real old gas,was to give it

         to one of my neighbors,he mixed it one gallon to five of good gas and

         used it in his farm tractor,said it did good.

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