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I'm stuck in Tx dealing with dads cars. On TV I see a lot of ads for "farmers only.com". Thinking about starting a site for "mechanics only.com". For people like me who get stuck dealing with liquidating  thier dads old car collections. 


Of course I'm kidding, but dad did ask when I came down, if "I had a husband who was a mechanic"?  


It does beg the question, though for all you car collectors, what is your exit plan? Please seriously think this through, because if you get stuck unexpectantly, with a car collection and only a daughter 2000 miles away, it's a pretty tough spot for her. Lol

Edited by victorialynn2 (see edit history)
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Not sure if something like this is what you're looking for, but anyway......



“To liquidate old cars for my beloved dad

For this devoted daughter might seem kind of sad

A few of these gems need some TLC

Any interested mechanics need to get in touch with me”



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2 minutes ago, Dosmo said:

Not sure if something like this is what you're looking for, but anyway......



“To liquidate old cars for my beloved dad


For this devoted daughter might seem kind of sad


A few of these gems need some TLC


Any interested mechanics need to get in touch with me”





Fitting. Lol

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Well I moved north to get here. Could drive any of mine to The House of Our Lady of the Angels tomorrow just Judge would be a tad expensive. It is the three 400s, a 421, and a compete 3800 powertrain that might be a little difficult. Oh and just stumbled over some 6Xs and a T-5 for a Firebird I never bought.


If I had a theme song. It'd probably be "Little Deuce Coupe". "Pushed out of shape and its hard to steer" fits three of mine particularly the GTP


OTOH for here "No Go Showboat" maybe ?


Back in the day "Shut Down" was my favorite since had a FI split window with a late (much stronger) Muncie that you could speed shift. From first just pull back as hard as you could and when ready to shift just bat one pedal - either clutch or gas, didn't matter which though gas was better, clutch pedal had a habit of staying on the floor. Used to pull a fender on whoever was in the next lane on every shift. Of course could always find a $35 replacement tranny in Schwartz Creek. (anyone else remember grinding every other tooth off the synchro rings ?)


ps y'all is a person or people, yawl is a sailboat.



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I really did almost die in January 2012. I have been prepared for over 20 years. Some people may remember Speed Grecco on RT20 near Darien Lake, south of Buffalo. He died leaving "stuff" and cars in the early 1990's. I went over to the sale with a friend. Things were piled all over. I think the lawyer and the Daughter were there pricing and selling things. Out of all the piles and cars I found a hard cover book that looked like an interesting night's reading. I asked the price, thanked whichever gave me the quote, and waited for Frank Jenkins, the Model A expert who I rode over with. On the way back I thought to myself "what an awful thing to do to one's heirs.", leave all that stuff with the idea it was worth some unspecified great amount. I cleaned up my garage, sold and threw out a lot of just plain junk. And I have been doing that about every five years since.

I have also had a number of discussions with my wife about the value of what is out there in the garage and the fact that everything was a discretionary purchase centered on my hobby. At 7:20 PM 12/27/2016 it owes her or me nothing. The hobby was not my livelihood, not an investment, not a financial hedge; just a hobby. She knows the people I think a lot of and I have told her if someone wants a car and they are on the "white hat" list, let them have it with our best wishes. The same goes for the tools, books, and collectibles.

For me to sell off some with the knowledge of what it is and the value I want in MY pocket while I am breathing is known. There is even a little sport if I sell to those not on the white hat list.


Otherwise, the sale of that stuff by the uniformed and the uninitiated is a big injustice on my part. It is a great big PIA for them and really very expensive and time consuming to sell, especially with a misplaced perception of what my feelings about the stuff weighted against my feelings for them. When they got my paycheck they got the part that really mattered. The stuff in the garage is icing and a small percentage of a life's earnings.


My Wife knows. A couple of years ago she went with me and got to see a car I was thinking about buying. I forget where the money was coming from, maybe a pickup load I bought in a friend's garage. I know the cupboard was full of groceries for another cash source. She watched me look the project car over and talk with the owner. We got back in my truck and she simply stated "I thought you weren't going to buy any more work." SHE GOT IT! She knows what it is and how easy it will be to divest herself of it all.


I am happy. She has inherited perspective. A lot of old car guy widows haven't been so lucky.


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1 hour ago, victorialynn2 said:

It does beg the question, though for all you car collectors, what is your exit plan?

I'm working on a better exit plan at 65.  I did finish a long term project car by working 7 days a week from July 5th to about Oct 1st.  Ok, so there is one very popular car that my son could sell easy.  (my son convinced me to finish that one as it was almost done) I have another finished one my son would keep.


But, I have 3 more unfinished ones though, so I've been trying to get the scattered parts for each car, in the car, or right next to that car, as there are too many small parts to put a tag on....so I will just put them with each car. (in case I die suddenly)


Tools and machinery...not to mention all the tons of small hardware and supplies to work on cars.... How can I reduce, if I don't know if I will live a year, or 15 years???   If I sell it all now, then I am just waiting for death.  IMO.


An elderly friend told me for advice;  "You'll be dead, so you won't care what happens to your s...".    .  He told me that my son can sell what he can, then toss the rest in dumpsters.  His son lives right nearby to him on their same family farmland, and REALLY knows how to sell stuff, so my friend is not concerned at all, about his monster collection of cars/trucks/tractors/parts/tools, etc.  He does not know how many cars/trucks he has, and I can't tell either, by looking in all the buildings, and wherever.  A LOT.  His son will most likely keep the family farm, so he won't be rushed to sell car stuff.



You are in a different situation as your Dad is still alive, but is not really "there".   So, I guess that's better than a rush sale if he died suddenly and the real estate property needed instant sale, (like most heirs must deal with) .  But if you are not pressed for time, you may keep trying for every last potential dollar on each item, and sometimes that does not always work as planned.  Multiple heirs can be tougher if one says " you cannot sell that car for $8K, because so and so's sisters husbands coworker says it's worth EASY-40k fixed up"  Then the infighting starts and the 8k buyer eventually found something else to buy.



I don't know your full situation, so advice is not possible, even if I had any of the answers.  All I can say, is that I know the market is hurting on many things,(may get worse), so if you get a sincere, somewhat sane offer on an local/easy/uncomplicated sale ...then perhaps not wait for a few dollars more?  I have no idea how this being 2000 miles from your home is affecting YOUR finances, so you have extra things to deal with, especially not knowing how long Dad will be here.



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Sorry, which part ? That post was more stream of consciousness for me and was listening to the Beach Boys at the time. Guess am just unstuck in time, the Willys was around 1966, bought the split window in '70 though I still stumble over FI parts (couple of peniums here, lower manifold there, etc), and the GTP is the current rescue (7000 rpm dohc 6 and a 5 speed from Craigslist last year & just could not resist). 400 and 421 are Pontiac engines, 3800 is spare for the Reattae, 6X is a 400 Pontiac head with all the exhaust bolts and a T5 is a five speed transmission.


"The House..." is from the original name for Los Angeles (turnpike is a coupla miles, right at  Wildwood, left at Lake City and on until you see the Ocean)


And before I could legally obtain an SCCA license, would occasionally engage in a straight line contest of speed with whatever I had at the time. Often could overcome a certain lack of HP with quick reactions and speed shifting.


Since I really have no heirs, afterwards is someone else's problem.


Need some help ?

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Well folks, I guess I have a different perspective on this topic.  Yes, I don't need to sell the parts or cars to eat, any cars I have or will have when it is time to "be called up yonder" will have no meaning to my wife or heirs.  I play with stuff to keep my sanity as i grow older, anxiety, depression, arthritis, ..........  Sure I have 5000 gas caps in the loft, lots of parts to sell at swap meets, occasionally, and a couple of cars that I have some money in.  They owe me nothing, there is not a  lean on anything.  So, If I am building a harp in the wood shop, or playing a medieval CRWTH I just finished, or working on my V-12, '42 for Ford Franken hearse, I had an enjoyable, relaxing time learning something new in life. Sorry, but I am just not concerned about the stuff in the garage when my time comes.  My wife is secure for the rest of her life, and my grand kids don't care about car stuff.  

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6 minutes ago, Dan Marx said:

Well folks, I guess I have a different perspective on this topic.  Yes, I don't need to sell the parts or cars to eat, any cars I have or will have when it is time to "be called up yonder" will have no meaning to my wife or heirs.  I play with stuff to keep my sanity as i grow older, anxiety, depression, arthritis, ..........  Sure I have 5000 gas caps in the loft, lots of parts to sell at swap meets, occasionally, and a couple of cars that I have some money in.  They owe me nothing, there is not a  lean on anything.  So, If I am building a harp in the wood shop, or playing a medieval CRWTH I just finished, or working on my V-12, '42 for Ford Franken hearse, I had an enjoyable, relaxing time learning something new in life. Sorry, but I am just not concerned about the stuff in the garage when my time comes.  My wife is secure for the rest of her life, and my grand kids don't care about car stuff.  

Neither do I but I would have been much better off if this didn't happen. How do I make back my income loss to take care if this. If you've thought about that, then ok. 

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1 hour ago, padgett said:

Sorry, which part ? That post was more stream of consciousness for me and was listening to the Beach Boys at the time. Guess am just unstuck in time, the Willys was around 1966, bought the split window in '70 though I still stumble over FI parts (couple of peniums here, lower manifold there, etc), and the GTP is the current rescue (7000 rpm dohc 6 and a 5 speed from Craigslist last year & just could not resist). 400 and 421 are Pontiac engines, 3800 is spare for the Reattae, 6X is a 400 Pontiac head with all the exhaust bolts and a T5 is a five speed transmission.


"The House..." is from the original name for Los Angeles (turnpike is a coupla miles, right at  Wildwood, left at Lake City and on until you see the Ocean)


And before I could legally obtain an SCCA license, would occasionally engage in a straight line contest of speed with whatever I had at the time. Often could overcome a certain lack of HP with quick reactions and speed shifting.


Since I really have no heirs, afterwards is someone else's problem.


Need some help ?

That is what I thought you meant. Where I got lost is, I thought it was a left at Wildwood.

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1 hour ago, padgett said:

Sorry, which part ? That post was more stream of consciousness for me and was listening to the Beach Boys at the time. Guess am just unstuck in time, the Willys was around 1966, bought the split window in '70 though I still stumble over FI parts (couple of peniums here, lower manifold there, etc), and the GTP is the current rescue (7000 rpm dohc 6 and a 5 speed from Craigslist last year & just could not resist). 400 and 421 are Pontiac engines, 3800 is spare for the Reattae, 6X is a 400 Pontiac head with all the exhaust bolts and a T5 is a five speed transmission.


"The House..." is from the original name for Los Angeles (turnpike is a coupla miles, right at  Wildwood, left at Lake City and on until you see the Ocean)


And before I could legally obtain an SCCA license, would occasionally engage in a straight line contest of speed with whatever I had at the time. Often could overcome a certain lack of HP with quick reactions and speed shifting.


Since I really have no heirs, afterwards is someone else's problem.


Need some help ?

Well, I'm assuming you are referring to a '63 split window Corvette. Dad had one in mint condition. Everyones fav but me. I liked the '58 better. Sexy car. Dad also has a Willy's 48 Jeepster. Still has it. Also, the GTP reference... Almost bought one in '06, hard top retractable, instead opted for the GT panoramic  roof, because, well... Oregon, it's more practicable, and still have it. Why are you making me work so hard when I've had a few beers? LOL

But on to the question at hand. Please don't leave your car mess... Someone has to deal, and if not, I'm sorry. 

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1 hour ago, Bhigdog said:

Death is messy. There is no easy answer and no one size fits all. Muddle through as best you can and then have a beer and enjoy what's left..........Bob

So my father is not gone yet. The issue is the lost income to deal with this and pay for his care in the meantime. I will never recover my lost wages. Please think about the cost to liquidate. If you don't have heirs, please leave to some charity if there is enough value to justify. I would have been better off financially if he would have been broke. By far....

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Have any of you considered this... If you don't have enough of an estate liquid to pay for your nursing care, or home care if you don't qualify, medicare will not pay until you are destitute. This leaves a loved one to liquidate, which can be time consuming. You have to spend months, years, to figure it out. What if you make 80K a year but have to stop your life to do this? What if you never recover your career? Yes that is the issue and I'm not alone. It's not something most people plan for. My father thought he was leaving me something valuable. I will never tell him the cost it's had for me. 


My point is, please consider this and spare others my learning lesson. 

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Think I'll leave to a museum and let them deal with it but according to the IRS will not be for 24.7 years. 


From Turnpike at Wildwood to I-75 is a right (well more of a bear right) then a left onto I-10 at Lake City which is the last turn needed.


For me the position of "loved one"/tax deduction is currently vacant so not an issue. My only dependents are the cats.

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14 minutes ago, padgett said:

Think I'll leave to a museum and let them deal with it but according to the IRS will not be for 24.7 years. 


From Turnpike at Wildwood to I-75 is a right (well more of a bear right) then a left onto I-10 at Lake City which is the last turn needed.


For me the position of "loved one"/tax deduction is currently vacant so not an issue. My only dependents are the cats.

Go right by Salt Lake at I-10 on the way home. Good for the kittys. Haha

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4 minutes ago, padgett said:

Almost took a job with Novell a long time ago, never saw so many houses with so many bedrooms.

In '96 I actually installed Novell on a Appletalk server. (Libary catalog was on a 3.11 Windows NT machine, but I had to share on the Appletalk server.) I was told it couldn't be done. I had no help. I found the code online. Brand new elementary school with a T-1 line, many hours on the internet. Novell wouldn't help without the cert. Only a few people would even know what that means. 


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I told the wife,  worst case scenario,  call in an auctioneer.  They will clean the place out,  right down to the pile of scrap metal in the corner if you get the right auctioneer.  You may not get top dollar,  but you get one check when they are done and you have minimal work to do.  I have alot of advertising and a few good cars , so I'm pretty sure they would be interested in doing a sale.  I even have one that specializes in advertising and has pretty good knowledge of cars picked out that would be more than happy to take it on if necessary. 

I'm only 42 so I'm hoping for atleast a few more good years. 

I recently moved my shop and seriously culled my parts inventory so that will make things much simpler.   We have 3 young kids and it's written in the will that they each get to pick a car if they want one.   Of course that's if the wife and I go at the same time.   She has a pretty good knowledge of cars and even parts values as well,  so that will help if she decides to take it on her self. 

  Beach boys,  you can't go wrong with Shutdown. 

There are certain days where Schlock Rod Seems more fitting though. 

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