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You just reminded  me to check my farm tractors.  Some have fully enclosed air intakes, but I have one that is vented to the area under the hood, like an automobile.   


That one particular tractor is getting an intake modification. 


I'm from PA also; and have been seeing more black snakes this hot summer.



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You shoulda seen my wife's face when she found a fat 4+ ft blacksnake curled up in the corner of our attached sunroom last Spring. On the bright side we had none of the usual mouse problems last Winter. Saw more black snakes last Summer and this Summer than ever in my life, including one in a tree.

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A person I work with had a big black snake under the hood of his truck last summer.  He parks his truck outside at night. He would see it once or twice per week in the grill area. He figured it would just go away on its own so he did not do anything about it. Then one weekend he was taking the wife to get some mulch and the snake looked up over the grill area while driving down the road. It was right in front of the wife and she could see it. He had to disassemble half the truck to get it out before she would get back in to drive home with the mulch.

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Oh my!   A few years back we were driving some other AACA members to an event downstate in the wife's Ford Explorer.  She opens glove box for some reason and I am not sure who was more surprised, her or Mr. Mouse.  They looked equally terrified.


Snake takes care of mice, cat takes care of (most) snakes...  Seems to work out OK.

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Guest newbymachineworks

A good friend had a black snake in the cowl vent area of his Corvette. Flushed it out with hot water.

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My dad had a snake drop outta the dash onto his feet once while driving home from fishing. It went back up in the dash before he could get it out. Left doors open and assumed it would leave on its own. It did. We found it 3 days later in the motor compartment of one of our other cars! My mom wouldn't allow any cars in the garage for a week or so.

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I will take snakes any day over the  rats that have taken over my area . Global warming ? a commie plot , who knows ? They were a rare thing up to about 4 years ago, now there is an overabundance. There are frequent media stories of how they are nesting on engines at night and giving the wiring a good chew for a bed time snack.  They even are reported to prefer high end German wiring but that didn't stop one of them from having a good chew on my Wife's Ranger's  injector wires.  A friend of ours had over $1000.00 worth of Mazda wiring damage.  Definitely a pain in the butt and wallet.

Greg in Canada

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5 hours ago, GARY F said:

This scared the hell out of me when I went to bend over to pick something up on the floor.


Growing up in the Bronx (NYC) and living outside of NYC the rest of my life I never saw a snake in the wild until I got this house in Ocala FL. I had seen plenty of rats over the years, Gary that picture reminded me of my first snake encounter two years ago.  I learned then that they don't like starting fluid, and made it real easy to whack his head off with a shovel. I have several cans of starting fluid in every building now and a shovel at every outside door way

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I bought a 40 plymouth parts car from a guy along the Missouri River, i stopped 5 miles down the road to check the chains. You can imagine my surprise when I met a huge black snake laying on my trailer deck. I asked it nicely to get off and then not so nicely when it wouldn't move. The only thing I had to poke it with was a floor Jack handle. That mostly just upset it. I tried running around the trailer to grab it's tail really fast but it was waiting for me with its teeth side every time. I then tried throwing gravel in its face and all that did was make it start to look for a way back into the car. Not wanting to bring it home with me, let alone dismantle the car and have the anticipation of meeting it again I pulled out my .40 Cal and shot it. The trailer deck still has mark where the round chewed into it. 

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John348, your story about the starting fluid reminds me a little of the wasps that keep colonizing a '36 Dodge frame that I have near my garage. I keep a can of brake clean right at the entrance just for those nasty SOBs.  BTW, brake clean with the little squirty tube attached to the valve really has a long narrow flow to it. I mean like eight or more feet with deadly accuracy. It drops them right out of the air. For whatever reason St Paul has rats, Minneapolis not so much. Go figure.

Edited by Hudsy Wudsy (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Hudsy Wudsy said:

John348, your story about the starting fluid reminds me a little of the wasps that keep colonizing a '36 Dodge frame that I have near my garage. I keep a can of brake clean right at the entrance just for those nasty SOBs.  BTW, brake clean with the little squirty tube attached to the valve really has a long narrow flow to it. I mean like eight or more feet with deadly accuracy. It drops them right out of the air. For whatever reason St Paul has rats, Minneapolis not so much. Go figure.


Oh I have learned now to be well prepared, I have the brake clean as well as wasp spray. I did find that when you shoot WD-40 with that little red straw and hit a wasp it drops like a rock they can't fly with the oil on their wings!

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