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A Memorial Day Salute


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Memorial Day - A time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and to thank those that continue to do so.

All gave some and some gave all.

And some stood through

for the red, white and blue.

And some had to fall.

Think of all your liberties and recall.

Some gave all.



Please join me in saluting all those brave servicemen and women and their families who have given some.... or have given all.

Semper Fi,

Cpl Brown, USMC - 8th Engineer Battalion, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic 1969-1972

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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My wife's father was a Bataan Death March survivor, as were two of her uncles. Another uncle died in a POW camp in the Philippines. As the "Greatest Generation" slowly fades away, please take a moment to reflect on how their legacy affects all of us today.

Jim Boelter SP5

U. S. Army, Pacific - 1965 - 68

Tripler Army Medical Center

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Mr. Earl,

Thanks for starting this, and my thanks to all who made the ultimate sacrifice. Fortunately for me, my service was in a more stable time, but during the cold war, with a bit of stress.

USAF, Strategic Air Command, 1955-59


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I especially thank Service family I've lost: my dad US Navy Sr Chief Gunners Mate 1936-1966 Pearl Harbor survivor, two tours Pacific/one tour Atlantic WWII, two tours Korea, Drill Instructor 1955-1957 (b1917-d1981); my uncle US Army PVC KIA Belgium 1944 (b1919-d1944); my brother US Army Corp of Engineers SP5 1969-1973 two tours Vietnam (b1950-d2006).

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A Day For Reflection....

Thankfully my Dad returned from his service for the duration of the War in the Pacific, having served with the 6th Special Battalion, Seabees, U.S. Navy, injured but able to return to work...

far too many did not return, or were even more seriously injured...

our daughter-in-law now treats Vets dealing with PTSD

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Guest BigDogDaddy

We are grateful to all who have served. Those woh did not return are in our thoughts and prayers !

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To all those who Served, and are Serving, I Salute Thee. Will be heading to our local parade with the 15 Buick shortly to give to Town Supervisor a ride. He is also a Vet. Dandy Dave!

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Photos from our local Memorial Day Parade. The First Photo is of Retired Columbia County Sheriff Paul Proper, he also served in Korea. I've known him for many years. I can tell you he a real gentlemen. The Ford tractor is pulling the local VFW members. The 1957 International Truck is owned by the supervisor of Copake Jeff Nayer. Of course the Chartreuse Lady is in the Mix. I get commandeered by Hillsdale Town Supervisor Art Baer every year. More to come...






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I was at the beginning of the parade so I was able to get some photos of the end of the parade. The parade is put together by three local towns and other local fire Departments and organizations join in. We are Small town America and we stand by all who Served, are serving now, and salute the hero's who did not come home.. Thanks You one and all. Dandy Dave!










Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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