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Road Rage revenge

Dave Mellor NJ

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Now that is funny!

Once I had a similar situation where it was a car load of teen age boys thinking they got one over on me by refusing to allow me to merge. I dramatically reached for the bottom of the steering wheel, looked at the driver and whipped my hands along the wheel as if I was going to crash into them. The driver crapped his pants and swerved to avoid what he thought was an attack (even tho I didn't move at all). He turned so quickly he spun out and ended up in the median. I almost wrecked laughing! I hope he learned a lesson.

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Now that is funny!

Once I had a similar situation where it was a car load of teen age boys thinking they got one over on me by refusing to allow me to merge. ......

I have been known on more than one occasion to not let someone merge. Why? Because they come barreling out, usually on their cellphone, they never look over to see where anyone might be and expect the person on the main road to get over and let their little entitled hind-end out. Uh, no. Not if I can help it. :D I had one guy years ago that tried his best to speed and pass me going into a work zone where the slow lane had to merge into the fast lane. I was driving our 35' RV hauling a full-size Ford Taurus station wagon at the time. I had gotten over early to not have to jockey for a spot. I look over into my passenger side mirror to see this idiot with is foot to the floorboard trying to go fast enough to catch and pass me. Aww, he didn't make it. But he did have to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting the orange barrels. And the line behind me...didn't let him in either. :P

What I cherish most is the look on their face when they realize they "just got schooled....by a GIRL". :rolleyes:

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Lot of drivers have no concept of merging. I was taught that on a four-lane highway, if you are in the right hand traffic lane, the left lane is open, and someone is trying to merge from an on-ramp, move into the left lane and let it happen.

Just last night I was trying to merge onto US29 and this Jeep would not move into the open left lane to let me merge into the expressway traffic. So, I had to come to almost a complete stop in the acceleration lane and then nail it hard to merge and get up to 65mph road speed. It takes a little bit to get a big Ford pickup up to speed from a standstill, especially with high-speed traffic all around you.

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Glenn, in California and in most states, the vehicle already on the highway has the Right of Way and need NOT move over to accommodate any vehicle entering from an on-ramp. I agree that it is polite for someone to do so, but that's not necessarily practical, as when I'm driving a 1920s car at 40-42 mph or my truck and car trailer. I've had too many experiences while trailer towing of 4-wheelers who come barreling out on the on-ramp seizing the Right of Way, often on a cell phone. They may see the front of my truck in their rear view mirror, know its length, and expect to slide in behind my tailgate--but wait! there's 30 feet of trailer immediately behind my tailgate! That's funny to watch in MY side view mirror. In metro areas, I run with headlights on while towing in hopes of attracting a bit more attention from merging cars.

Edited by Grimy
correct typo & add a thought (see edit history)
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Believe this was a setup!! Camera and puddle too convenient. Besides, what was wrong with the SUV backing down?

And as a former truck driver, if I had acted as some of you indicate you have, you would have turned in my truck number and probably got my license yanked.

Grimey is correct, by the way. And JUST BECAUSE ONE HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY, does not mean one should force that right.


Edited by First Born (see edit history)
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..... , I run with headlights on while towing in hopes of attracting a bit more attention from merging cars.

If I am doing the driving the headlights are always on. The color of our PT Cruiser is Onyx Green Pearlcoat and having seen them coming toward me, this is a fairly rare color so you don't see many of them, they blend into older blacktop and are hard to see. Regardless of which vehicle I am driving I have the lights on.

I am a courteous driver when someone shows an ounce of common sense on the road. I am just getting sick and tired of those that don't "drive" their vehicle, they instead steer their vehicle from point A to point B and are doing things like talking on their cellphone, texting, doing their make-up, eating their messy food, screaming at their kids trying to get me to give them the road. I learned what was called defensive driving. Now I not only have to drive that way but have to stand my ground to keep from being run over by idiots that think it is their right to be an idiot behind the wheel of something that can kill lots of people at one time.

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Just enjoy the post, guys!

Arguing about it will not change anything. ;)


I am not taking any of this as arguing, I see it as just a discussion. We all experience the frustration of those who feel like they are the only ones who have the right to be on the road or are just oblivious to the world around them. Because you have the right of way doesn't mean you shouldn't move over. Use your signal, I'll make room, if you can't make the effort, neither will I.

I wish that drivers ed taught common courtesy as well as rules of the road. If a lane ends, merge before the very end as it's not a signal to butt in line, if you're in the right lane on a hiway and traffic is merging, move over and make room if possible (here if you don't, that's impeding traffic and can be road rage depending on the circumstances), USE YOUR DAMN SIGNALS BEFORE you want to turn, not as you're turning! Stay in the right lane unless you're passing (here, it's the law). In the mountains and a slow driver, pull off in the areas provided to allow others to pass instead of making 25 cars pile up behind your slow butt for 20 miles (again here also impeding traffic). Basically be courteous.

Most would never do these things if they weren't in a car. They would never run ahead of a line and just cut in, they would not just step in front of you in person.

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I've learned that in Los Angeles it's best to not signal your intentions to merge until the last moment as other driver's simply take this as an opportunity to speed up now that you've clued them in to your intentions, but here in Portland if you signal you will literally have an entire lane of cars fall all over themselves to slow down or get out of your way, almost annoyingly so. Moving to Portland almost made me angry dealing with the "slow" drivers but I eventually realized that I will take them any day over the jerks in most cities. Now I drive like an old lady and I love every minute of it! lol Life is better when you're moving slow enough to appreciate the details.

Edited by MarrsCars (see edit history)
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I just mentioned the merge thing in the other idiot driver thread. As I said in that, if I am in the right lane, I should not have to move over or put my brakes on to let someone merge onto the highway. If the left lane is clear, as a courtesy, I will move over, but around here every merge lane has a Yield sign. It's up to the person merging to time his speed to match traffic flow so as not to disrupt traffic. Sometimes when I see people merging, looking straight ahead and just expecting to be let in, I won't move over and will lay on the horn if they attempt to force their way.

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I still remember the lady on the evening news saying " I gave him the finger and he SHOT me!!"

Please be careful out there.

I drive a 35 ft Blue Bird Wanderlodge........ you learn to look for gutter runners thinking they won't get crushed by 30,000 lbs. People are just stupid sometimes. No schooling will make them any smarter

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I still remember the lady on the evening news saying " I gave him the finger and he SHOT me!!"

Please be careful out there.

When I moved to Texas from Illinois I learned quickly that leaning on the horn, cursing, and flipping the bird (all part of basic driver training in the Chicago area) were a really bad idea here. A co-worker was chased 30 miles by a pickup truck full of good old boys for finger misuse! Also, since concealed carry became law here you can safely assume that any other driver could have a Glock with a full clip on the seat next to them... Road rage just ain't worth it with those stakes.

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Many of the different scenarios illustrated here show the differences in the way people handle themselves depending on the locale. Some are more concerned for "their" space at all costs while some are more concerned with being polite, some are loud and the horn or finger is commonly used. In NYC they hit the horn the moment the light changes to green, here I hear 99% of the time a horn is used because somebody saw somebody they knew. Here people generally use signals (and I will make room for you if you do), in my experience Kansas drivers don't seem to be equipped with them.

I generally try to be kind and courteous when possible. It's just not that difficult to treat others well even if they don't appreciate it. I can't say my record on this is spotless as I do also subscribe to ya get what ya give. I will not allow somebody to race ahead of me along a lane when they can plainly see it ends. That's rude and immature to feel like somehow you have the right to butt in line. More than one person has ended up making a turn they hadn't anticaped. I once forced a Corbvette into the mud as he felt like it was OK to pass everybody on the shoulder in a construction zone. He didn't expect me and a few others to move over when we saw him comming very fast.

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And as a former truck driver, if I had acted as some of you indicate you have, you would have turned in my truck number and probably got my license yanked.

Grimey is correct, by the way. And JUST BECAUSE ONE HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY, does not mean one should force that right.


All of these stories of scaring the snot out of other drivers and / or running them into ditches are awesome, thanks for sharing them, car folk!!!

Yeah; YOU are always the one who is right?!?!

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I still remember the lady on the evening news saying " I gave him the finger and he SHOT me!!"

The only time I've ever had a gun pulled on me was when I was riding in a car on an urban Interstate (Pittsburgh's Parkway East, I-376). We passed someone on the right who was riding in the left lane doing exactly 55 mph with almost no traffic around, as if he was trying to teach everyone a lesson. This guy sped up to catch us (~60 mph), pulled a handgun out of the glove compartment, and pointed it at us while a woman (riding shotgun in his car) tried to wrestle the gun from him.

Still in the right lane, we dove off an exit that just happened to be available. Using secondary roads we continued on to our destination, and hardly ever spoke about it (then or now).

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Anyone have an idea of where this thread or the "Idiot Driver Revenge" thread are going or what is the end goal? No one is moderating the forum or the BOD has changed the rules and brought back R&R / Misc. Chat. so I will offer my 2-cents.

Everything I have read so far happens every day. I drive between 50-55,000 miles per year and have done so for 41 years in my sales area. If I kept a logue of the nonsense I see daily it would be a full time job.

To those (Bevins, Shop Rat, etc.) that have mentioned retaliation or "I showed that SOB" by forcing them into mud, highway medians, squeezing the rude drivers at merge points you apparently can live with risking looking into your rear view mirror and potentially watching the vehicle wreck. I am certain you would all pull over and tell the police you caused it (possibly killing, maiming, damaging) and cite your "ego" sure won.

Yes, I agree that there are very rude or inattentive drivers out there however you are in the wrong for not allowing 2 lanes to merge at the "merge point" or becoming a self appointed highway police officer due to your temper or ego at the time.

Knowing you possibly wrecked, killed, maimed someone would that make you feel better if you read about the action in the newspaper the next day.

Check your tempers and egos, bite the bullet, and forget about it or you will regret it some day.

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