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Blizzard Dec 2010


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Well, I got out of Virginia just in time. I'm in Butler, Pa stealing the internet from a Micky D's(actually, it's free):D No snow at all here, except from previous weather.

The Eastern Shore of Va, on the other hand, is shut down. The plants that I work for have told workers to stay home. Needless to say, my work week is in a shambles. No point in going home. I will be a trucker Gypsy all week, I guess.

By the way, getting the free hot spots is nice, although they are never happy with the trailer that I tag along. :eek::)


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Pretty hellacious winds overnight and into this morning, here in Southern CT. Hard to judge actual accumulation due to drifting, but I'd estimate a solid 8" or so.

First seasonal workout of the old shoveling muscles, and I'm feeling it...

Great job by road crews keeping roads passable, and also power crews keeping the juice flowing...

Steve from Stony Creek, ct

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It is cold and snowy here but the local weather prediction is that it will get much better soon. 40 on Wednesday, 50 on Thursday and 55 on Friday.

The down side to that is that it will start raining on Thursday and rain through the weekend. That sets our area up for flooding with all the snow we have now and then several days of rain....not going to be pretty. Makes me very happy to live up on a ridge away from high water. :)

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We got some rain, then a little snow, then it melted, then we got a little bit more snow. Most of it is melted now and while it is cold today, it is expected to be almost 70 degrees here again within a week.

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Guest Jim_Edwards

Nice sunny 59 degrees here in South Central Texas, although our low temp this morning was 26 which is about 20 degrees colder than it should be. Such is weather in Texas, where if you don't like the weather all you have to do is wait five minutes and it will change.:)

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I guess the good Lord decided we did not need anymore this year and the storm that hit the east coast and the south missed Michigan. Very rare the snow misses us here in northern Michigan, but this one did.

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Guest billybird

We had a very nice White Christmas here in northern N.C. 4-6 inches. Just enough to look like a postcard, but not enough to cripple everything. It was just perfect. Made some mighty good snow cream to devour also.

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It is hard to tell what we got here as it has really drifted. I would guess a foot if you spread it out even. Some places are bare, while others are drifted 4 feet. I would have posted "Let it snow" here, but you and I were loading at about the same time. Dandy Dave!

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We certainly didn't get the "blizzard" that was expected. Ended up with a typical 10" snow storm. It's pretty windy and there is some drifting but really not a big deal. A lot of places jumped the gun and announced last night that they would be closed today when they could easily have opened. All the roads were plowed and open this morning and through the day. No problems getting around at all.

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I'm about 9 miles south of Boston on the South Shore of MA. We got 18" of wet snow with wind blowing at 40 to 50 mph. Didn't think we'd get much snow this year at all since I bought a new snow thrower in October! My Riv is in an igloo behind the garage. This was to be the fifth winter with the original igloo but this morning pine branches pierced the roof ...have a temporary tarp in place now. Guess I'll have to buy a new igloo in the spring although I'm happy that it did last five summers and four winters with the extreme temps we tend to have here.

Post script..I bought and had installed a whole house generator in 03 (runs on propane) and its only had to run twice for about 5 minutes each in 8 years!

Edited by DShip (see edit history)
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Guest Silverghost

14.5 inches here just outside Philly~~~

65 MPH winds blowing all night & all day today...

There are 4 foot snow drifts at the top parking area of my driveway !

Snowplow has my driveway packed in solid with a 2 1/2 foot wall of packed snow ~~~

I did not bother to use the snowblower today, or go outside as I am now waiting for the winds to abate ~~~

Temps to go down to 15* F tonight !

I'm getting too old for this darn winter stuff !

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