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Buick Action Photos


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Most of the photos we see of Buicks are static. Every now and then one appears where the car is in motion, difficult photos to get but from time to time they come along.

A friend who is a keen photographer took this photo while passing my 1928 Buick Roadster about 10 years ago. The photo was taken through the passengers window of his 1938 Dodge coupe. He had the photo developed in Black and white to give it a period look. I've always liked the photo, the blurred background showing the break neck speed at which we were travelling ( at least 50MPH )and the Buick being framed by the window opening of the Dodge.

Rooster or Mr Earl you must have photos of those big 54's in 4 wheel drifts on a gravel road, Thriller lets see the photo of you " smoking up " that flash new Buick you got recently!!!

Okay, a thread like this won't be as exciting as the Girls on Buicks Mk 1, 2 and 3 but I'm sure there are some nice action photos of Buicks out there that we would like to see.


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Here is a picture of Mr and Mrs John Scheib. This was taken as we passed them on the way to the 2008 Nationals in Flint. My co-pilot took this at about 70 mph +/-.

The picture isn't the best but it is all I have.



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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50jetback</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rooster or Mr Earl you must have photos of those big 54's in 4 wheel drifts on a gravel road, Thriller lets see the photo of you " smoking up " that flash new Buick you got recently!!! </div></div>

Um, could you be more specific about which car you mean? I've been buying too many over the past couple years to be certain which one you want to see. I can't see myself smoking Spirit's tires...I want the tires to last for a trip to Minneapolis-St. Paul in May.

I'm usually driving, so I don't necessarily have much in the way of photos. I'll have to look through the archives...I think we may have a couple with photos taken from the moving Buick....

Here we go with a Wildcat hood ornament....


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Good idea Stuart cool.gif

I have always liked taking shots of Buicks from the passenger seat of another Buick so here are a few.

If you increase the zoom level at the bottom right of your screen to 200% the detail in these photos really stands out.

<span style="font-weight: bold">Stuarts 50 Jetback lining up a 55 Buick in it's Bomsight</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">A mean looking 38 Buick cornering a bend at 60mph</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">A 65 Riviera flashing it's lights, saying "here I come"!!</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">A 66 Wildcat Convertible getting ready to corner</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">The same 66 Wildcat Convertible winding it's way accross to Western Australia</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">Stuart Syme's 50 Jetback cruising through rural NSW</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">A mean looking 66 Riviera looming up behind the 66 Wildcat and ready to pounce</span>


<span style="font-weight: bold">And finally, one of my favourite photos.

There is no car to be seen but it was taken through the front screen of the 66 Wildcat.

The effect makes the view of the majestic West Australian trees look like a scene from a painting rather than a photo.</span>


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Since we are also posting pictures taken from the passenger side, here is one of us following a Hudson on an AACA fall tour. This was taken in Ellicottvile, NY which is a beautiful ski town and all around beautiful place to visit. (approx 50 +/- miles south of Buffalo)

Taken from the front seat of our 46 Super.



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Guest Dans 77 Limited

I have to call my buddy Rich. We went to a cruise about 2 years ago. It was late in the evening and late in the year , more or less the last hurrah before winter. As people were leaving the cruise almost everyone was stopping and doing a burnout on their way out of the lot.This cruise was also about 20 miles north of Pittsburgh. I was in the 77 and I had traveled with a 63 T-Bird , a 61 Plymouth police special, a 60 Edsel Ranger,and a 75 Dodge Dart. As each of us got to the end of the lot we all did our best. And it was all captured on film. So somewhere in Richs hundreds of pictures is a photo of my 77 Limited doing a brakestand burnout.Nobody thought I could do it , not even the people watching the burnouts. I have to find and post that picture.


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" Crammed " in the back seat? I would have thought there was heaps of room in the back seat of a 55 convertible even for you Texans.

Brian - nice pics, brings back some great memories.

Here are a couple more from me, luckily Delys has a habit of taking photos while on the move.

The first couple are coming down a steep incline in Queensland at the last Nationals and the last photo is a period one of a fairly new 34 Roadster being driven at speed through a corner on a gravel road, I reckon you can almost see daylight under that left front wheel. The female passenger in the rumble street seems to be enjoying the ride. I think I'll recreate this photo when I find the right bit of gravel road!!!




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Guest imported_MrEarl

Man I love that 55 in mid air shot. Willie, you couldn't have been no more than what, 10-12 years old you when you were driving in the 55 LaCarrera PanAmericana.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rooster or Mr Earl you must have photos of those big 54's in 4 wheel drifts on a gravel road</div></div>

You mean something like this Stuart,






and if you still ain't satisfied...

watch this

da da da dat's all folks

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I knew you wouldn't let us down Lamar!

The more I see of those 54's !! no, no, I'm a straight 8 person, BUT, that car sure does look and sound great sliding around those corners.

I've got a great movie I bought from Amazon recently on DVD.

It's called THE BIG STEAL and stars Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer and William Bendix. Made in the late 40's, not much of a plot but an almost none stop pursuit with Mitchum driving a 1934/35 Buick convertible coupe being pursued by Bendix driving a 1948 or 49 Buick Sedan. I suspect things were sped up a bit by camera work but both cars look like they could do with work on the front suspension while cornering at speed.

Well worth buying the movie just to see the cars in action. I think you will find it under the heading Film Noir Classic Collection.

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Here's one taken from the driver's side of our 46. This was getting ready for the parade at the Tonawanda Engine Plant for the 100th of GM. The tan car (1938 Special Conv)belongs to Ray Winzig of the NFC Chapter.



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Guest imported_Rhinelander Rob

Heres one that could go in either thread, action photos or Girls in Buicks. Taken thru the windshield of the "24" hauler on the way to Flint last year crossing the big bridge.

Hope the pic is attached. My first effort.



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Photos from 2000 when our chapter did a fall tour. A few of my favorites posted here, and the entire set of photos is at http://www.pittsburghbuickclub.org/swf/2000FallTour/

All photos were taken by me in my 87 Grand National as I was driving the car. I had the t-tops out and I held the camera out the open roof with the right hand and shot as I steered the car with the left hand.

As we all made a procession through the intersection


Leaving the swimming area of the lake


Approaching a real nice view of the lake


And the view of the lake with the fall colors coming into their own


Finally, pulling in for a club dinner




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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MrEarl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Man I love that 55 in mid air shot. Willie, you couldn't have been no more than what, 10-12 years old you when you were driving in the 55 LaCarrera PanAmericana.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rooster or Mr Earl you must have photos of those big 54's in 4 wheel drifts on a gravel road</div></div>

You mean something like this Stuart,






and if you still ain't satisfied...

watch this

da da da dat's all folks


That painting should be posted in the Automotive Art forum.

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Guest imported_Thriller

While not exactly action photos, these cars are running. Click on the photo to launch the videos.



I miss those sounds...snow is melting though, so it is just a matter of time.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That painting should be posted in the Automotive Art forum.


As you requested

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Every club has its "go to" guy. Ours was Floyd Dent. Since his passing we now have an award that carries his name and is given annually for the person that did the best for the club and its members. The Buick in the attached photo once belonged to him, but is now owned by a son in Washington state. That son is at the wheel in this photo. It says a lot for the '57 Buick Century.


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Not a photo, but still Buicks in motion (footage from the 2004 Buick meeting in The Netherlands):

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoxjWsYycCM"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoxjWsYycCM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Those were some nice Buicks passing by there Rob. Enjoyed that!!!!

This is fast becoming one of my favorite threads.

I do believe dis guy is driftin dis fiddy fo


lookin like dey is have some mo fun too cool.gif

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