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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. It would be interesting to know your age. In my 20's and early 30's I too would have hesitated to take a flier and lose $500. Today that is the cost of taking your triplet grandsons and their parents out for a nice dinner with wine. Other questions you ask yourself are do I have the knowledge, tools, space, or money to tackle this project. Collecting antique art glass for years I soon learned "If you snooze, you lose". Because of this blog I am sure you gained a lot of knowledge that will be useful in the future and now know how to access the wealth of information that is at your fingertips.
  2. Purchased a car on BAT last week from a dealer in Washington. He emailed me wire transfer instructions late Sunday night to his local bank to a account in his business name. At 5 AM Monday I received a second wire transfer email from him telling me the account in his first email had not been activated and instructing me to wire to a different bank in a different state and to an account that was NOT in his name or his business name. The email header was identical on both emails. This immediately raised a red flag and a telephone call confirmed that he had been hacked. The cyber security people on his end indicated that they have seen several cases associated with on BAT transactions. From now on I am going to confirm all emailed financial transactions by phone.
  3. I have been told that polished concrete is not resistant to oil stains. I used Epoxy Coat on my 6000 sq ft building 6 years ago and have been very happy with it. Lowest bid was $4.00 /sq ft. I did it myself for $2000.00. Many of my cars drip and there has been no staining.
  4. You are not alone living in a old car vacuum. College Station has 120K population and no antique car activity other than a Model A club. Lucky's car show is the second Sunday of January every year. Totally unorganized with no advertising or structure of any kind, cars just show up. This year over 450 street rods were present. Nearest AACA is 100 miles away in Houston which by the way has a population of 4 million and can't support a Classic Car Club.
  5. Public is always welcome, can’t show a car unless you are a member.
  6. I guess those of us with “tin type” buildings are second class. Guess what, my tin type was finished, heated and Air conditioned and fully occupied in 90 days. Different strokes for different folks You do have a nice looking building though.
  7. Jeff_a if you went to Cuba today you would be impressed with the quality of most of the Taxi’s. I will try to attach a photo of one of our rides in Havana. This one had the original nailhead although most were powered by Diesel with auto transmission. AC is required for closed cars. $50 for 60-90 minute tour. Since 2010 private Taxi’s have been allowed. Our driver was a Veterinarian. Gov salary for a Vet is $40/Mo. Another evening we selected a nice 57 Plymouth conv that the owner (electrical engineer $33/mo)Paid $30K for. Capitalism is slowly creeping into Cuba. When the first McDonalds shows up it will be gone forever. Bob Smits
  8. Thanks for all the replies, looks like it is a toss up. Bob Smits
  9. My 86 Mercedes fuel tank has light rust after sitting for 6 years. Which product would you use? Thanks, Bob Smits
  10. Sorry for your loss Matt. Be thankful for the years of friendship you enjoyed. Fortunately you are not old enough to be looking over your shoulder like many of us in the hobby. Al Edmond, Howard Scotland and I used to speculate on future touring together when we retired. I was fortunate enough to enjoy Howard much longer than Al. Miss then both. Bob Smits
  11. I imported a 64 Pontiac from Ontario last year. It took me 4 months to get it titled in Texas. If someone would give me a car in Canada I wouldn't take it. My file of paper work on the transaction is a half inch thick. Other stated may be easier but not Texas.
  12. The main differences between V-63 and the earlier V-61 are the balanced engine and four wheel brakes. What a difference that makes in stoping this heavy car.
  13. I second what Ron suggested re TPMS. It will be the best money you can spend if you are going to do any serious towing. Having the ability to pull off on a exit or rest area to change a tire instead of changing a drivers side tire along the interstate is priceless. You WILL have tire problems as most trailer tires are crap from China. Just my TCW. I also carry a DeWalt impact wrench and a Torque wrench. Along with the Trailer Aid device I have changed a flat tire in 12 minutes in the rain. Also if using an oil based paint be sure to use an oil based primer.
  14. A few years ago at Hershey I stopped to buy several pieces of Auto related music advertising from Terry Bond. I then stopped at a vendor two or three spaces down and didn't find anything that turned me on so I asked the vendor "what are you hiding under the table?" This is a common practice in the art glass world where dealers will hold special pieces back to show certain customers before offering them to the public. The dealer told me that there was an abandoned one stall fire station that had not been used for 30 Years that was being torn down One of the fireman decided to explore the attic and came across two prints, 20X30 inches, advertising a fire school in 1918 still in there original tubes. He agreed to sell one for $200 but wanted to keep the other one. After purchasing the first one I offered him $400 for the second one and he agreed. These were original 8 stones (colors) in pristine shape. Google Stone Lithography and you will understand how rare these were. After framing and matting I sold one for $8500 and still have the other one. This is probably the only trip to Hershey that I broke even. Auto related again at Hershey in the mid 80"s I was sorting through a table filled with non brand specific parts and spied a pair of NOS flat head water pumps. I asked the dearer what the were for and he didn't have any idea but thought they could be Ford. He had purchased the whole table of parts at an estate sale. We finally settled on $35 for what turned out to be a right and left 38-40 Cadillac V16 water pumps still in their original packing. I have owned two of these cars since 1981 and have never seen a single NOS water pump for sale again. I would agree with Terry. If you have been at it with multiple hobby interests you collect a bunch of these stories over your life time. My dad used to say "Even a blind sow finds an acorn once in a while" Bob Smits
  15. I suggest you post on the early cadillacV8group. " earlycadillacv8@yahoogroups.com" This is led by Michael Barnes. mbenseignant@gmail.com. Bob Smits
  16. Sent my registration in on the 1st. Registered the 41 Cadillac but may switch to the barn find(actually a rural Iowa airplane hanger 1979) 58 Barritz if I get it running by then. I know Rich Marsh is coming also. This is an area of the country I always wanted to visit. A big thanks to the Louisiana Region for stepping up to the plate. Bob Smits
  17. I think that those of us who tow with one ton Dually's may become complacent because of the inherent stability afforded by the heavy springs and dual rear wheels. Before switching to a Gooseneck trailer I always used a equalizer hitches along with anti sway bar. To this day I always practice coming to a complete stop using only the trailer brakes before I pull on the Interstate. I will never forget hitting "black Ice" in Michigan while towing a 34 Pontiac parts car back to Iowa during Christmas vacation. The Suburban and trailer did a complete 180 before coming to rest in the median but did not jack knife and there was no physical damage. YOU CAN'T BE TOO SAFE. Bob Smits
  18. Thank you for the replies. I was sure others had experienced this also. I'm not used to working on cars this new. Bob Smits
  19. 73 Buick Centurion conv with 66K miles. Last driven in 2005. Steering wheel feels very tacky. Is there a solution other than using a cover? Also is there any downside to removing the emissions air pump? I checked with my inspection people and they could care less on cars over 25 years old. Thanks, Bob Smits
  20. Matt, I have been retired from medicine for 18 years but your post made me smile. These people are everywhere, especially in plastic surgery. When I encountered a patient with unrealistic expectations seeking a perfect result from a face lift or nose job I would quietly state that one of my pre-operative requirements was that they see a Phychiatrist before scheduling surgery. They would walk out never to be seen again. Bob Smits
  21. Carl, I appreciate your comments. The oil is SAE 5W-20 along with several gal on SAE 10W-30. Also the oil is FREE as he needs to move it out of inventory. Spinneyhill I didn't realize that Mobil 1 was cheap. The engine in my Ford has been used for years. You are asking me to believe that in 2010 they changed the engineering so SM oil will destroy it. Carl I do use Amsoil in my tow vehicle and tractors. Again thanks to all who have replied. Bob Smits
  22. Growing up on a Iowa farm I started driving tractors about age 9. At age 12 I was grounded for practicing drifting with our 47 Ford PU. That same summer I changed the engine in the Alice Chalmers WD. Moving to cars came naturally. I enhanced my 53 OLDS by installing a used 57 J-2 engine mated to a 37 LaSalle 3 speed transmission. Unfortunately I didn't change the rear end ratio so it was a little slow off the line but you didn't have to make the 2-3 shift until around 90mph. In College and Medical SchooI I had neither the time or money to persue the hobby. Shortly after moving to Des Moines I became friends Al Edmond and Howard Scotland. It has been downhill ever since. As I reflect back it is the friends not the cars that are important. Bob Smits
  23. Spinneyhill, the graphs you refer to are for current Mobil 1 SN rated oils. The product i was offered is 5-20 Mobil 1 with a SM API rating. My owners manual recommends using SN oil. I will probably go ahead and use the SM rated oil as I think a full synthetic SM probably beats a non synthetic SN. We won't know for another 100K Thanks to all who replied. Bob Smits
  24. Oil jobber friend just offered me 50 gal of Mobile 1 API rated SM. What is the downside of using it in a 2014 auto that is out if warranty. My research suggests the major difference is mileage additives. Thanks, Bob Smits
  25. I have had 3 tanks done by Gas Tank RENU out of Waller, TX with excellent results. The oldest one 15 years ago. 936 372 9107. I think this is a national franchise but have heard that results vary. About $400 per tank. Bob Smits
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