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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. I only use Diamondback Classics on my drivers. The tires on the 41 are 10 years old and still look great but will be replaced because of age.
  2. Sorry if I offended anyone, that was not my intention. My opinion is undoubtedly biased by the thousands of dollars I have sunk into MB money pits in the last 40 years. They are GREAT cars to drive and I still have three, two that I tour with. MY apology. Bob Smits
  3. Interesting thread. Provides me with the impetus to get to work and remove the kit on my 52 Olds 98 convertible. Like they weren't long enough from the factory. I always disliked it. I didn't realize everyone else felt the same...Bob Smits
  4. You can save yourself all the trouble by simply stating cash or wire transfer on your CL listing. I sold two cars, a boat and a RV on CL in June. No one asked me about forms of payment. I agree with everyone that I wouldn't take a cashiers check from anyone.
  5. Paul. what are you using for carbs. Truely enjoy your thread. Brings back memories of my high school days when I dropped a 57 J-2 in my 53 98 hardtop coupled to a 37 LaSalle 3 speed floor shift. I wasn't smart enough to change the rear end ratio so it wasn't the best off the line but once you got it rolling look out. Sure wish I still had it, but don't we all. I think I still have a Olds dual quad intake on the shelf somewhere.
  6. Like most of us Joe isn't getting any younger I don't blame him for thinning the herd. I'm thinking about it myself.
  7. You haven't told us what the engine is. Even a Buick straight eight would be at the bottom of my list. With that weight up front handling has to be terrible. If anyone offers you cash I would take it and run!!! On the other hand one of my professors once said" There hasn't been a pot made that you can't find a lid to fit"
  8. Nobody has mentioned the real reasons not to live in Florida, HURRICANES and INSURANCE. Before you buy check the hurricane activity in your area for the last 50 years and know that you will probably be hit in the next 20. We lived in the Panhandle from 2000 to 2008 and evacuated five times and stayed for three more Cat 2 hurricanes. After we left there wasn't any activity for 10 years and then along came Michael in 2018. USAA and other major companies wouldn't even talk to us. All of our policies were backed by a "state pool" with a extremely high deductible and we had to have three policies, general liability, wind and water. When we had roof damage the adjuster came out and counted the damaged shingles and would only pay for the damaged ones which did not meet our deductible. We paid 100% for a new metal roof. Google Mexico Beach Florida to see what CAN happen Google NAOO Historical Hurricane Tracking to see the history in the area you are looking at. Fortunately I sold my warehouse in Panama City eight months before it was destroyed by Michael. There are other no- tax states other than Florida. In all of them except Florida you will be safe as long as you live 100 miles from the coast. Having lived in Texas since 2008 there is car activity all over the place. I wouldn't move back to Florida if someone gave me the property. Sorry to all my Florida friends but these are things any car person should consider and then make their own decision. When we were moving to Florida no one mentioned Hurricanes.
  9. Some older Mercedes do not cool well in hot climates with 134 as the discharge temp is warmer with r134 than with r12. This can be rectified by switching to a larger condenser and/or a more efficient compressor Ebay has multiple listings for r12 so I question if it is illegal to buy it. I listed some for sale on the parts forum a few days ago as I recently converted my last car to r134.
  10. I find it hard to understand why one gets their shorts in a knot over the term Trailer Queen. If it quacks like a Duck it is probably a Duck. If you spend $200K restoring a piece of art you are probably not going to drive it to shows at least until you get your awards. If this offends you stop going to shows. I was on the awards circuit for many years but have been to only three judged shows in the last 20 years. Instead I tour with several clubs and trailer to tours unless they are close to my home. Who Cares!!! If you find the term pejorative just consider who uttered it. To quote my 101 year old grandfather, "It's my money and I will spend it any D--- way I want to" Just my TCW on a subject you have whipped to death.
  11. The first forum I joined was the CLC. Having just purchased a 58 I tried 58 cad and cad 58 but they were taken as were the variations of 58 Caddy. My office partners!!!
  12. Several years ago a tire shop bent the spoke rim on my 34 Pontiac. Do everything by hand on spoke wheels now.
  13. Thank you for posting the shop photos. I thought I was the only one who was a hoarder. Attached is the warehouse I recently sold and had to empty in 30 days. It wasn’t even for sale but my wife took the call from a neighbor who wanted to buy it. It is in Missouri and we live in Texas. My master plan was to die and let my kids deal with it. You know the rest of the story.
  14. I purchased Former AACA president Al Edmonds 32 Cadillac after he was placed in a memory care unit for his Alzheimer’s many years ago. This was in the trunk. Any ideas? Thanks
  15. One of my employees needed weekend beer money 25 or 30 years ago so I advanced him $200 for the box of intake parts. He never reclaimed them. They sat on a shelf until I sold the warehouse a few weeks ago. Any value today? Thanks for your reply.
  16. Any idea what this fits. Found it while cleaning out a warehouse
  17. VL2, I was in the market for a Model A and then this showed up on BAT!!!
  18. After looking at your ad It should have sold in my opinion. I could be interested if it weren't a $2000 ride to central Texas
  19. 54 HP advertised, Restored by Harrah a few years before he passed. His research indicated it was the sole survivor although there are a few Studebaker/Garfords around. I have heard rumors of a 08/09 Garford somewhere in the Northeast but never able to substantiate it. Garford made a few cars 1912/1913. They premiered a 14 model at the New York Auto Show (One Eyed Garford with a single headlight in the center of the radiator which turned like a Pilot Ray) but never produced any.
  20. Good start. Having the original motor is of little value. I would be more interested in the condition of the motor that is in the car along with the transmission assuming it is an Olds motor. If I were buying this car I could care less if it was original as long as it ran well. Again just my opinion.
  21. I agree that your problem is what you are selling. The market is flooded with them. Don't overlook CL if the price is right. Two weeks ago I sold a 81 and 87 Mercedes Diesel, a vintage boat and a 94 Motorhome in seven days
  22. Also the upper grill bar extensions (the part attached to the fenders) are impossible to find, You could spend $1500 to 2000 just restoring the chrome on the front of the car.
  23. Get on the Web and Hagerty value guide to get an idea of average pricing. From what I can see your car is probably no better than a #2. Oldsmobile's from that era are not in high demand and as John said you can probably find a much better one for less than the cost of refurbishing. Just my TCW
  24. It would have been a lot cheaper to throw up a commercial metal building like I did but the result speaks for itself. Out here on the ranch esthetics don't count for much. Most people think I store hay in it.
  25. We had 89 cars registered with 30 cars on their first tour. Don't tell me the hobby is dead!! A unique feature of the Tour is that you do not have to be a AACA member to tour. This is our 65th year and we had one member who had been on all 65.
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