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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. My experience with CCCA was mostly positive but there are a few snobbish individuals and everyone recognizes it. I let my membership expire when I moved to central Texas 11 years ago and discovered that Houston (4 Million) couldn't support a club and the Dallas club was inactive. Lets not forget that there are a few similar individuals in AACA and other clubs. During AACA judging in Dallas years ago I overheard a member of the judging team state, "We have to find a deduction on this car, He scored 100 points last week in CCCA". That in no way reflected on the whole of AACA. We should all remember the suggestions about welcoming new members. My wife and I were at the opening event for the Texas tour last year and each club's members were sitting together and no one was welcoming newcomers in spite of 30% being on their first tour. A suggestion would be for the host club to have a member couple at each table for sit down events. Just my rambling thoughts
  2. You are correct. Currently undergoing restoration in Perth and coming along nicely.
  3. A Paper restoration specialist could do wonders with this example before it is framed. Just depends on how much someone is willing to spend. You might check the Art Department of your local college or university to see if they are interested or can give you some leads
  4. I know very little about Studebaker's other than owning probably the last surviving 12 Garford. This is one of the best threads in the past several years in my opinion. The knowledge and expertise of forum members is remarkable. I check several times a day for new postings. I hope Touts will continue this thread throughout the restoration . It reminds me of when I found my 38 V-16 Cadillac Convertible with automatic transmission which had been sitting outside in Maine for 8 years with the top down, no hood and the heads laying on the ground. It is nice to see that people in the hobby are still ready and able to step up the the plate. Also a special thank you to Richard Quinn for helping me with history of the Garford company many years ago
  5. For those of you hiding behind the "only the elderly with pre existing conditions are at risk" a mother and her three siblings succumbed to Covid-19 after having a family dinner with an asymptomatic family member who had been exposed. My ER physician daughter has two friends under 50 on ventilators right now. I'm NOT driving anything anywhere but it is fun to think about it.
  6. First and second generation Dodge Ram's with 4 WD are notorious for the Death Wobble. It can be scary at 65 mph pulling a trailer.
  7. Lets get real folks. How many hotel chains are going to be functioning after 3 months with no guests. How many oil companies are going to survive $22 a barrel oil. How many communities are going to be able to provide basic protection functions with reduced sales tax for three months. How many restaurants are going to survive on a take out menu and how many AACA members are going to be willing to spend $3000 on a week long car tour after seeing their 401K drop to pre Trump levels? I think you will have a rude awakening. Hope I am wrong Earl I am your age with health problems of my own. I am more worried about being alive in June than any car tour/show. Latest statistics suggest that you and I share a 14% mortality rate if we test positive and this applies to a significant percentage of AACA members. STAY SAFE today so you can tour tomorrow!!!
  8. In 1978 I went to a collection in Nebraska to look at a car which I didn't purchase. The owner showed me a 300 Sl Gullwing Coupe and a Bazzarrini GT5300 which were priced at$16,500 each. My 12 year old son and I took the Bazzarrini for a test drive. He never forgave me for not buying it. Later that year I purchased a 78 Mercury Station Wagon. The dealer had two 289 Cobra's for $8500. I wasn't smart enough to buy any of them
  9. To assume that the Corona Virus will be gone by June is probably a stretch of the imagination given that they do not expect a vaccine for 9-12 months. I do not think they will lift the "Mass Gathering" restrictions until the risk to the over 65 (most of us) and people with health conditions is near zero.although they may modify it, but what do I know!!! Just imagine the liability of lifting the restrictions if people are still dying of Covid 19.
  10. The one that sold on eBay was reported as porcelain but looked identical to yours. I suspect it is from the same "find" It is going to look nice on the wall so who cares. Enjoy it
  11. FYI the 70 Chevelle SS was delivered to College Station today. Thanks again to all who responded. I think Matt's observation was the deciding factor in my friend's decision to purchase the car. Bob Smits
  12. If Steve's comment applies to you see a financial advisor. You need help, this is just a hobby. If my cars disappeared tomorrow it would not effect my quality of life other than wishing I was deaf in the presence of my wife. Agree with Mike, slowly adding Amazon,Boeing Microsoft and Apple and following the shale producers who are down 30-50% today. As Rahm Emanuel so famously said,"Never let a crisis go to waste".
  13. Just a quick follow up. The sign was taken down this week for shipping and Steve Moskowitz was correct. The sign was definitely cut down from a OLDSMOBILE sign.
  14. I forgot that all four of the rims on the 39 Big Car were similar.
  15. Good question Joe. I was on a tour last year where a 389 powered 52 Pontiac was accepted and he was a member of the hosting club.
  16. Unfortunately these are the only wire wheels I have. I do have an assortment of later aluminum sprint car wheels off my Buick V6 powered Chile Bowl Sprint Car but they go with the car when I sell it.
  17. For $95 it is an easy way to test interest in your car. If a real buyer shows up you can always lift the reserve. I purchased my 66 GTO clone on BAT a year ago and have been very happy with the purchase. I was able to interact with the seller and contact the shop that did $9800 of mechanical work after the car had been sitting since the early 90's including a copy of the parts list. I agree about the individuals who comment on the car but some of them are constructive. I much prefer BAT over the auction scene.
  18. Yes I actually have a matched pair of wheels with the lock ting and tires, one never mounted. Thank you C Carl. I don't want to do anything that will be negative for the eventual owner. Actually the reason they caught my attention is that they are similar to the front wheels on my 1939 Big Sprint car.
  19. As usual when I go to a swap meet I come home with something I don’t need. These have very light rust. Any suggestions on cleaning before I list then. Also tires are 7.00 by 17 and never been on the ground. Any value? Thanks
  20. Hitting 79 in College Station today. Driving this to my grandson's Soccer game at noon..
  21. Years ago I walked around Hershey for 10 years wearing a sandwich sign advertising for 38 Cadillac 90 series side panels which are different from the 75 series. Never found one or got a good lead. Several years later I answered a Hemings add for a 58 Cadillac instrument cluster and mentioned my 38 Cadillac needs. His mother had a complete 38 Cadillac 90 series front clip with sidemounts in her out building. Never stop looking!!!
  22. Several years ago a collector tried to purchase my 38 Cadillac on several occasions. When I informed him that it was not for sale at this time he asked if he could provide a document to go in my file on that car. When it arrived it simply stated (WHEN BOB DIES CALL _____ _____ with a phone number) It's still in the front of the file.
  23. In the early 80's I was invited to inspect a vintage 1953 Piper Cub on a farm in central Iowa. Upon entering the farmers Quonset hanger I noticed two cars covered in dust. One was a 58 Eldorado Barritz which I purchased on the spot. He had traded a Lincoln for it 19 years earlier and never gotten around to driving it. The second one was an early Avante which I wasn't smart enough to purchase for $3500. The only barn (Hanger) find of my collection.
  24. Ray informed me he has struck a deal to purchase this car. Thank you for all the expertise displayed on this post. It was very helpful to Ray. Matt, your comments really cut to the reality of the purchase price wise. Again thank you to all. Bob Smits
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