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Robert G. Smits

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Everything posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. Somewhere between 40 and 50 years. My wife must be correct, I'm getting OLD!!!
  2. Steve, as a Life Member what is the best way to contribute that supports the magazine and forums I have received more than I paid since Al Edmond twisted my are to become a life member years ago. Bob Smits
  3. Like so many of you I used to listen to news while I went on the forums, for some time now I simply turn the TV to a music station. I hit the forums twice a day beginning with AACA-HCCA-CLC and PY forums. God bless the AACA and the people who bring it to us.
  4. Camping has come a long way. Precursor to the modern Motorhome. Great photo!!
  5. Terry if you search for a thread by GinaW under Studebaker, Erskin and Rockne yow will see a photo of a Garford Letter Opener owned by Richard Quinn.
  6. Terry, thank you for posting this subject. Most of my original research on Garford the man and the Garford automobile was 25 years ago. I still like to sit back in the shop with a glass of single malt and enjoy the cars and advertising on a quiet evening. Fond memories of old romance's that have not faded with time.
  7. When I lived in the Florida Panhandle one of our AACA club members was a founding member of the California HCCA and a friend of Bill Harrah. Panama City had a monthly Friday night car show and I would buy him a beer and sit and listen to his stories. I wish I would have recorded them. He also had a scrap book of autographed photos of many old time movie stars and their cars. These were taken on Bill's yearly invitation only car tour around the lake. Bill apparently loved to race anyone up the hills driving one of his favorite cars. Every couple of hours there would be an arranged rest stop in a local village. Bill would have rented several private homes at each stop for his guests to freshen up, eat lunch or have drinks Bill was apparently into illegal gambling in California, a form of Bingo, and was arrested several times. During his last court appearance the judge told him he had two choices, six months in jail or leave the state for good. That's how he got to Reno. He remembers visiting Bill in Reno when he only had three illegal slot machines in the back room of his Bingo Parlor. His business plan worked out well!!! Disclaimer: I don't know if the above is fact or fiction but he had a lot of autographed photos and letters and was a past president of the California HCCA
  8. Studebaker was in the wagon business for 50 years before they produced their first Electric automobile was produced around 1902. Because of this they had a massive sales network throughout the world. When their relationship ended Garford was left without a sales network. Garford also produced the chassis-engine for Andsley, Gaeth, Cleveland, Royal and Rainier automobiles. According to Harrah's literature they were unable to find any remaining 1907 models and my research hasn't turned up any either In 1908 EMF was incorporated with the intent of producing a medium priced automobile. Studebaker liked the idea and purchased a third of the stock and obtained the right to sell the EMF through their vast sales network as Studebaker-EMF"s During the first year Studebaker sold 8132 Studebaker-EMF cars. Interestingly Electrics were not discontinued until 1911 when the company was refinanced and incorporated as The Studebaker Corporation and ended its relationship with Garford.
  9. Garford built the chassis for Studebaker in Elyria, Ohio and Shipped them to Southbend where the bodies were manufactured. This ended around 1911 when Studebaker obtained controlling interest in EMF. The Flanders 20 and 30 were rebadged and sold as Studebakers
  10. To the best of my knowledge the Garford was sold privately after Bill Harrah's death. If anyone has other information please contact me. The information re the cars being sold through a NYC Packard dealership was a personal communication with Harrah's restoration foreman. Most of the Advertising hype for the 12 and 13 model years is unsubstantiated and I suspect very few were produced.
  11. Unfortunately I didn't know about the sale. I have examples of about every piece of Garford advertising and have quit searching in recent years.
  12. Joe, thanks for resurrecting the photo of the Garford. From the Harrah records I received they extensively searched for another surviving Garford but could not find one. I have run down every lead for years without success. The ones I found are Studebaker-Garfords. From my research I suspect the "One Eyed " Garford never went into production in spite of their boasting of Orders taken at the New York Auto Show in 1913. It is speculated that the 13 Garford at the New York Auto Show was actually a 12 with the 13 front end. Garford's were only produced in 1912-13 and in very limited numbers and were sold through a New York Packard Dealership. To the best of my knowledge my Garford does not appear in any of the literature for the Harrah sales and was sold privately. I fell in love with it on my first visit to the Harrah museum in 77 or 78 where it was the feature car on a elevated round table in the lobby of the main building. I never forgot it. It re- appeared at "The Auction" in Las Vagus in 1990. A Packard collector friend and I flew out for the sale. At that time I only had $75K available to spend. The bidding opened at 5K and I immediately jumped all in and bid $75K and the bidding kept right on going. How I ended up with the car is a story for another day. For Terry, How did Garford get his start up money to get into the Automobile business? He received the patent for the first padded bicycle seat and by the mid 1890's was producing and selling over a million a year. Isn't it interesting how many of the Automobile stories involve bicycles. For example the Duesenberg brothers had a bicycle shop on East Grans in Des Moines, Iowa before relocating to Indiana. They were responsible for the Mason and later the Maytag-Mason.
  13. It was 50 years ago today that we heard that fateful message from space. If you were not born yet "Google"it. My how time flies
  14. Decisions have consequences. If you have pre-existing conditions and and make the wrong decision you may not be living. Since the virus sheds for 7-14 days before the person becomes symptomatic you may be putting loved ones at risk also. We all appreciate the gravity that Steve and the Board face in making these decisions. No one here has mentioned the liability issue of some one going to Hershey and then dying of Covid-19. I am sure Hershey Attorneys are thinking of it. Walmart is already being sued. What ever the function you decide to attend you you aren't just putting yourself at risk. If the risk were singular I would say to He__ with it, take my chances and go. However my wife is immune compromised and her father is in his 90's with COPD. Not sure it is worth isolating for 14 days in a motel before rejoining the family. We need to weigh ALL the factors before making rash decisions. Even if a vaccine is developed by then (unlikely) how effective was your flu shot this year? 45% for adults and 55% for children. What leads you to believe this vaccine will be different? Just some things to think about. Many unanswered questions. Pray for Steve and the Board. They have some tough days ahead.
  15. We are in our 4th week of isolation with our 11 y/o triplet grandsons. Fortunately I purchased 3 cases of wine locally and another 2 cases online so we are in good shape for some time. We have been home schooling since day one. We get a weekly work schedule from the school. Normally the kids can complete a weeks work in one day. They say this amount of school work in usual. No wonder our education system is failing. When this is over I am going to miss being a substitute parent 24-7. Stay safe.
  16. I suspect that John had pre existing health problems. His wife who also tested positive is apparently doing well. A great song writing talent is lost
  17. When I purchased my 66 GTO Clone last year the last 12 minutes cost me $6000. I was very happy with BAT and would not hesitate to buy or sell a car there. You always have two minutes to raise the last bid, no sniping. Also the week of comments can be very informational after you weed out the group that comments on everything. You have the opportunity to question the seller on line and inspect the car if you desire.
  18. Turn the thermostat up or move south like many of us did. I keep a bottle of single malt available to fortify my coffee cup, no coffee. Wife could never understand why I had to have a comfortable recliner in my shop
  19. For those of you out of TP go to Amazon and buy Genuine Joe 23600 center pull towels. They are under Commercial Paper products. Function adequately as TP and Paper hand drying towels
  20. This will end one day. Can't wait to get back to NO. Spent one week a month there for eight years starting right after Catrina. Sure miss French Quarter Festival Starting our 4th week of isolation (wife is immunodeficient) accompanied by our 11 year old triplet grandsons (parents work in the service industry) Getting good at home schooling. I am amazed that no one is getting cabin fever here yet. Spent yesterday cancelling hotels for cancelled tours and Pate swap meet. Living on a small ranch is a plus as there is always maintenance to do. Regarding masks just get on U Tube videos for about 15 different directions. The only thing a Non M 95 mask does is help protect you from droplet contamination which is important. More importantly it will lessen the chance of an infected person who is shredding virus from contaminating you with their normal breathing. When the serology test becomes available we will be shocked at how many of us had Covid 19 without major symptoms. Son was at Wal Mart yesterday and no one was following guidelines including the staff. Five per cent wearing masks. Grandson finishing his graduate program and grand daughter getting her Undergraduate degree from Oklahoma University in a few weeks. All parties are cancelled This will save me a couple grand. I am sure they will be happy with checks. Thanks for starting this thread and stay safe
  21. This should have 100 likes. Tell me more about the radio show
  22. Look up a thread entitled "Convert slides to digital" by richasce, Feb 16, 2018, On ebay you can find a adapter for a SLR camera to do 1 slide at a time.
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