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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. Well, Commander - as soon as Publisher's Clearing House brings around that check I am expecting, then we'll talk. Until then - good luck!
  2. Save all the purist drama! There is room in the world for every stripe of car lover whether you believe it or not. I think it's GREAT! It's original in conception and execution. I would love to take it for a spin.
  3. Sold mine a few years back. Got a goodly amount for it, too.
  4. Exactly, Al. Time did not stand still in Cuba, so the old Yank tanks will likely not be worth bringing back to the mainland.
  5. Accessories or not, Ken - get out and drive the thing! Wife in the front seat optional.
  6. Yeah, Dick - just put it on your MasterCard and I'll pick it up in a month or so.
  7. You might ask questions over on the forum of the Studebaker Drivers Club. MUCH more traffic over there to see your question.
  8. It's Ferrari. I bet some mayors would give them carte blanche to film, just to have something to crow about. "Ferrari wanted to film in MY TOWN!".
  9. Everyone, Bill? Everyone? I bid what I am willing to pay (and I want it cheap). Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. There will be another one show up next week. Sniping programs are for lazy people or guys who think they are smart - sometimes both.
  10. Ken, you should immediately contact Donald Erickson of Lark Works in Stockton, KS. He makes Studebaker wiring harnesses exclusively. He's very knowledgeable, and has equipment to make vintage wiring, even to weave cloth covers. You probably have to wait for a couple months, but since he is a graduate of McPherson College's 4 year program in auto restoration, he's quite in demand. http://www.larkworks.net/
  11. Reminds me a lot of Phil Remingtons' dry lakes racer, but I don't think it actually depicts a known racecar.
  12. Lotsa good stuff there - thank for posting it. As a race fan in Wichita, it's great to check out the local racing history.
  13. Then, again..... years ago at a custom and rod show... a couple low-riders and rice racers showed up. ALL of them had those 1000 stereos which they cranked up every half-hour or so. When time came for trophies, one young teen felt overlooked and threw a fit because "I spent $20 grand on my stereo and didn't win a trophy!" I reminded him it was a car show, not an audio show. The promoter asked them all to not return next year, as they were louder than the band he had hired to entertain the crowd.
  14. Let's face it, folks. eBay doesn't give a crap about your search problems. They just want to get paid with listings, and sales transactions. Everything else is irrelevant.
  15. The way things are going these days, yes - some people think they can just do what they want with your car. It's not right, but they do it. You can get ugly with them, or use your car and the situation as an ambassadorial moment for the hobby. In our chapter, we go out of our way to let folks (especially children) sit in our cars, and show them off. But that's just us. I am sorry that butthole made you uncomfortable. I hope next time someone is near your car, it's a more enjoyable moment.
  16. Make sure you add a "P".... it's Thompson.
  17. There's a guy nearby me who does a lot of work on Studebakers, Packards, Hudsons, Model A's, and other old cars. That EXACT truck is his daily driver. Let's just say he gets noticed, especially when he stops for gas or to get a burger.
  18. Used to pour a cheap bag of marbles in with some soapy water, and agitate until clean. Rinse well, and save marbles for next time.
  19. 25 foot measuring tape.... (I kid).
  20. You are probably already in the Studebaker Drivers Club - a great bunch of folks that loves Studes of all types and eras. Hope to see you in your Studebaker at a SDC event this summer!
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