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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. The guy is dreaming for something that rough.
  2. Post a link.... after all, you have a computer.
  3. The car is supposed to be a blend of Bowtie, Ford, and Mopar's best. I say put it down simply because it's hideous.
  4. Henry Ford's positive attributes far outweigh his negative attributes. His manufacturing concepts are still impacting our lives to the good today, his pioneering spirit in materials and processes live on across the planet. His personal foibles and complexity may tantalize us all these many decades later, but if he was only an anti-Semite we would have forgotten him by now. Of course, I still don't understand his problem with Edsel - it's a pity we were deprived of the achievements of his brilliant mind so early. Simply, the man did far more good than bad - and that's why two hundred years from now people will still be talking about Henry Ford.
  5. My 1949 Studebaker Champion had freewheeling. I did not find useless - I found it helped my gas mileage.
  6. The purpose of language - both spoken and written - is to enable us to understand each other as clearly and precisely as possible. That is why proper spelling and grammar is so important. If we are not able to communicate, confusion and unhappiness is sure to follow. You may not be a good speller, but you have spell checking software and yet don't use it. This forum self-corrects within certain parameters - and that's a good thing.
  7. To quote Jerry Reed, "Lord, Mr. Ford! What have you done?".
  8. Put a '55, '56, or '57 Studebaker Hawk next to any Ford or Chevy of the same vintage, and they all look like frumpy, overweight grannies next to a svelte and sexy Miss America. You know it's true!
  9. I would love to attend sometime.
  10. Or you can contact Larry Tholen who runs the Rockne Registry. He is the keeper of all things Rockne. The Antique Studebaker Club
  11. I've read Robert Lacey's excellent book about Ford, and no where did I get the idea that Henry was a tyrant. As for benevolence - he certainly was prone to giving away land, money, and other properties to charity, or for libraries and schools. I suspect you merely hate the man because of his supposed anti-Semitism. I will grant you that the man drove Edsel into the grave.
  12. Well, they are kissing his butt on the HAMB and ignoring him on landracing.com..... I don't know what we should conclude from this. I can say that karguy needs to prove his assertion. I've been reading about LSR history since I was a kid - and there are NO stories or info about this being a Pierce record attempt car. I think it was built by a privateer who never ran the engine in anger over a timed course. It might never have been finished. I think it was overvalued by the seller featured on "Pickers", and I think the car will languish in obscurity for the rest of time.
  13. Have you posted over on the www.landracing.com forum? They are the home of anything and everything about land speed racing on the net. It's also a good resource for land speed history. Also - I don't think your car actually set any records, or we would already know about it's origins.
  14. You might also research "streamliners".
  15. My problem with old cars in new movies is, the patina is 50 or more years old when the car was only supposed to be between 5 and 10 years old. Hollywood folks are a dumb lot, for the most part - if you ask me.
  16. When I saw the car on the show, I thought it was a wasted old piece of crap. If the new owner can salvage it and breathe life into it again, I say power to him!
  17. Last I checked this is still America. Whiners to the back of the bus. I like and have owned both - rods and restored antiques. As far as I am concerned - it's not ruined until it is crushed, or rots into tiny pieces. Anything else can be saved by good metalworkers and money.
  18. You need to contact Larry Tholen who runs the Rockne Registry. He can get you the info you need.
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