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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. They didn't have to use gubmint mandated pseudo-fuel that evaporates in 3 minutes back then.
  2. I have been asked to sell these Cadillac items on eBay, and since I am a Studebaker guy I have little info. Pretty sure most items are legit, but what about the silver one @ middle top? How about the brass / red one near center bottom? Doesn't seem to have the same number of points on the crown. Thanks for any help ID'ing these items! http://s588.photobucket.com/user/studemax7/media/Pic%20eBay%20Cad.%20memorabilia.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
  3. I would love to take it, Bob. However, you probably want me to purchase it, and that's a different story until I secure better funding. Good luck!
  4. I've been refinishing guitars with automotive nitrocellulose lacquer and acrylic lacquer since the 70's. They are essentially the same in performance and application. Never have shot urethane...
  5. You posted over on the SDC Forum and Racing Studebakers, I take it?
  6. Or we could ban the automatic transmission and go back to clutches and gear shifters..... it would take both hands to drive.
  7. I have seen people folding their laundry while driving!
  8. Let's face it, guys - unrestored cars ARE NOT holy things. And when you moan and carry on about a modified car, you are really complaining about something that doesn't matter in the long run. There are bigger problems in the world to solve, ya know? In another hundred years, how many will care? Darn few. How many folks do you hear complaining about modified wagons and carriages from the horse drawn era? Darn few. Get over your self-righteous attitudes about cars. I love them all - antique, rods, racecars, monster trucks - whatever. Change is inevitable. So stop whining.
  9. No kidding. However, young men today have no idea what a carburetor does, let along points. Computerized motors today can run for 300,000 miles with no plug changes - or even a tuneup! They also run cleaner and get better mileage. So why should young guys care about old tech? They grew up riding in Granddad's Lexus - not his Packard or Ford.
  10. Since the Beast was built to set Land Speed Records, it's a true speed machine. Can you imagine driving this thing at 150MPH? I would think half that would be thrilling enough for me.
  11. Not a four banger.... It's a FOUR BOOMER! Love live the BEAST.
  12. Took the words right out of my mouth!
  13. AMEN. And the sooner our hobby wises up to this, the better. If an American wants to keep it here, pony up or shut up. Right now the ChiComs have dollars burning holes in their pockets. I don't fault them at all for buying them.
  14. The president of my Studebaker Drivers Club chapter has one. It's a very nice unrestored '39 sedan, in excellent running condition. He is not afraid to drive it to local shows, or trailer it to out of state events.
  15. Didn't buy a ticket, as I was afraid I would win... I have no place to store it right now.
  16. The car you have pictured is a movie car - can't for the life of me remember what it was called. It's been discussed here on this forum, I know (and elsewhere). It ended up being used as signage for various auto-related businesses. It is NOT the mystery car covered in foil (which I do not believe ever set a record).
  17. Not to mention... nearly every chapter has at least one guy with a big Studebaker salvage yard, or a couple barns full of Studebaker parts. My chapter has two guys! Join the SDC, then join the nearest chapter - you'll be good.
  18. Not quite right. For Breh, I suggest you contact the forum of the Studebaker Drivers Club or the Avanti Owners Association International for the real story, and the help you need. Good luck!
  19. As TV host Mike Rowe has been pointing out for quite some time, we are losing our "fix-it" habits and tradition of handicraft here in America. It's not a good thing.
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