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Everything posted by Studemax

  1. Hope you are enjoying your stay here in Wichita. It's hot, and not as stupid as California..... LOTS of antique stores, so shop until your wallet gives up.
  2. Gary, did you give the fine folks at Lark Works a shot at doing your wiring harness? They are pretty good on pre-war stuff, ya know. When you get this thing finished, it's going to redefine the word awesome.....
  3. I did not know that the swallows had disappeared. Guess that's why there are no more news stories about it......
  4. They all lie - the Post Office, UPS, and FedEx. They all lose stuff. They all break stuff. It's a racket.
  5. Let's not forget Chris Kattan as Mango on Saturday Night Live....
  6. Why bother posting if you're chicken to name names? Are we supposed to solve the puzzle by ourselves?
  7. Squeebay doesn't care - one way or the other. They just want the money. They got rid of their customer service department and let an algorithm solve most problems. I've been took selling and buying. Caveat emptor.
  8. The lockdown is over, people. The old crisis was dead as a doornail, so now they've ginned up another one.
  9. This is scheduled for months from now! Buncha chickens.
  10. Only the stealthiest colors, I see....
  11. Yes, the '34 is the sexiest of the early Studebakers....
  12. It's a bumper guard, probably aftermarket.
  13. To the whiners and moaners saying this thread should be removed.. Truth is not insulting, and reality is not an attack.
  14. Lots to do in the regular Studebaker Drivers Club, too. Susan Lusted submitted 32 pages of activities to the editor of Turning Wheels this morning....
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