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Everything posted by 61polara

  1. I would order 6.5 x 16 bias ply tires from Coker Tire. It will drive much better. Many will disagree. The steering will be much lighter.
  2. All the way toward the front is OFF. All the way toward the driver is on. It sounds like your parking brake is way out of adjustment. About half way up and the brakes should hold the car from moving.
  3. Very nice restoration. The only thing that may be missing is the pin striping on the wheels. Should be 3 bands. Wonderful driving cars You won't regret this one.
  4. Earl, I hoped that was the car you bought. Hope to see it soon!
  5. Your problem is most likely in the control unit which controls the vacuum to the water valve. Contact Lincoln Land in Clearwater, FL, they may have a rebuilt unit.
  6. Check the factory Owners Manual. They always have jacking instructions and many times show how to store the jack.
  7. CJE = Continuing Judges Education. Every judge is required to attend judging school and take a CJE at a National Meet to remain active. The Annual Meeting in Philadelphia offers Judging School but no CJE. At Hershey, the CJE classes are at the end of Judging School. At all other National Meets they are on Saturday morning after the Judges Breakfast and before field judging begins. Please join us, it is a great experience and you will meet wonderful friend from all over the country.
  8. The car appears to be early teens.
  9. This is Sienna Rust. I understand it was to be used on station wagons only, but this car was special ordered with it.
  10. See the top post in this section "AACA Tires" and respond to Eric Marsh about your needs. This is what he is trying to put together for us.
  11. Here's a close-up where the cable crosses the spring.
  12. Hi Howard. On my 1921 Maxwell, which is original except for paint, upholstery and top, it just lays across the front spring at the axle.
  13. It's times like this that I want to tell the insurance company, keep your check, buy me the replacement, with my approval and deliver it to my drive way.
  14. I've had the same problem since the last upgrade.
  15. It's available for judging in class 36c, so it will be allowed on tours as a 1980 model,
  16. You have a very nice car, however install the original oil bath air cleaner and take a new photo of the engine. Those aftermarket cheep small air cleaners always make me wonder what else, hidden is wrong with the car. It's a great car and you are asking a premium price, so little details matter.
  17. 61polara

    How many out there?

    I have a 1921 Touring as well. Engine is stuck and I'm working on that.
  18. I donated a car to Goodwill several years ago. They are a licensed dealer, so the title was not transferred to their name. They sold the car at auction. Several months later, I received a certified letter from a towing company stating that the car was abandoned at a 7-11 store and I owed $900 for towing and storage. Called and told them the car was donated to Goodwill and it was their problem. The tow company called back saying Goodwill had NO responsibility because they sold the car at auction. I was on the hook, because NCDMV showed the title still in my name even though it passed through two (or possibly more) dealer sales. The tow company finally let me off the hook by getting a duplicate title and assigning it to them. Then the donation letter came in from Goodwill at $250, I could have just scrapped the wheels alone and gotten more than the tax deduction value. If you donate to one of the large organizations like Goodwill, insist on transferring the title to them, notify DMV of the sale and get a stated value of the donation at the time. They will try to tell you they don't work that way..........walk away. With all of the support I received from Goodwill in this issue, I will NEVER donate to Goodwill at all again and will scrap a car before I donate to one of the large organizations again.
  19. My Grandfathers first car was a 1919 Maxwell in the first two photos. Grandpa is standing on the bridge rail in the second photo. My aunt in both of the photos (smallest girl) is the only one living, now 102. Dad is sitting on the fender in photo 1. Next is Dad's first car, a 1936 Ford coupe with his best friend (Dad's on the left) and then Dad with his last car, a 1988 Olds Trafeo.
  20. That's a different car in the same area....a Plymouth, not the Dodge discussed above
  21. Why wouldn't you consider driving it 3 hours to the show. You will have a great day and a '50 Nash is a great road car for that trip. Enjoy your car. Now, I'm confused about your transmission. Nash bought Hydromatic transmissions from GM. They operated like any other Hydromatic from GM. All these transmission quadrants read N Dr Lo R. There is no Park on the quadrant. To lock the transmission in Park, you shut the engine off in gear and shift to N after the engine is stopped and it will lock in park. Can you post a picture of your quadrant? I'd like to see the Nash one with only Park, Drive and Reverse.
  22. Looks like 1942 Plymouth. List the part # from the tag and I'll confirm it.
  23. I'm in North Carolina as well and know the problems here. The situation was created by the State Legislature about 5 years ago and has been a mess. This was put in place to stop "all the stolen antique autos coming into the State". Cars 1981 and newer can come into the State without this inspection. I would recommend contacting the Governor's office, Attorney General and yout local Representatives offices to try to get this resolved and possibly start a movement to correct this bad law. When this bill was up for vote, many old car owners protested the specific wording of the bill and supported an other version. Our efforts worked in a way. The bill we supported was passed, but amended to include the sections we objected to.
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