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Everything posted by 61polara

  1. And it can still happen today. This wonderful car was at Hershey this year. The Packard rolled into the lagoon at the Hilton Head Concours after receiving a Best in Class award. Was submerged to the roof. http://www.islandpacket.com/cars/article112936628.html
  2. I also have a '67 Lincoln convertible which is a DSO 84 "Home Office Reserve". This means that the order originated in the Dearborn Ford Motor Company corporate headquarters. These cars were either for executives as their personal company car or went into the executive motor pool. The cars were usually offered to the dealers as "program cars" with about 3500 miles on them. Mine went to the Atlanta, GA Lincoln dealer and was sold to the person (first titled owner) who I bought my car from. The dealer described the car as a Detroit VIP car.
  3. I've lived with one since 1961. I was 8 years old when my Dad bought a 1961 Dodge Polara 2 door hardtop. I wanted him to buy a Buick, but Mom fell in love with this car. Dad drove it for four years and traded Mom's '56 Chevrolet 150 on a '65 Olds. The Olds dealer took one glance at the clean, four year old, 50,000 mile Dodge and said, "I don't want it, what else do you have to trade?". The Polara was such a great driving car, Dad was not going to give it away. It became Mom's car for four more years and then was handed down to me as my first car at 16. (Mom got a 1968 Charger to replace it) I still have it with 100,000 on the clock. There is nothing indifferent about this car. You either love or hate it. It is the only car my parents or myself have owned that people would consistently roll down windows at stop lights and ask what kind of car it was, because it was great looking. I'm sure there were plenty of window left up comments on the other side. Personally, I always referred to this styling as the "Exner on Drugs Period". It's still one of the best driving cars I've ever owned and still turns heads everywhere. No comments offend me, I've lived with it for 55 years now.
  4. The course sand substance you found in the carb is the residue from ethanol gas when it evaporates.
  5. Hershey is such a large show that there are exceptions made, but at all other National AACA shows, DPC and HPOF cars should be on the show field from oldest to newest. The Chief Judge of the Show can make exceptions to this, so there may be a few other shows where DPC and HPOF cars are in a different order.
  6. lump is correct about the ball joints being one year only and hard to find. Part of the problem is that many have been replaced that are within specs. There is no preload on these joints and good ball joints appear worn to the uninformed because they seem to have a lot of play when the wheel is off the ground. Follow the service manual instructions to check for ball joint play.
  7. Bestcars, contact Mexican Customs and see what they say and as Ed said, you will need the title to get the car released from customs in Europe. I think you need to put your dream on hold until you have paid for the car and have title in hand.
  8. Edinmass is correct and offers good advice. You need to have the shipper contact you credit union directly to explain what is needed. Give the shipper the name and phone number of the person to contact at the credit union. The credit union may have to let the title go with the car and I suspect the authorization letter is for the credit union to acknowledge that their security on the loan is being shipped over seas. Also, you need to find out what registration requirements may be to be able to drive your car on European roads and how to purchase liability insurance for that location.
  9. I've had excellent results with Carroll Leather. Look at all of their lines, automotive, aircraft and furniture leather. The only difference between all of these lines from all suppliers is that automotive leather is the thinnest and lightest weight. You can use any of this in you restoration. Remember that today automotive leather is much thinner than 40 years ago.
  10. I plan to be there. Dave Bowman 1921 Maxwell 25 Touring
  11. Call Lynn at the National AACA office and she can tell you where the car won the award. Phone number is 717-534-1910.
  12. Great look, however those are Lincoln knobs not Mercury as pointed out above.
  13. Topper, You're not in the US and my comments will apply to the US market and shows. To best answer your question, you need to look at the market in Norway and Europe in general. So here are my thoughts-- Adding factory accessories can decrease the judging outcome on your car. It is an additional item to be judged. If you put a right hand mirror on the car that had less than perfect chrome there could be a deduction, but if you had no mirror there would be no deduction. In terms on sales value, adding accessories will not increase the value of the car, but may make it easier to sell. The exception is factory high performance options and to a lesser degree factory air conditioning. Rare options are great for conversation at shows however.
  14. Xander, If you go to the home page, click on Member Info, then click on Members Sign In. Log on with your membership number (without the J at the end) and your PIN from the cover of the Antique Automobile. Once in, you will see "Membership Lookup" on the left. You can also access the Antique Automobile here in digital format, so you can see if you missed an issue.
  15. If your are running radials, at 8-9 years old the belts are most likely breaking down. The will still balance but it won't get rid of the vibration. A check for broken belts is to let the car just start to roll. If you feel a slow rocking of the steering wheel or waddling of the body in back the belts are broken.
  16. 61polara


    Interesting........I just looked at the 1965 Buick full line brochure and not a seat belt in sight in any of the interior photos, yet looking at the 1965 Olds full line brochure, front seat belts are shown and noted that front seat belts are standard in all 1965 Oldsmobiles.
  17. 61polara


    Most manufactures had standard front belts in 1963 and rear belts in 1965. Your Buick should have had them from the factory. Some one has removed them and replaced the carpet. As Rusty said, start looking from underneath he car for the bolt holes.
  18. Matt, Before you resort to something invasive, do a pencil tracing of the number. Do you remember how to do that? Place a piece of paper over the serial number and rub the paper with the side of he pencil led. The low stamped areas will show through clearly. May take a few tries to get the best one. Most DMV's required this for serial number verification in the pre digital days. Hopefully they will accept this today. Just old technology!
  19. Are Maxwell Owners meeting anywhere at Hershey this year?
  20. Are Maxwell owners planning on meeting anywhere at Hershey this year?
  21. Bill, I resent organizations who charge me to show my car and let the public in free so they can give the money away. If my car is used as a fund raising event I expect to be paid for it or a contribution letter from the organization. If it is a legitimate 501(c)(3) organization and the fundraising is from an admission fee I'll participate or if the admission fee is a direct contribution to the nonprofit organization I'll show. Our local new car show contributes a nice sum each year to our AACA Region Scholarship Fund and I gladly participate in that display.
  22. Xander, Are you a current member of AACA? If so, you can log into the AACA Roster from the home page. Your member ID and PIN are printed on the Antique Automobile mailing label. It's only $35 per year with great benefits including six wonderful issues of our magazine if not and will give you access to the Roster..
  23. The AACA Roster is available from the Home page to AACA Members only. You must log in with you member number and PIN. It is kept current, but only lists name and mailing address. I'll bring this up to the VP of Membership to add phone numbers and email addresses. These are published in the print edition that is published every other year.
  24. Many years ago I got tired of local shows charging me entry fees to show my car, let the public in free and donate the proceeds to some organization. Roadmaster57 and I were asked to put together a local show. I outlined a few rules for this new show. There will be no judging. Your car is your trophy. There will be no registration fee for pre-registered cars. Funds would be solicited from the Downtown Merchants Association which would be used to give each entrant ten "Down Town Dollars" to spend at any merchant of their choice on Main Street. We had 150 cars at the first show and it continued to grow. We would bring in special display cars for the plaza in front of the court house. In the second year, Past AACA President Sharon Lee and her husband Lenard brought in a car early. I asked them to walk with me for a few blocks and then pulled open the garage door to reveal a '48 Tucker. "Jump in back and ride with me to the court house!" After several years the merchants association decided they should make money on the show because people love to pay to show their car. They started charging $25 a car for the show and discontinue the "dollars" for the car owners. I've never been back to the show.
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