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Everything posted by 61polara

  1. c49er, I think he has the R-7 eight overdrive transmission. The Saratoga should be an 8 cylinder car. Bob's descriptions above are for the 6 cylinder underdrive transmission.
  2. The syncros may be worn in the transmission. Let's hear what the experts on here say. Also, you should lift off the gas between 25 and 28 mph for the shift into fourth gear for the 8 cylinder engine and 15-18 for the 6. It's best to drive in the high range all the time. It sounds like you are trying to drive it like a manual transmission, starting in low range and shifting to high range.
  3. In my opinion, SMS is the best we have. They have searched the country for materials which are no longer produced and have bought up large amounts of inventory. My last experience with them was about 10 years ago when they bought the inventory of a huge wholesaler. They paid quickly, but it took months and finally a letter from an attorney stating that if they did not remove the inventory in 60 days it would revert to the seller. They finally hauled out 6 trailer loads. For years, they have seemed to have inventory control problems. it's like they know they have it, but don't know where it is. They seem to ship you material when they find it. It's high quality when you receive it.
  4. The engine change does decrease the value. The price at $1200, still is not bad. You haven't told us anything to make us believe it is worth more.
  5. I highly recommend Key Men as well. They did a great job on keys for a 1921 Maxwell for me and I told AlCapone to try them. http://key-men.com/
  6. Disconnect the cylinders from the top frame and run them in and out a few time without all the weight of the top. They will bleed quickly this way. Reconnect and you should be good to go. Keep the pump fluid topped off.
  7. An 8.20 x 15 will not fit in the rear wheel well or the spare tire well. I know from experience after buying 5 for a '47 Roadmaster. The correct size is 7.00 x 15 and it fits and looks good on the car. Buick increased the size of the rear wheel wells and spare well for '48 and switched to the 8.20 x 15 for that year.
  8. 61polara


    This engine is Chrysler Turquoise and has a road draft tube. This was used on Chrysler product 361 and 383 engines beginning in 1962. In 1964, the industry converted to PCV systems rather than the road draft system. This engine appears to be a 1962 or 1963 361 or 383 engine.
  9. Matt, You are correct. It is listed in 36a. Must have had a senior moment when looking at the current list.
  10. Matt, Class 36A may be a good choice, but he must submit a letter to the VP Class Judging for approval because that car is not on the current 36A approved list.
  11. How about a picture of the clutch pressure plate mounted to the flywheel. That will help us a lot.
  12. Are you using a new pressure plate or the old one? If it is a new one, try bolting up the old one and see if it does the same thing. The fingers on the pressure plate should not depress all the way in when you bolt up the pressure plate.
  13. I'm afraid that transmission is going to have to come out again. D Yaris is about right. Most likely the clutch is in backwards and won't seat to the flywheel. When you put it together next time, look to see that the clutch disk is clamped to the flywheel after the pressure plate is installed. You may have an inspection pan on the bottom of the bell housing. If so remove it an see if you can tell if the clutch is in contact with the flywheel.
  14. This appears to be a 1948 Super, not a 1947 Roadmaster.
  15. Matt is correct. You should be in Class 22B.
  16. Yes, my last name is Bowman and the address at that time was 2001.....Arnold Drive. Lots of kidding in those days
  17. Go back to the basics. Is the choke working. If not, it may take that amount of cranking to get it started.
  18. They should not be a problem unless they are excessive and not neatly placed. They will not add anything, but I would not consider them as a deduction unless they are so excessive to hide the original component.
  19. Ford used the same light as an underhood light or trunk light.
  20. Pull the motor again and clean out all the old grease in the gear transmission. Replace with new grease The old grease is hard and keeping the park leaver from dropping in place to stop the wipers.
  21. Your problem is the ignition switch. The contacts are bad.
  22. The rear fenders look very much like MoPar of the '40's. How can any state title this as a 1939?
  23. Steve I should be able to help you, but am leaving for the National Show in Naples right after work tomorrow. I helped you with you Cadillac several years ago in after the Charlotte Meet. Back on Sunday. PM me with a phone number. Dave
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