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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. If you really want to see a bunch of "old cars", you need to come to the Henry Ford Museum/ Greenfield Village the first weekend after Labor Day. Sept 10-11 this year. In my opinion this is the best non-concours old car event anywhere. This is where you can see "normal" vehicles being driven and enjoyed by their owners. The event is limited to 1932 and older vehicles only. There is usually 600-700 vehicles in attendance along with a lot of other items of the era like motorcycles, high wheeler bicycles, etc... During this event, vehicle owners are allowed to drive their vehicles around the village. Lots of rides given to many friends & families. There is also a HCCA & AACA two day tour the Thursday & Friday before the weekend event. If you come, look me up as we will be there with the '15 Buick Truck. https://www.thehenryford.org/current-events/calendar/old-car-festival/?gclid=CjwKCAjw3qGYBhBSEiwAcnTRLidcF7CvwwmX7_51IrOtJt9awpWpI2PQw3d5C8e_PdUcJyBvN6ARlRoC1PoQAvD_BwE
  2. An air compressor is a very helpful tool to clean out the debris from the bolt hole.
  3. What year GMC? Also what engine?
  4. Any oil should be fine. Many persons use 30W or 10W30. The least expensive oil today is better than the best oil in the day. I personally use the least expensive oil at Wal-Mart/ Sams Club. Works fine.
  5. I agree. Buick had a similar tissue dispenser about the same time.
  6. I would recommend taking the oil pan off the vehicle. You never know what else you might find on the bottom end of engine including things like plugged pick up screens, etc...
  7. Specifically, where are you located? There are a lot of us around North America and other places that might be able to help you in person.
  8. Need a picture of the other side of the engine to help walk you through the checks.
  9. Also, your specific location can help. There might be someone right near you that can help you with your car.
  10. Looks like the block was made in October, 1929. You say it is from a '35 vehicle? Must be a replacement engine.
  11. Like this. https://www.google.com/search?q=steering+damper&client=opera&hs=Rhx&sxsrf=ALiCzsbAeJAO0_WWi7VtSV41CvKNqUrOHQ:1661121936244&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3vcC3gdn5AhVPj4kEHYyPByYQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1253&bih=626&dpr=1.5
  12. It does not look like anything that Delco made for switches from what I have seen.
  13. Just a couple with the '15 Truck. The GM 100th anniversary parade in Flint, The Buick 100th anniversary parade in Flint, and one local parade. That one was not fun. The other two where I was behind Dandy Dave and the Chartreuse Lady was fun.
  14. The writing above the lever says "trade mark"
  15. On my cars with the same set up, I would open the top petcock and if oil does not come out, I would add some oil until it comes out. I check it regularly. It is better to have the top side amount of oil for operation than trust the low end. I will always error on the high side. As a friend of mine told me that his father always told him, "son, oil is cheap, engines are not"
  16. Agree with running the grinder with and without the grinding wheels. If off and no vibration, then bad grinding stones. If you are using grinding stones from HF, then throw them away and get some good ones from a hardware store or one of the big box stores. I had the same problem and did as I described above and fixed the vibration. I think I purchased Black & Decker grinding wheels.
  17. If you need some help with contacts at the Sloan Museum, pm me and I will give you all of the information you need. As for the Sloan, if you have not been there recently they have just completed a $30 million dollar remodel. It is spectacular. You might want to reconsider offering some of the items to the Sloan.
  18. Joyce & I took the '15 truck from our shop in Grand Blanc to the Back to the Bricks & Buicks at the Bricks in downtown Flint today. We put about 30 miles on the truck getting ready to do the Lansing-Dearborn tour in a couple of weeks. Jump to about 1:52 in the link and you should see us arriving at GM Factory One. https://www.wnem.com/video/2022/08/20/tv-news-update-saturday-evening-august/
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