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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. No. It will normally just erase any error codes in the different modules if there are any. If the problem is still there when reconnected the codes will return. I remove all of the batteries in our cars that we store for the winter and have done it for years. Keep the batteries indoors and rotate a trickle charger on them over the winter.
  2. Were you using the size of the bolt head for the torque? Like 9/16" to get the 120 ft/lbs? If you did, that might be your problem. I believe that the chart that states GENERAL STUD TORQUE means the diameter of the bolt shaft. ??
  3. Even if that is the case, he needs to check the piston clearance to the wall. If more than if my memory is correct is .003", he will have multiple problems.
  4. My solution to cleaning windshields is two fold. On the outside of the glass/windshield use BonAmi cleaner. It will not scratch. At one time it actually had a General Motors part number. It will clean about everything that will come off the windshield. For the inside of the windows, the best method is to use any good glass cleaner with newspaper. Spray the glass then wad up a piece of newspaper and wipe the window clean. No cloth material needed. Just the newspaper. Works great to get the "fog" off the glass. Don't laugh, try it.
  5. Translation of text. Gathered in the gardens of the Russian Embassy, the French and Russian deputies meet at a reception organized in honor of the members of the Duma who have come to France. The military governor of Paris arrives aboard his Panhard et Levassor Sans Soupape automobile.
  6. I kept our washer & dryer running for as long as I could with GM parts until you could not get parts any more. After having it for about 25 years we finally went out and bought a new pair. The washer was really significant as the agitator went up and down instead of a back & forth circular motion.
  7. Billy Durant brought Frigidaire into the GM family and Roger Smith sold it off.
  8. We went on our annual family camping trip with a number of other families. We took the '13 and gave rides all weekend. Had a great campout except it got down to 28degF on Friday night. A bit chilly.
  9. I have been told that the first two floors are going to be vehicles, trucks, cars, and the top floor is going to be library/documents/historical material and meeting rooms.
  10. When we got married we bought a Frigidaire Washer, Dryer, and Refrigerator on the GM Employee discount as GM made Frigidaire home appliances. I also had a Delco house radio for some time.
  11. We've been there. A neat art deco service station with gas, repair, and a restaurant all in on facility. It is now the local welcome center. An interesting note is that behind the building there is about a dozen Tesla charging stations.
  12. I talked to him last month. He is still around.
  13. Is the distributor the type that you can move by it's self? I think it probably is. If it were mine, I would start the car with a vacuum gauge hooked up to the intake. Turn the distributor adding in advance until it starts to drop off from maximum. I would then back off the timing to just before you reached maximum vacuum. This is with the spark lever fully retarded. Go drive the car and see how it preforms. Is there any spark knock? If not that is where I would leave it. This is way that adjusted timing on cars in the 60's & 70's before there was electronic ignition. Never had a problem. Just my 2cents.
  14. That is good news. Easy off and on from I-475 on the south side of Flint. You can actually see the building from the expressway.
  15. I have 5 Lucas 34 x 4 whitewall tires for sale. They are used and in condition from never having been on the ground spare to worn. Some are marked "Lincoln highway tire company" See the pictures for the various remaining tread condition. They will be in spot RWK 30-31 at Hershey. $400 for all or make offer. If you are interested in them prior to putting them out for sale at Hershey, PM me. Thanks
  16. Go here to see a few more photos about 1/2 way down the page including on the day that Terry was under the weather.
  17. We were there a couple of years ago. It was a good stop and worth the time.
  18. The tour that we went on last week was the Red Flag Tour headquartered out of Mt. Pleasant Iowa. We went on this tour last year for the first time and really enjoyed the location and the people so we signed up to go again. The first day we drove over 135 miles. Great drive with gently rolling hills and sections with tree canopies. Parts of the drive was on dirt roads which with a 100+year old car almost magically transports you back 100 years. Very enjoyable time. Besides seeing a lot of corn and soybean fields we got to go to some scenic drives along the Mississippi River. One of the highlights of this tour was to visit the house where the painting American Gothic painted by Grant Wood was inspired. It was a fun time for all that came. Then to just have some fun and good for a few laughs........ Then off to the next stop. One thing that we learned at this stop was that the woman in the picture was not the farmers wife, but his daughter. That completed our over 1,000 miles for month. The only issue we had was the coil died on the first day. Replaced the coil and all was good in river city. PS: Saw Terry Wiegands car and it is extremely nice.
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