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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. Grandpa Hawke also worked in the Liberty Aircraft Division of Buick during WW1. We have his enameled employee pass that has an airplane on the badge. I have a picture of it somewhere, can not locate it at this time.
  2. Believe it or not, but when I worked for AC Sparkplug in Flint hourly, one of the jobs that I had was the same job. It was called mold & grind department. I had been laid off from a stock handler job which was considered a heavy classification and got a call and was asked if I would do a light classification I could go back to work. Of course I said yes and was in the department that was almost all women. Interesting time. In the department they would take powder like compact powder and press it into a plug. Then it would be put on a spindle and passed by a made for a plug grinding wheel to shape the insulator. One would take the finished product and put them into a "sagger" to be put into the kiln to be fired. Eventually my classification was changed back to heavy and I ended up loading the carts to go through the kiln and on the output side to unload the kiln. I look fondly of the education that I received on all of my jobs wit AC.
  3. Same experience with a new trailer and I agree on being banned, especially on exterior applications.
  4. Do you want 6 volt bulbs? Sealed beam or otherwise. Take your pick. https://www.google.com/search?q=6+volt+headlight+bulb+led&client=opera&sca_esv=44a81bd77c38e347&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIK0jZ02pC2VDRn17AkhQzIovuJ-Lw%3A1727212280133&ei=-CrzZrTnB-6zptQPuqjWqAE&ved=0ahUKEwi0w6KTv9yIAxXumYkEHTqUFRUQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=6+volt+headlight+bulb+led&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGTYgdm9sdCBoZWFkbGlnaHQgYnVsYiBsZWQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEiAD1D9CFi-DXABeAGQAQCYAWqgAZMDqgEDMS4zuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIFoAK0A8ICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICCBAAGBYYHhgPwgIKEAAYFhgKGB4YD5gDAIgGAZAGCJIHAzIuM6AHoxo&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#pvs=0
  5. Well your family history beat our family history. Congratulations. Our Grandpa Hawke started at The Buick in 1913. I believe that the car in question is a 1917 Buick Model D-35 because of the short hood and the flat fenders. Towards the end of 1917 and for the 1918 year the model change was arched/crowned fenders from what I have read and seen.
  6. The same criteria for coldness also applies to 12 volt vehicles. The big difference in the ability of a vehicle to cold start at those temperatures was the application of fuel injection in the 80's, +-. I for one and I would guess not the only one carried at least one can of starting fluid on the floor behind the drivers seat all winter to start my 12 volt '63 car if it would not catch on the first try, and it was always in good tune. It was just a way it was in very cold weather. Carbs did not give good fuel delivery, especially in very cold vehicles.
  7. Also, get some new battery cables. Preferable welding cables 00 or 000 size. Put new terminals on both ends and SOLDER the new terminals to the cables and you will be amazed at how well the car will then start. If not a world of difference, then and only then check the starter/solenoid. FYI, Soldering fixed lots of errors in cable crimps.
  8. A generator like this that would be attached to the bicycle frame and run off the rear tire of the bike. Positive wire from the terminal on the headlight to the terminal on the back of the generator. Bike frame is the ground circuit.
  9. Except the Old Car Festival at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI. https://www.thehenryford.org/current-events/calendar/old-car-festival/
  10. Bicycle headlight from the 50's.
  11. And if you think that is heavy, look at this, an electric Hummer. 9,063 lbs
  12. Only 4 on the car carrier because of the high mass/ weight. Almost 7,000 pounds.
  13. I like many others on this site have a great wife. We goes on about six tours a summer and two or three of those tours are with our grandsons ages 6 & 9. The oldest one has been touring with us for four years. The younger one started this year, the first summer after he finished kindergarten. We also put on the Lansing-Dearborn tour every year that is connected with the Old Car Festival at Greenfield Village with another couple. On top of that my daughter and son-in-law are now touring with us. They are in their mid 30's. They are members of the HCCA. They both love touring.
  14. I have a couple of tons of Buick Parts including front & rear axles, lights, fenders, wheels, and the list goes on and on. I believe that I also have a rear and front axle for a 1929 Buick in the pile. I will be in spaces RWK- 30&31. Below is a link with pictures of some of the parts.
  15. Look up Joe Tonietto. He won the Zenith Award with his wagon and had a parts car, now gone but he might be able to help you.
  16. I doubt there are any fluids to speak of in the car. Everything on that car tends to leak out. Normal operation.
  17. Those clips look exactly like the retainers for the trucks to the frame for Lionel Trains box cars.
  18. Are the lengths all the same? Some pictures of the bolts and the head?
  19. I would guess aftermarket if not Ford. Not Corvair that I have ever seen.
  20. HCFI = Horseless Carriage Foundation Library. Link below. https://www.hcfi.org
  21. That is true if you are close to home. If you are a long way from home, it might be a different story. I like you also have a flatbed trailer but I also have AAA plus Rv which will tow up to 100 miles.
  22. Look up Dandy Dave on this forum. He will make a hub puller for you. https://forums.aaca.org/profile/87870-dandy-dave/
  23. I both fix most things myself, but others I farm out like making & machining "new" parts. I do not own a mill, metal lathe, and other machines including the tooling needed for those machines to make parts. At my age, it is cheaper to pay someone to do the machining for me than try to acquire the necessary equipment to do the machining myself, and I could do it as I come from a family of skilled trade relatives which I have worked around for a number of years. This does help to define scope of work with less confusion. And that does not take into account the space to house all of that equipment.
  24. That is true if you are close to home. If you are a long way from home, it might be a different story. I like you also have a flatbed trailer but I also have AAA plus Rv which will tow up to 100 miles and it covers all of our cars as long as it is licensed. Having AAA is cheaper than paying for towing on each of the cars insurance policies.
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