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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Indian Head is about a 5-6 hour drive from here. Winter has started so not the best time for a sale.
  2. I could use decent front wheel well trim...the challenge is remembering which side...I already have a spare for the good side. I may get out to where the car is within a week to verify.
  3. Interesting. I wouldn't have considered a Chev nor Pontiac as "luxury" though. To each his own.
  4. Maybe I'm sorry for making the original suggestion. I don't follow these cars and parts closely enough to know the average monetary value...I was just confirming that the GS with dual quads was an incredible value since just one piece of it would be valued in the range of twice what was paid for the car (based upon a comment following mine). I'm one of those who still manages to buy a car, then spend lots getting it up to snuff. I did that again this fall, but haven't yet written up the story...it turned out to have more rust than I thought to look for. Still a neat car that will one day bring some grins. If if only I didn't have other commitments on the weekend and the auctions were close...then again, I'd have been in dog house territory after doing so.
  5. Yay! It arrived yesterday (Monday). Of course that meant I didn't get to spend time with it. Happily I perused a copy when I was down to Minnesota a couple weeks ago.
  6. Simple...the honey-do list grew and the fitty-fos languished.
  7. Thanks. I knew my '23 was reverse and my '29 conventional but wasn't sure of the change year.
  8. I thought Wiinipeggers were cheap. Two auctions in Iowa with rock bottom pricing. Wouldn't just the dual carb assembly of that GS have the value that car sold for? I don't have a Riviera in my collection and it looks like this might have been a good place to change that. That said, until I rearrange things, there isn't much in the way of storage space any more.
  9. What year did the shift pattern change? I knew it once, but have forgotten....
  10. They varied a bit through the years. Special alway had three ventiports and Roadmaster always had four. In 1953, Buicks had the teardrop shaped headlight door. In 1952 they had Chrome fins on top of the rear fenders.
  11. Gotta use something old...no space for a turkey in the engine bay of anything modern...even a turkey breast wouldn't fit in many.
  12. The John/Jon connection. I will have to make a list and deal with it when I get on the computer. I was really tempted by the car Jon had for sale in Allentown.
  13. Friday afternoon was the end of the "old" Buick driving season as I drove a manual brake Reatta to the country for the winter. We need to completely deal with the brakes in the spring. I still have a few things that need dealing with for winterization. I did manage to put the snow blower on the tractor...that's always a bit of a bear.
  14. Not to change the topic but metro fiction was introduced in Canada in 1970, and then like all government projects, took decades to implement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication_in_Canada It just seemed to me that 1967 was a bit early...then again, the length of time it took meant I would have grown up with the conversion regardless. It seems I'm one of a small generation here that is "fluent" in both systems. I never really got Fahrenheit but am more comfortable with Imperial lengths.
  15. Repair without authorization is wrong. That said, I'm no lawyer so don't know if you have any recourse. My my first red flag is the use of the phrase "restoration shop". I think that is code for charging multiple times what a mechanic might. While these aren't common, there are still a decent number of mechanics out there who can do the brake work and such. If you haven't already, do a search online, possibly including eBay for the brake parts and that will tell you whether or not you were gouged. While the rear end may have required work by a specialized shop, it may not have been the most economical way to transport especially if you paid for an employee to sit around and wait. That's what courier services are for. Unfortunately, you may be in a position of having a mechanic's lien put on the car if you refuse to pay.
  16. Happily I got the opportunity to thumb through a copy this weekend...didn't do much reading. I did a lot more driving than reading.
  17. Gotta love those Estate Wagons for hauling "stuff".
  18. I don't know if I recall seeing you without a cigar...perhaps when eating....
  19. So tempting to hook the trailer to the truck and wander down...that said, it looks like I may already have a car spending the winter in the trailer, so until I get more organized, there's not really any space at the inn. I could use some of those tools and such I'm sure...happily, it is far enough away to temper the temptation.
  20. Well, the Wildcat went out to the country place today and got put away for the season. It was a nice drive...mix of sun and clouds today. The yellow / green shrubs in the background are some of our semi-sweet cherries. Since we had trees go down this summer I've been spending a bunch of time with the chainsaw. Today was a cleanup day...can you tell the ash from the Russian olive?
  21. Monday? That's optimistic for me. Today I will play with a Buick rather than looking online. That said, I am looking forward to receiving it and going through it. The trip created a lot of new memories.
  22. None here yet...moving the Wildcat to the country today. Will hopefully be able to get a decent shot but most of the leaves are down here, not that we get the brilliant colour that JD does.
  23. Love the Ionia Body shot...the single tone cars would seem to be too pale to be my car though.
  24. My perspective has gotten to the point of view that a running car is worth at least $1000. Desirability and condition then come into play in adding value. That's just me though.
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