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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Beautiful. If you ever get tired of the car key me know. She Who Must Be Obeyed wants a 1933. Have you tried Waldrons? I can't speak for '33 but I know they have the specs to make a good correct exhaust for the 1929 Buick. Good luck. For the time being I'd leave the car as a survivor.
  2. It could also be a primer for a tour at next year's national meet.
  3. Yup, that interior looks original to me...much like my '75 in a different colour. I seem to remember a hullabaloo surrounding the Iltis...contract signed for a light duty vehicle when that wasn't what our under-equipped land forces needed. Have a Fabulous Friday birthday Matt!
  4. Oh so tempting. I think there's a bit too much on my plate right now. Good luck. If it was local I'd be hard-pressed not to buy.
  5. Nah...that photo is from a time when men were men and worker's comp wasn't even a gleam in some beurocratic minded politician.
  6. Prompted by the sign in the first post, I did some important research. http://www.angelfire.com/rant/punkmoore/Blatz/history.html based on the historical buildings involved, this would make for an interesting tour next July. Since Leinenkugel comes into play, it makes it a more interesting tour.
  7. Looked more purple to me...which was also considered a royal colour. Amman, Jordan as the location. Mish-mash of colours, tinted windows, unfinished areas...not for me.
  8. As I understand it, availability was a key factor back in the day. Keep in mind also that when wood was used in bodies, auto technology and design was moving rapidly. I don't expect the designers and engineers were necessarily too concerned about the condition of the wood 80+ years later. Joel - thanks for the lumber lesson.
  9. The one we went through was quite well lit, so headlights didn't do much (tail lights so the folks behind see you probably more critical). I don't recall if I took my clip-ons off or not...putting them back on is a two handed operation. Leaving, I was in the passenger seat.
  10. Nova Scotia is quite lovely. The map is a bit amusing...just a road around the edge is pretty much it. If you fly over (or look at a satellite view) it makes sense. It isn't necessarily easy to get from one place to another. Suzanne's brother is outside Halifax and I've got some Acadian roots. I li never seem to have the simple things I would need for a repair. Crimping tool, splices, and wire ends can take care of some electrical issues. A good knife to deal with hoses. CAA / AAA card.
  11. I took the Wildcat out to a show & shine this afternoon. I was too late to get it in the show but enjoyed walking around seeing some different cars than I normally do and taking advantage of store special on Meguiars products. Once i I got tired of that I went further afield to look at a '96 Riviera for sale. It was fun but the car may need more than I want to put into it especially since I haven't seen bills for the '29 yet.
  12. Tunnel vision in Pennsylvania...this was a new experience for us flatlanders.
  13. I agree on the Avista...a very attractive car...that Buick has said they won't build. Sigh. Great shots John. It really was good seeing you again this year and I'm looking forward to Wisconsin next year...not quite a day drive for us, but one of the shorter drives.
  14. Ghostbusters at the Volo. I have some photos from the mini-golf and go-carts in Wisconsin Dells, but I'm not sure how interesting that is...Suzanne did go for a ride. We also found a Famous Dave's for lunch there...good stuff. I think that's pretty much it. I thought we had some photos from Gateway Classic Cars Chicago showroom, but it doesn't seem to be so. There's no photos on our camera and Teresa says she didn't bring hers in. Oh well. I suppose Joseph likely has some on his phone.
  15. Visiting Tony Bult in Wisconsin. Low BCA number, and '29 expert extraordinaire. He took Teresa and I for a ride in his 29-55 and insisted I drive back to the house...only a little embarrassing. His car is the same chassis length as mine, but mine is an open car and my car is supposed to be the same colour as his - Ledo Green and Boise Green. He's a wealth of knowledge and I hope to be able to glean more from him in the future as work progresses on my '29.
  16. From the time Suzanne and the boys spent at the Volo Museum.
  17. Here's some more...or not...I'm running up against the max total size for upload...is that per thread? Will it reset if I wait a bit? Sigh.
  18. I was chastised / reminded that I'd promised photos so here goes. Included in this set are the last time the three amigos were together, unloading and sunset in Elkhart, IN, and Lake Erie at Port Clinton, OH on the way home.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions all. Yes I understand the later Rivs are better, but John_S got it. She was born in '96 so wants a '96. Corvettes can't be shown at BCA meets.... Carla, it's good to hear from a recent owner...it's a shame about the collision. To see, one must first look and be attentive.
  20. Hmm...the correct year for "She Who Must Be Obeyed". Better not tell her about it.
  21. Grin. I have hosted a couple local tours on a Labour Day weekend and some Gopher State Chapter members came up to join a few local BCA members. It was fun. Suzanne getting sick threw a wrench in that a few years back...we had been doing it every other year and I've been getting some pressure to resurrect it.
  22. My daughter has started her automotive wish list and she would like a car the same age as her. In poking around at Buick offerings from 1996, the Roadmaster doesn't really appeal for this purpose, so I did some research on the coupes. That leads us to the Riviera, Regal (available as a Gran Sport) and Skylark (also available as Gran Sport). ive found these aren't that plentiful. There's a local Riviera, but the seller hasn't gotten back to me (and I may want to keep that one for myself). There's a customized Regal in Minnesota, and a decent looking Regal Gran Sport in Iowa (again may want to keep this for myself). I honestly don't know how ready we are to make a deal, but I thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone perhaps has one or knows of one that might be available. She he doesn't have the money, but that doesn't stop me from getting a relatively modern, fuel efficient Buick that could one day wind up as hers.
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